2024 PlanNet Marketing Scam Review |  Is PlanNet Marketing a Scam & Why Their Reps Fail!

2024 PlanNet Marketing Scam Review | Is PlanNet Marketing a Scam & Why Their Reps Fail!


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@littlewarrior62 - 27.01.2016 21:05

Mr. Johnson, I thank you immensely for your outstanding review. I admit that I almost prejudged your broadcast (for unsaid reasons) but I am open-minded and diligent enough to listen to what seems like common sense and plain logic. LOL
I will be subscribing to your channel. Thank you for your insight.

@anjulag8324 - 16.02.2016 06:25

ok..i just need to say i could barely understand what you were saying half the time.... @ Shawn johnson u mumble alot...omg !!!!!!1 but i got it thanks!!

@shayram89 - 17.02.2016 16:20

so this is a pyramid scheme?

@OzSaudarna - 04.04.2016 19:22

So you create a video complaining about successful people who hide their success methods only to do the same thing? There maybe something I'm missing but I remain sceptical...

@melliemel32 - 04.05.2016 17:54

Hey, thanks for this video, but it's hard to hear you, you're speaking a little quickly, with a little slur. Maybe it's the audio?

@kevin15776 - 19.12.2016 02:45

So how do I get a cheap flight and hotel package overseas without having to sign up for some marketing program?

@noksu_krx1933 - 24.12.2016 02:44

So my question is were you able to make money now since you couldnt find any members or family members? were you able to successfully find lead as much as you said? I want to join in this business but im unsure to start. give me answers?

@julietwilliams3249 - 26.12.2016 22:38

pyramid scheme written all over it.

@julietwilliams3249 - 26.12.2016 22:38

pyramid scheme written all over it.

@simoneclark9943 - 19.01.2017 16:17

thanks! I was getting discouraged

@scott200270 - 11.02.2017 11:58

franchising out the salon wouldnt be classed as a pyramid scheme as there is a product or service.. take McDonalds for instance

@biancacoley8791 - 26.02.2017 17:21

ok, there is a sign up fee and a monthly fee to be paid by me! why?

@Getbackright - 02.03.2017 06:03

I don't understand a business that doesn't sell products but looks to sell the business model. I think I will take the traditional business owner route. Unless you want to buy my business model, pay me a monthly fee and sell the model to others. It's like walking into McDonalds starving and leaving with a franchise to sell to others. Still hungry.

@thewombwarrior3587 - 30.03.2017 20:26

I am new to this company, so i have been researching the pros and cons. I feel stuck also.

@quettiageter3352 - 02.05.2017 08:35

so you have to sell the business in order to stay .? u just can't book or take trips ?

@quettiageter3352 - 03.05.2017 05:37

yess I understand .but I wudnt make any money.lol.just selling travel.well thanks I'll look to become a rep soon thanks again

@krystalfaugeaux5180 - 30.05.2017 15:38

are you still with the company?

@susanooten2824 - 07.06.2017 13:06

Are you with Intele Travel or are you with Evolution Travel?

@susanooten2824 - 07.06.2017 13:10

I was looking into Intele Travel then I ran across Evolution, I got on here so I could here there presentation and I remembered your name with Intele . I'm confused I don't know which one to go for now.

@joannab.763 - 20.06.2017 10:09

Thank you for the video, Shawn. Also, I'm glad someone mentioned not understanding you because I didn't either due to the mumbling as she said. Lol. Ok, glad there was a reason--you were half asleep lol.

Ok, here's my question: this is the 4th company I've been approached to join. I am excited about this one because I love to travel. I was told the monthly fee is for the marketing materials--website, training I guess, and I read about business cards. What I don't quite understand is the reason these companies have you pay to join. Is that so everyone already enrolled gets a portion of the registrants' fees or is it for the higher ups? WHAT is it for?? Thank you, Joanna

@joannab.763 - 20.06.2017 10:13

Oh, you also mentioned traveling and earning. Are earnings made by booking trips for others and when they book on your site?

As someone mentioned, I too, book trips for family and muself and do a great job finding affordable and low prices at very nice and even beautiful hotels. I'd LOVE to get PAID to do that! I put a LOT of time and effort into booking trips for others!
Thank you again!

@joannab.763 - 20.06.2017 10:16

LMAO!!!! Hysterical!!!! They asked you to ask your mom, dad, and the dog!!!😅😅😅

NFL!!!😅😅😅 No Friends League!!!!

@socialagapeclub6787 - 27.06.2017 03:38

Hi everyone!
I would like to say that this man, Shawn, is telling the truth. I dont know the man, Im in Dominican Republic and I did a whole bunch of research and everything that i found was A+. Im about to become the first in my country. Wish me luck ya'll. Look around, investigate, visit the company's web, etc. Visit the owners and ceo's Facebook... Nice job Shawn, im actually trying to translate everything you are saying to make a vid for my people. Best of luck!!!!

@jillsbusinessinfo5890 - 12.08.2017 20:21

Hello there I'm wanting to go into travel. I live in Salt Lake City. I'm going to be using my Bluetooth beacons two post a message to all the phones around wherever I plant it. I'm thinking places like outside the Hyatt Marriott Hilton and vacation clubs and anywhere there's large amount of traffic that are travel related. Do you think this would be a good idea? Do you guys have a great video that has a high conversion rate? That explains everything about the business? And do you use email responders at all?

@PHOENIXX954 - 31.05.2018 01:17

Whats the differecnce between the 3 plans? 19.95 179 and 199

@gumptownguh - 01.07.2018 14:28

They told u to contact the dog lol

@scottthomas8503 - 03.07.2018 15:22

If most of the money is made recruiting others, what do you do when you can't recruit more people to make $$ off of them?

@naomideleon8363 - 18.07.2018 09:19

Bla bla bla bla bla bla

@user-cx5qh9hd3y - 28.07.2018 04:41

So what about the five other companies that were shut down by same founder when said companies were a scam so open up same company under different name same practice gtfoh it's a legit business

@nathanmullen4112 - 11.09.2018 16:46

Just want everyone to know that you can call this "thing" whatever you want to.....BUT ...... as of today 9/11/18 .....1.1 MILLION IN RESIDUAL INCOME WAS PAID OUT TO US FROM PLANNET MARKETING.....SO AGAIN PLEASE CALL IT WHAT YOU MAY.....THIS IS NOT A SCAM.....ITS A SCAM IF YOU ARE NOT A PART OF THIS!!!! LET ME KNOW IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO JOIN....

@nicolejackson326 - 13.09.2018 04:02

I love it! We actually make money 4 different ways!

@kikiugyrr7499 - 26.09.2018 18:40

This is bs man plus u gotta pay a fee every month of like 29-39 dollars that’s how they make they money also it’s like a pyramid the more people that join under u that’s how u make commission it’s rarely bout selling anything. It’s bs my neighbors do this planet marketing crap n they both also have regular jobs n i don’t see them making any good money lol

@rickl7383 - 26.02.2019 06:45

I book my own travel. There's no reason to pay someone to do something that I could do myself and better. This thing is definitely a pyramid/ponzi scheme. It RELIES on recruiting others. If they stopped recruiting others, NO ONE at the bottom would get paid.

@garysimon3725 - 28.01.2020 17:13

It seems as if you bought into a company that, basically, left you ‘high and dry’. You appear to be very vague in how you achieved your ‘success’, which makes this venture seem very suspect.

@29loot - 22.07.2020 04:19

Book my own holiday why would I want anyone else doing it. What am I a child 😭

@lovelovevon4316 - 04.09.2022 07:12

What an absolute failure story!

@courtneywalker4593 - 06.02.2024 17:24

This man sound like fool

@courtneywalker4593 - 06.02.2024 17:26

There no product
