12 New Twitch Prime Skins + New Exclusive Skins Coming in Apex Legends

12 New Twitch Prime Skins + New Exclusive Skins Coming in Apex Legends

The Gaming Merchant

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The Gaming Merchant
The Gaming Merchant - 17.12.2019 18:14

It's been a while since I've made a skin update video like this one, like or dislike? Let me know!

TylerF - 29.03.2020 20:15

It's sad to know that if I would have played in season 3 I would have 5 more exclusive skins

BrownieDawg33 - 05.02.2020 09:19


Vincent Price
Vincent Price - 14.01.2020 09:39

I'm glad the Twitch Prime skins are always lackluster because I don't have Twitch Prime

Silvyya - 02.01.2020 07:11

for xbox its hard to do but you put your xbox email then go to the email then reset your password then enter then its done!

Judy G
Judy G - 28.12.2019 06:02

Im still wating until the Quarantine 722 exclusive

The Abrupt Canine
The Abrupt Canine - 26.12.2019 02:38

I am still waiting on a Flatline Supernova exclusive skin 💖

Negative 0o0
Negative 0o0 - 25.12.2019 09:56

I rlly want the red shift come back to apex is soo cool and now i have to skin for it

itsnotdarkk - 24.12.2019 09:39

Soo close to 100K

fireball6107 - 22.12.2019 22:43

When is Season 4 supposed to start? At the game's anniversary, or a little earlier/later than that?

Daniel Pina
Daniel Pina - 20.12.2019 17:04

There are news about the second Twitch Prime skin in the Twitch Prime Loot site!

Shubh Dave
Shubh Dave - 20.12.2019 00:58

Hi, I live in india and it says that I can't avail the skins. I have Amazon prime and want to get the skin and sub you too. Can anyone help(I play on the PS4)

7UFU - 19.12.2019 10:56

Has anyone been having that annoying bug where the texture quality rapidly changes from low to your current setting? Mine being 2gb.

Tim Jax
Tim Jax - 18.12.2019 19:13

Why hasn’t Wraiths Quarantine 722 get a reskin but the other skins are getting SECOND reskins?

KARMA POLICE - 18.12.2019 16:35

I’m sure they will release 1 skin every 4 months like they do legends 👎

Kenan Sahbazovic
Kenan Sahbazovic - 18.12.2019 16:03

I was thinking to pick up the quarantine wraith skin and wait for an exclusive for it, but since u said skins are now getting there 2nd recolor idk if I should just get the void specialist.

mik0z - 18.12.2019 15:11

Thats nomad ._.

basementkid669 - 18.12.2019 10:48

I like the normal speed demond

Michael Baessler
Michael Baessler - 18.12.2019 07:18

Those moves in the last gameplay there were sweet. Thanks for the video.

I Am Razor
I Am Razor - 18.12.2019 06:16

The last spartan recolour looks almost exactly the same from that picture, VERY BASIC

Rextar... and Everything Under
Rextar... and Everything Under - 18.12.2019 05:38

I won't be happy if we only get 1 legend next season. Wattson has been my favourite but I wanna learn more legends

IIjessioII - 18.12.2019 04:58

It says I collected my loot but it doesn’t show the skins on my apex account

Joker - 18.12.2019 03:42

I really want the dark artist for mirage to come back!!

michael - 18.12.2019 02:19

Bangalore is the most overlooked character, she has only ever had 3 reskins, has 1 finisher compaired to the the orginal legends who all have 2, her reskins make her look like a f ing barbi doll. SHE NEEDS NEW SKINS

Masked Panda Boy 20
Masked Panda Boy 20 - 18.12.2019 00:40

I wish we had way more character exclusive skins rather than wrapon skins but im more than happy to finally have some exclusives go to my octane legendary and golden dragon which was my first ever legendary.

Also im not sure how everyone else sees it. But I really think this octane skin looks like Michaelangelo from TMNT

Caden - 17.12.2019 23:53

hopefully the new heroes will be better crypto was very underwhelming

i_amNieves - 17.12.2019 23:53

I feel like Bangalore always get the short end of the stick for skins. She never gets any love.

Reecey Bricks
Reecey Bricks - 17.12.2019 23:51

Already got the prowler skin. It is very nice

Reecey Bricks
Reecey Bricks - 17.12.2019 23:50

Heh I put up a Reddit post asking if they were doing more

B,,_,O,,_,3 - 17.12.2019 23:28

Gaming merchant: shows game play

Gaming merchant: dies

Gaming merchant:*skips reaspawn*

Pros:*omg he so sucks*

130pawel - 17.12.2019 23:24

Do you know the flying tea cup
He makes a titanfall 2 theorys that you should watch

Archie Robertson
Archie Robertson - 17.12.2019 23:16

I really enjoyed this video also could you make more lore videos aswell

Duck Lover
Duck Lover - 17.12.2019 22:57

When is the Crypto skin (Rising Phoenix skin) coming on the shop?

stuntedmonk - 17.12.2019 22:55

Hey Merchant! Are you aware of/can you investigate the following?

I ended a game today in a one v one. I won and the last kill was the kill leader. I was Caustic and he used a quip when he kills the kill leader I don’t have in my inventory, something like “the terror in the kill leaders eyes was....” is there a quip for each character if they finish the kill leader as final enemy?

Tyree Smith
Tyree Smith - 17.12.2019 22:41

I got that one but my devil's advocate still slays

llBarcode - Gaming
llBarcode - Gaming - 17.12.2019 22:31

Does anyone know how to fix this issue I have? I originally linked apex legends on PC to my twitch prime account and then my computer died so I play on Xbox now. I have that linked too, but for some reason I don't get the twitch skins on Xbox. My friend said he gets them on both. Anyone know to fix it? I've tried re-linking it but it hasn't fixed it.

Sir Snoopsalot
Sir Snoopsalot - 17.12.2019 22:19

I really like these videos. I also like to hear your opinions on skins as well.

Z0MB1ECH1PS ! - 17.12.2019 21:54

Have they had a recolor for wattsons Strange Attractor skin yet?

Rx-7M Kasey
Rx-7M Kasey - 17.12.2019 21:54

Do you have to pay money to have Twitch Prime ?

Bot Wipes
Bot Wipes - 17.12.2019 21:51

new strat for winter express if you want to gurantee I a win wiht whatever legends unlimited shields 😁

szpinak222 - 17.12.2019 21:49

I mean, there are 12 Christmas Eve meals sooooo.... Revenant as a Christmas present drops on 24th? :D And all of the Twitch skins - imagine if that happened.

GlitzAndKam Gaming
GlitzAndKam Gaming - 17.12.2019 21:43

i know it prolly won't happen but it'd be AMAZING if they brought back the airship assassin and flashpoint wraith skins at some point. 🥺

Joshua Gonzalez
Joshua Gonzalez - 17.12.2019 20:43

What recolor was there for the gold dragon?

Legendary Skinman
Legendary Skinman - 17.12.2019 20:32

Too bad i still cant play this game. Diamond division with a 1.4 kd and EVERY pub game i play is filled with diamond and apex predators.

Nothing is being done about sbmm. Respawn is even censoring sbmm threada on reddit now theyre losing this game.

THE PROPHET —_-__ CXVII __-_— - 17.12.2019 20:26

They’ve got to give us some more gameplay content. I LOVE Apex, so don’t get me wrong, but I’ve started playing other games. Don’t tell Apex that, but I’ve been playing Halo a lot again, and a bunch of other games. I feel I could be getting bored with the game. There’s just not a lot of new stuff going on in the game. Revenant would be cool, but I’ve lost excitement. I thought he’d be the second legend in one season, but they made that clear that isn’t going to happen. One legends per 4 months isn’t enough, especially when considering lack of content. They should add some new guns, maybe one other map. King’s Canyon if people want it so bad. I personally don’t want Kings Canyon, but I just want knew content even if it’s old content being brought up again. Just something that isn’t a holiday event, which I’m loving btw. The holiday express mode in Apex is extremely fun. But it ain’t enough in the long run...

Roaming Prowler
Roaming Prowler - 17.12.2019 20:25

I think I have the explanation behind the skins that are getting their second recolor. Except the wingman, all the weapons that get two recolors have only two regular legendaries. For example the havoc and the kraber both have only two normal legendaries. Respawn may be giving them a second recolor in order to make up for that. I don't know why they are releasing a new recolor for the death ray wingman but it may not even come out.

Battle Crysis
Battle Crysis - 17.12.2019 20:23

Where is the goddamn Quarantine 722 recolor !?
