5 Parenting Styles and Their Effects on Life

5 Parenting Styles and Their Effects on Life


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MishMashMosh - 21.09.2023 15:13

Over simplified!!

Lcd神Terenc2 - 21.09.2023 11:34

How about the Asian style

Cats are lit
Cats are lit - 21.09.2023 04:16

My parents are smack dab in the middle of the helicopter and authoritarian

Anth anth
Anth anth - 20.09.2023 06:29

I grew up in a single parent household and my dad had authoritarian style parenting. I consciously wanted to be not like him. I have got kids now and both me and my husband gives clear boundaries to our kids and always gives the kids to make a choice after explaining the good and bad side of things. Surprisingly they make the right choices almost every time. Never say “no” to anything without a proper reason or explanation worked really well for us.

Nis - 19.09.2023 21:49

Situational theory will be applicable

tired aritst
tired aritst - 19.09.2023 07:39

I feel like my parents are all of these. They change depending on the situation..... Which style is that?

NIkki - 19.09.2023 06:59

Everything depends on the child you have. When you have a baby it’s like getting a cute box with a ? Mark on it. You don’t know how their personalities, drive, etc will be one things for sure what we do to raise them will have a great influence. 😂 I have a 4 month old and I’m like: hmm I’m pretty sure I did this on sonic adventure 2 battle with the chaos in the chao garden

Miguel Angel Tinoco Rodriguez
Miguel Angel Tinoco Rodriguez - 18.09.2023 21:43

I don’t fit any particular pattern in particular, nor like any as such, if a choice os given, but a combination of all the five factors. This report is also inconclusive because in this particular case, the number of factors do alter the product. A one or two parents family, one or more kids. Environmental and economic factors. It would be better to categorize parenting as simple, complex, compound and compound complex as in a hierarchy of attributes and qualities. What the doc did to systematically dissect and categorize parenting is nice, it is smart and a good beginning but much more work is needed ro settle. After all, each family has traits of all nations and all cultures or the lack thereof.

Maggie Tsou
Maggie Tsou - 18.09.2023 06:45

I like how authoritarian depicts an Asian family

GXO - 17.09.2023 21:58

My mom was permissive and dad very authoritarian. As a child it was difficult to understand why my mom always seemed so fun, nice and loving whereas my dad was very strict and cold. I honestly wish I had both parents as something in between those two, so they wouldn't be over controlling, but would discipline me when necessary.

I started drinking and smoking at the age of 15 and became a HS dropout. I hid most of my substance abuse from my parents but the school stuff was obviously not possible to hide. My dad was furious with me but didn't try to help. My mom tried to help, but I feel she was kind of excusing my stupid decisions, like the dropping out.

I'm in my early 20s now and I feel like an idiot, I have learning difficulties and I'm behind everyone in life. I think it's more the lifestyle I fell into that caused this than my parents, but I think my parents could've prevented the alcoholism etc. so... yeah.

I love my parents tho, I do not blame them for my own failures and mistakes in life.

Ana - 17.09.2023 09:11

Very interesting to be able observe in ourselves and our family those traits.

Shark 1753
Shark 1753 - 17.09.2023 06:39

The 4th one isnt even parenting at that point

Катюша Е
Катюша Е - 15.09.2023 13:40

Balance is better in everything

Bilo Collection
Bilo Collection - 14.09.2023 19:57

Great breakdown of parenting styles! 👏 How can we strike the right balance between being demanding and responsive as parents to ensure our children develop both independence and emotional strength?

Ellen Brucker Marshall
Ellen Brucker Marshall - 14.09.2023 14:41

Apply this theory forward to work and employment to understand how leadership-followership plays out.

There is a need for “different strokes for different folks” in the same situation. An advanced application of Hersey & Blanchard’s Situational Leadership model.

Youtube Shorts
Youtube Shorts - 10.09.2023 04:12

Wait what is the right one?

That Girl Reacts
That Girl Reacts - 10.09.2023 00:17

What are you talking about? There is no link for a free master class on attachment parenting in the description box.

Zahra Ali
Zahra Ali - 09.09.2023 17:40

There are more than 5 its a never ending big list.and every child is different as well. Result is not the same .

NinaNostalgia - 09.09.2023 13:52

The permissive parenting are my favourite but the downfall is that the child grows to be very careless of responsibility and consciousness. All the other parenting styles are my least favourite parentings.

NOM NOM^^! - 09.09.2023 04:48

Why am I crying?

Ella 🤭
Ella 🤭 - 09.09.2023 03:28

What about the parents that are nice sometimes but yell and lecture when you have a crush on someone, thinks it’s funny when you’re mad, and are barely supportive in your own ideas

bella - 08.09.2023 12:42

both my mom and dad were neglectful in different ways even though the were separated my entire life. My mom wasn’t around much growing up and when she was, she was sleeping. I remember a handful on meals she cooked for me after I reached 6 or 7. She wasn’t awful, just bi-polar and an addict. I saw my dad every other weekend. We were really close growing up but that was because his only responsibilities with me were getting a fun weekend with his daughter where he could spoil me for two days and send me back home. I moved in with him at 14 because of my mothers issues. Obviously it was an incredible uncomfortable time in my life. He’s never not provided for me so I feel weird saying he was neglectful, but at the same time he had to work so much to support me and himself that he was gone before I woke up, and back when I was going to bed. I had ultimate freedom and zero supervision throughout all of high school. We spoke at most an hour a day with maybe one phone call in the middle. I was never home, instead at my best friends house or some trap house for days a piece. I can say that this video got the neglectful parents outcome on their children down 100%. I grew up painting and loving art. I would make my dad projects but he would give them back to me, things like that. I gave up pretty much everything I liked. Feeling shame and embarrassment for trying to create anything. Now at 18 I’m a mess. Barely graduated high school after flunking every year with straight Ds. Severely depressed like I don’t get out of bed all day. Unemployed. I have no idea what I want or how to do it. Shits tough. I have my dad to look up to and my mothers mistakes to learn from, but I’ve got no life skill’s except for boredom cleaning and cooking. It’s rough. 🤷‍♀️

broke lemone
broke lemone - 07.09.2023 17:31

Bro I am a combination of all these children and I can’t define one style for my parents

Luca Duva
Luca Duva - 05.09.2023 16:25

Nora i feel you so much. What should we do?

AdrianaMS - 04.09.2023 02:25

When I was a kid (around 4-8), I had an authoritarian mom and a neglecting dad (because he was always working, starting so early before I woke up and coming home so late when I was already asleep). When I started my teenager years (9-13) they both become authoritative/neglective parents because "now I had enough maturity and I didn't need to be supervised all the time". And after that (14-17), they started to be permissive parents and when sometimes I talk about how they were authoritarian parents, they say that they were never like that and that they were always "cool parents" like this.

byron lemay
byron lemay - 01.09.2023 15:58

Full neglect here. My mother was schizophrenic and the father bailed soon after I was born. I grew up in feral poverty...no rules, no guidance, nothing. Fortunately, I turned out real good. As bad as it was for me, I always noticed other kids that seemed to have it worse...and by worse I mean they made it harder on themselves with behavioral problems. Anger, violence, vandalism, lack of respect for adults or other kids, filth. I'm the oldest of 4 all born close together...all of us with different fathers. My sister came out fine but has self esteem issues...my two younger brothers didn't make it. The childhood destroyed them. Parenting comes with immense responsibility...I'm 60 now and never married or had any kids.

Dey Radiance
Dey Radiance - 28.08.2023 20:06

It's funny how the asian parents are authoritative, and the parents wanting to be friends with their kids are white. laugh

Jinju Kim
Jinju Kim - 28.08.2023 17:19

Hey! Thanks for the explanation!!

Mohd Shariq
Mohd Shariq - 25.08.2023 09:30

I love❤ this special, Educational Channel a lot. All the videos are so enriching, supportive, guiding and Genuinely taught. Thanks for helping us❤❤

Inner Peace Findings
Inner Peace Findings - 23.08.2023 19:07

I don't come from Good parent. The only thing i remember is my dad anger and mom cursing at me. When i grow up i will never do that to my children and give the childhood that i never got.

linda t
linda t - 23.08.2023 15:32

I think it's racist to say only asians are authoritarian..the images are sterotypical

Christine Allen
Christine Allen - 23.08.2023 03:01

Everything depends on the child, so as a parent you need to be observant.

Nope. - 22.08.2023 19:08

I was the permissive/neclectful parent- not anymore. If you see yourselves in any of these, you can break the cycle.

Branden Huffmen
Branden Huffmen - 19.08.2023 11:05

So which is it? I clicked on this video to learn how to have a better parenting style and which ones not to do but this video is stating how most of these give your child issues later in life. Bing a parent is the hardest job in the world because you have ONE shot to do it right but there's no manual on how to be the best parent for your child. I'm stressing out worrying about what's right and wrong and how i should dicipline him without giving my child anxiety but also not allowing him to walk all over me. 🤦

Andria Kristine
Andria Kristine - 16.08.2023 11:51

Parenting is like driving a car. There are several gages to look at to drive the car optimally.

Dragonlover - 15.08.2023 14:36

Nothing is more difficult than bringing up a child. And some people better not have children.

Ελένη Σαμακλή
Ελένη Σαμακλή - 15.08.2023 14:28

there is a sixth style also the narcs .......

IAN Buick
IAN Buick - 14.08.2023 17:29

then there is Grace based parenting style....

Mostafa Omar
Mostafa Omar - 14.08.2023 15:46

So Informative and such creative video

Kenny Tan
Kenny Tan - 14.08.2023 09:59

Asian authoritarian parents do not "send them to their room". :P

tony rick
tony rick - 07.08.2023 09:37

Bruh Im Sara

Jonathan Flores
Jonathan Flores - 05.08.2023 18:29

My parents were/are great

Rex Isaac
Rex Isaac - 04.08.2023 23:48

I would like 👍 to know more…😊

Parenting Planet Tips
Parenting Planet Tips - 03.08.2023 23:27

Hey there! When it comes to parenting styles, finding the right balance is key. Be loving and supportive, but don't forget to set boundaries too. Your parenting approach can have a lasting impact on your child's life. Show them empathy, communicate openly, and be a positive role model. It'll help shape their confidence, resilience, and overall happiness as they grow up. 👌🏻

CreemoreTorch - 03.08.2023 17:57

Do a video about Virginia Satir

lia agustina siahaan
lia agustina siahaan - 02.08.2023 12:18

Can't English. But I try to understand with the pictures

Deniz - 02.08.2023 10:53

How about all at once bc they are separated and can't decide how to teach their children bc both don't know whats going on on the other side.
