The History of Bethesda Game Studios

The History of Bethesda Game Studios

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@shanemahler6830 - 14.01.2024 00:24

It's hard to disagree when people say Morrowwind is best. Perhaps I would agree with that statement due to it being the first I played... tho Morrowwind, Oblivion, and Skyrim are all great, and I've spent hours playing all of them. Great video!

@TruetoCaesar - 13.01.2024 09:07

If only Todd never stepped into that building

@w-dad4040 - 04.01.2024 18:42

Its all clear now. Rehash FO4 into a crap multiplayer experience rife with microtransactions and battle passes and expensive dlc...... to fund Starfield's completion. Lolz

@arce5473 - 31.12.2023 02:25

Funny how they joke about "not using color green in Fallout 3 except for the HUD" and then slapping a green filter to the whole game lol

@bansheebacklash3730 - 12.12.2023 03:51

Its funny, going back and watching this video 5 years later. I remember when NoClip was working on these, we were leading up to Fallout 76. I was so excited. I'd been playing Bethesda games for years, I had probably thousands of hours spread across Morrowind, Skyrim, Fallout 3, 4 and New Vegas. The design of their games, and the engines they were built on, were starting to show their age. But it wasnt the end of the world. If they innovated a little bit, invested into the tech, surely they could catch up and wow us all with their creativity.

Then Fallout 76 burned me. I was in the crowd at QuakeCon singing "Country Roads" with everyone else. "Multiplayer Fallout? FUCK YEAH!" How many years had we been begging for that? And then it dropped, and it was a shitty, barely functional, grindy, overly monetized piece of crap. I think that was the last time I ever let myself get hype for a game release, with the exception of Doom Eternal.

Now, Starfield dropped, and didnt even get so much of a mention at The Game Awards. I don't think they were even nominated for anything. Bethesda has fallen so incredibly far in my eyes, and it makes me very sad.

If you're still a lifelong fan of their games, good for you man. The older stuff still holds up; I'll still go back and boot Skyrim up, or jump back into New Vegas. I wont go so far as some have said, accusing them of being lazy, or greedy. I think they do still want to make great games, that passion and creativity is there. But something has got to give. The development process needs to be overhauled, and they need to either heavily invest in tech to upgrade the current engine, or rip off the bandaid and migrate to something else entirely. Being owned by Microsoft is gonna help them weather a lot of storms, but if they have a third major dud in a row (moreso if you count stuff maybe by their other studios like Arkane), it aint gonna be pretty.

@alexisdumas84 - 11.12.2023 06:03

It's so sad to me Starfield didn't turn out very good*, because no one else makes the kind of games BGS does. Detailed, lovingly crafted worlds that are also a truly gigantic, flexible sandbox where everything is simulated to a much higher degree than in most other games (and sure that comes with bugs, but honestly idc, it comes with the territory). So I want them to make good games, so I can play more in their unique worlds, and so they're successful and get to keep making games. Also, because BGS actually did listen and improve several things in Starfield versus F4 and Skyrim, like bringing back more RPG mechanics, and so I'm worried this game not doing as well as they'd hoped might send them the wrong message and they might backslide again, blaming the lack of success on actually good things.

* according to the 63% mixed on Steam and the reviews I've seen at least, mostly because they forgot what made their open worlds good in the first place — a detailed hand crafted, internally coherent world with lots of unique things to find and environmental storytelling — in favor of empty scale, and went for a really bland setting.

@westonsaathoff2779 - 06.12.2023 09:47

To me starfield was Bethesda's first true misstep

@westonsaathoff2779 - 06.12.2023 09:35

skyrim, zelda tears of the kingdom, minecraft my top 3 :)

@ebrightjustin96 - 22.11.2023 00:29

I love men

@MrGreyScreen - 21.11.2023 22:29

What an absolute flop starfield was.

@kg_canuck - 17.11.2023 13:55

Whatever you want to say about Bethesda "letting their community fix their games", there's a reason we're willing to do that, there's something uniquely special about them. If they weren't worth it, people wouldn't still be making amssive modpacks for F4, Skyrim, and even older titles

@Zilla-bl7nh - 16.11.2023 01:03

Dear Bethesda , I completed the wedding ring mission in starfield I feel abused by you. I paid 70 bucks to escape the crap going on. And you throw gays crap at me. You really that desperate you have to legitimize these deviant freaks. I’ll never buy a Bethesda game again. Zila

@ottone2863 - 26.10.2023 14:39

Also versus versus may not be so bad for you know. A chess border, whatever. And it's hell, primal versus intellectual culminated. So it's not like it's a bad. Versus. It's a pretty good verse. And then we also get Uno the homed. Either one would take the same path when exploiting 1 another. They only have what they have to give.

@ottone2863 - 26.10.2023 13:14

I hope You know, to look. Reset the most twisted version. You know how Alex relives today? Well, we could make a temple thing that grows. Born of the suffering through the Oregon energy. You know, like a doom. Since it came from the suffering of Alex, show me right? All the mimics become him inside the demon's eyes, I guess. It's when decided Routines finally are evil to contain their acts within the preserved colony where the experiments are being conducted. I imagine a way for them to be born when they're made into tax. And there's put them into a board that they are gone in To manifest the energy suffix. Of its cycle of suffering inside the colony, they secretly feed the mimics being tested. And when they come out, the demon that seats with them shows them to be A Tack

@jakeralph2011 - 20.10.2023 08:52

Watching this has me so excited for TES VI. Luckily I'm a patient guy 👴

@ImSimCook - 20.10.2023 03:35

That fork and knife glitch wouldn’t have survived as a “glitch” at Arkane. It would’ve been a feature the next day.

@schwolmart - 03.10.2023 02:30

Oof fallout 76. Not as interested in the doc when I heard it (if mildly) centers around it

@madzangels - 02.10.2023 20:42

American's aren't allowed to take pictures of their own capital buildings LOL


@archietanakastream7672 - 02.10.2023 07:18

Нью Вегас на 3 головы выше вашей пресной херни Фаллаут 3

@Kurt-mu6ng - 01.10.2023 17:54

Doom was garbage. I want my money back

@inonomusmedia8849 - 28.09.2023 17:57

Please remake Morrowind. That game as a 14-year-old holds so many memories. I remember I would burn through games and one day at the game store the employee whom I had gotten to know very well asked what I was looking for today. I said something to sink my teeth in and get lost. He recommended Morrowind. I bought it, ran home, and played for an hour - literally stealing and grabbing every little thing and noticed I was over-encumbered. I had zero idea what that was and shelved the game. 2 weeks later after delving into a crevices of the internet at the time I learned enough to get the basics. Booted it up - stole the Sword of White Woe using my 30 seconds of invisibility and then dumped 500 hours into it. Put the map poster on my wall - wasted so much printer ink. Got my brothers obsessed with just watching me play (this led to them following my adventures on all the Dark Souls games and other Bethesda titles too). Those memories of late nights with my brothers, a thousand-page home-printed guide, and 2-litre bottle of cherry coke forged my love for games. The camaraderie, the challenge, the music, the characters, and all the hidden things that can be uncovered. Goddamn - I wish I had a PC to play the modded remastered version. Long live Vvardenfell - until we meet again my old friend - and always watch for the dude who falls out of the sky - he had some dope stuff on him. Shame he didn't realize levitation wore off.

@trolltroll5931 - 26.09.2023 22:16

I live for BGS games. And Witcher 3.

@infernaldaedra - 26.09.2023 10:41

Bethesda makes legendary open world games

@Hito343 - 24.09.2023 22:55

I just love Skyrim so much, I have hundreds of hours in that game trying to explore and find every piece and even after 10 years I still manage to find something new, the mod community adds so much content into the game as almost every playthrough is a different experience. Nothing beats a late Fall or a Christmas eve with cup of coffee and Skyrim.

@thunderwarrior1759 - 24.09.2023 16:41

Fallout 3 was the game that got me back into RPG’s since my early childhood when i owned a ZX-81. I’d only ever been in love with playing arcade games,i owned consoles and enjoyed Resident Evil’s and games such as Scarface and obviously GTA but Fallout 3 opened up a whole new world for me and I’ll be forever grateful

@cookdislander4372 - 24.09.2023 07:46

Space exploration on foot lmao.

@SpencerByers - 22.09.2023 05:48

Kinda sucks they allocated such little time to talk about new Vegas

@gimoon0125 - 20.09.2023 03:37

They are fucking up the details

@TrippyMane405 - 18.09.2023 10:59

New Vegas is their best game

@jamesfield1674 - 16.09.2023 23:52

This deserves all the sweetrolls

@kii8936 - 15.09.2023 19:09

F3 FNV and Skyrim are last normal games from Bethesda.F4 and Startfeld are big failure. I don't play in their games.Too much boring.

@brn2579 - 14.09.2023 07:03

I'm one of those weirdos, the only Bethesda game I've played is Dark Corners of the Earth.

@EvansRG78 - 12.09.2023 23:10

Very in depth reflection on Bethesda; but you skipped Elder Scrolls Online entirely (unless I missed a part) which is where Bethesda has continued to update and refresh with new content. Any reason why?

@niskopol - 11.09.2023 18:02

Thanks again for making theses videos it's a very interresting way of approching video game and every video make me win respect for the developper and enjoying the littles detais in the game i play :)

@mysticstylez19991 - 11.09.2023 03:35

I was talking a lot of shit about starfield but then I played it for 5 hours straight last night

I'm sorry Todd

@thejustinjustin1233 - 10.09.2023 06:15

It makes complete sense that xbox acquired Bethesda. The synergy between the two combined with history just makes sense. Starfield continues that synergy and I’m happy to say that despite the haters, it’s an amazing game for those who have patience and a love for the genre.

@Ratamahataable - 09.09.2023 13:57

Starfield is big shit!!!!!!! THX! ;) Bethesda sucks

@ALiberalVeteran - 09.09.2023 11:20

I never left Blockbuster without renting a game, and I rememeber seeing this janky little gold and black game called Morrowind and went home to play and was just blown away. Became an instant Bethesda fan, that day. I still remember that, I was maybe 12-13.

@elijahbowers1 - 08.09.2023 21:46

Morrowind is the reason I fell in love with Bethesda games. I still remember playing it on my original Xbox. I would just sit down start up the system and suddenly 4 hours gone. I love it to this day.

@cuyxjrplays - 08.09.2023 10:23

can't wait for elder scrolls 6 until i am dead

@tyren868 - 07.09.2023 21:17

I’m here from the Future, Starfield came out and it’s awesome. Sea levels are rising though from all the salty sony tears

@stevoswag95 - 06.09.2023 18:33

no mention of eso 😆

@davidholmes7830 - 06.09.2023 01:35

Fallout 4 for Nintendo switch please 🙏

@PrateekParihar - 04.09.2023 11:34

Skyrim is always my favourite one, I keep coming back to it in curosity of completing every task. In this video they haven't talked much about the Soundtrack of Skyrim that is also a huge part of game success. Huge credit to "Jeremy Soule".

@accordingto27 - 02.09.2023 23:11

Watching this while starfield downloads 🤙🏽

@michubern1444 - 02.09.2023 15:36

All i see is a liar

@thepuppycrusher986 - 01.09.2023 15:58

Bethesda is the worst video game company in history. Every game is glitched. Every update and patch is glitched. They need to let more competent game developers take the reins. I would love to see an actual decent version of elder scrolls and fallout one day.

@Brakballe - 01.09.2023 10:54

F4 in 2015: lets fuck it up MAX with bugs and no care and it still sells... 2023 rinse and repeat...

@ElasticSparrow - 30.08.2023 08:16

Morrowind is the greatest game!
