How to learn ANY LANGUAGE in 3 months

How to learn ANY LANGUAGE in 3 months

Sayaka Wakita

55 лет назад

6,854 Просмотров

Due to my profession as a ballerina, I've had many situations in my life where I needed to learn a new language within 3 months. Today I'm sharing the 3 biggest tips that have helped me achieve this goal — many of the times, it involves leveraging your brain aka. your best friend. Study so the memory stays in your brain🧠 Hope my tips help🤗

00:00 Intro イントロ
00:39 Take breaks 休憩をとる
01:27 Memory Consolidation 記憶を定着させる方法
02:17 Talk to Yourself Selfie Mode 独り言を言う
04:04 Journal 15 min a day 日記を書く


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