i poop with my butt.
Ответитьgamers are provably superior in alot of ways to non gamers but not all and blah blah blah...
ОтветитьI’m so glad my parents actually understand how games work, even if they’re not good at playing they still understand the modern concepts.
ОтветитьThis can't be for runs into this...this is weird .
Ответить10. That seems more like a sibling issue than a gamer vs. non-gamer issue.
9. lol "that's the give it back to me button", yeah if they don't even know the controls they probably shouldn't start out with what might be the hardest level in a game. If you want to let them play something, I'd say start them out with something easier once you're done with what you're doing.
8. My retort to that statement would simply be, nothing is a waste of time if you're having fun doing it. People can spend their spare time however they please so long as they're not hurting anyone else.
7. Yeah it's a stereotype that maybe for some people rings true but not for most. Video games can be enjoyed in moderation just like any other hobby.
6. Maybe Sony should start doing what Nintendo does with its cartridges and put bittering agents on their discs lol, in all seriousness though people should just learn to be respectful of other peoples' personal belongings, don't touch anything that's not yours without permission, games or otherwise.
5. I think the confusion stems from them not knowing that you're paying for additional content, not just paying for the exact same game again. Maybe you could liken it to paying for something else additional to help them understand, like paying for extra deluxe songs after you buy a music album.
4. Yeah going beyond just the topic of games, I don't understand people who have that sort of mindset of you're not allowed to do anything fun once you're an adult. On the contrary, I think BECAUSE you're an adult, you have EVERY RIGHT to do whatever fun thing you want. Again, as long as you're not hurting anyone else. One of the main perks of adulthood is that you have more FREEDOM to do what you want. Of course, with that freedom comes responsibility, but as long as you're making your own money and paying for your own things, no one else has any right to tell you what you can and can't do in your spare time.
3. There's nothing weird about watching other people play video games. While I usually prefer just playing games myself, there may be occasional times when I also watch videos of other people playing them.
2. Absolutely agree with that. Like you said, there can be generalized life lessons that you learn playing most games, plus depending on the specific game you might actually learn specific knowledge about a topic too.
1. Yeah, probably just about everyone has some sort of recreational thing they care a lot about, and would be upset about if something went wrong with it.
I pretty much agree with everything except actively watching other people play video games. It's pretty incomparable watching people who are at the physical peak of what a human can be playing a sport at the highest level vs watching some schmo play video games. Not to mention they tend to be such losers. A lot more people are nearly/as good at video games as those people who play competitively than there are people nearly/as good as people in any pro sport.
ОтветитьSaw a great T-Shirt that said "I'm not a gamer because I have no life, I'm a gamer because I choose to have many."
ОтветитьI've had situations where somebody screamed at me You're wasting your life as i'm playing a d s walking down
ОтветитьI used the nfs 1 in a report on super cars. Used the menus of the car specs as my reference.
ОтветитьYup totally relate to number one. Drives me crazy when someone says that to me.
ОтветитьAs someone who has motor skill issues I've had develop new learning methods with my medical team. My neurologists have actually noticed marked improvements in my motor function due to gaming. So I can officially say it's GOOD FOR MY HEALTH. therefore it doesn't fry my brain.
ОтветитьMy parents used to try to limit my computer-use because they thought it was bad for me--this was the 19080s and home computers were still relatively rare--and tried to limit my TV naturally I became a CGI artist working in games and movies.
ОтветитьOne of my friends accidentally salvaged all my stuff in mc dungeons wasted all my ammo money and items in far cry 5. Just today he deleted my save on subnautica (it was a save with 257 hrs)
Ответитьheres something you should say to a gamer, your wasting more then just time
Ответитьto hell with History most games make you read if they didn't i wouldn't be able to so thanks you final fantasy , there are also games that force you to break out your math skills and others make you think way beyond phases one
best example for High IQ gaming any nugget management, battle sims and a name drop game that push you into learning everything Oxygen not included these are a few things that make you a bit smarter
hell theres a guy that stole a plain and was able to pilot it all because he learned how to off a game he obsessed over
my mother told me that minecraft kills your creative brain
Ответить2001- "You'll never amount to anything playing videogames."
Present- "kid can make 2k a week in fortnite"
Number 5: Stop beating my ribcage with a metal pipe, it hurts! Ouch!
ОтветитьYou dont learn anything when playing games... the brain power "braindead" FPS games takes at high level is insane, then there is lots and lots of "puzzle" games, like Factorio etc.
ОтветитьSorry but the radio is awesome it makes you use your imagination
Ответить"it is just a game"
Yeah, nothing gets me foaming at the mouth like that does.
assassins creed 3 literally helped me in a School history class lmao
ОтветитьI've never had people think I was buying a game again by buying DLC. I however, have had people think I was buying a sequel
Ответитьpeople asking me why do you play kids games i got asked that when someone saw a copy of Spyro the dragon reignited trilogy and Minecraft on my Xbox and there is kids right now playing GTA 5 its just game
ОтветитьThere was a study done that playing Portal 2 - a thoroughly enjoyable and excellent game - raises your IQ more than IQ test training.
ОтветитьI don't get those comments about playing computer games, or board games for that matter, but I do for roller-skating. In UK I heard a lot of really aggressive comments, usually mocking, sometimes actual violence such as trying to trip me up or knock me into the road full of fast traffic just because I happened to be wearing roller skates outside. Or general mockery, "[Being happy] is just for kids! Grow up!" said on their way to the pub to spend all their hard earned cash on doing something to help them forget how miserable they are having to earn all that hard-earned cash in order to drink it all away. Infinite loop much?
It was different in the South of France when I lived there, most people didn't even notice me, or sometimes people would cheer and make happy sounds.
Here in Philippines it's different again. Most people are either curious or totally amazed. It can be a bit dangerous when cars slow down so the driver can video you! Or something someone will tell their friends "I want to try that!" ]yun ang gusto ko talaga!]
It's funny how different cultures are.
I'm happy I'm not the only one who tasted my disk
ОтветитьI always loved the, "Let me try" on Ninja Gaiden games. 🙂
ОтветитьI think when pll say its just a game they mean its sometimes not worth getting work up and pissed off i have done that on gta online only to reelize that maybe just maybe i was makeing it sose by lose my shit and fliping out on the trolling player tholler me in gta online i mean their likly looking to get a rise out of u by pushing yr buttons to see if u tick if u no whst i mean so tben pll say its just a game they probably mean its not like if die in a video game online or offline its a big bc the gret thing about video games online or offline is u just restart again if u die u can just respon in online or if u die in a sigel player game u restart at a older save restart at a chackpoint i no not all games had chackpoints bk in the day but mean the games now most games have auto save and everytime yr at a chckpoint the audto save save the game file for u so sometimes when pll say its just a game it really is just a game anyways pll say in g5a online that pll taje the way to seriously like think gta online is like real life
Ответить"Do somthing constructive or your time" says the person who scroll on facebook to a gamer...
ОтветитьI think falcon had a bad day. Can everyone just check on him make sure he took his meds or whatever? Real talk theres been so many life altering events recently, lets just please find a safe, legal release valve....
ОтветитьSomeone said while playing dark souls for the first time where's the quest marker
Ответить"Don't say that word"
ОтветитьI used FedEx on all my ps2 cd as a kid all were destroyed by the wedex evry gods game Iv made two utube about how u shouldn't use wendex
ОтветитьWhen they call you overly sensitive when a game makes you cry
Yea well how about you play the last of us or red dead 2 from start to finish and try not to cry 😭
I have never felt so vindicated. I have some people I'm going to share this with 😂
ОтветитьHalo taught me about heretics and, also this video seems like therapy for falcon.... it's gonna be okay bud
ОтветитьI feel like falcon is coming from a really personal place on this video. There’s some stuff that I’m like not relating to lol
Ответить"You won't get a job playing games all the time"
Me now with a job my own home, and time to play games
My mom was part of the how do I put this quarters generation where are you? Got three lives in a video game and you were done so I’d be playing a video game that you need to get to a safe point and she would say that last game and that’s not at all how that game works. And then she’d get mad because she assumed I used up all my games and restarted even though once again that’s not how that game works.
ОтветитьCalling a nintendo switch a gameboy / brick game, calling a cd a tape, calling a playstation a nintendo
ОтветитьAnnoying part is you went inside the kitchen to cook some snacks and then your mom suddenly turned off your playstation when you were not able to save your stats. You ask your mom why you shut down the playstation and then she said no one is playing, we need to budget our electricity.. But seriously? You just went inside the kitchen to make snacks or grab some water. 😅
ОтветитьWhy do you play video games, you're an adult?
Me looking at my game library where at least 80% of my games are rated M for Mature (18+)
Playing racing games like Forza and Gran Turismo, got me confident in getting my license.
ОтветитьHow many players of Diablo or Doom have been accused of Satanic practices (up to and including actual real secular crimes) because of their entertainment choices?
ОтветитьNumber 8 is literally my dad