What's your most BADASS Moment that Happened ACCIDENTALLY? - Reddit Podcast

What's your most BADASS Moment that Happened ACCIDENTALLY? - Reddit Podcast

Am I the Genius?

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@lindseylandeck7457 - 08.12.2023 09:02

I got one! Back in high school during either junior or senior year, I can't really remember. It was winter time and snow had fallen. I and a friend had gone to a stargazing event held in our high school parking lot. Uphill from the parking lot was the tennis courts, and the hill was covered with snow, and there was this little peak of snow at the bottom of the hill. One student had brought some metal sleds and needless to say we all forgot about stargazing and instead started sledding down the hill from the tennis courts. Everyone's having fun, then my turn comes. I climb on this metal sled, sled down the hill, hit that peak of snow, get sent into the air, basically did a quick little backflip, landed safely on the ground and came to a gentle stop. The kicker, that little peak of snow was about only a foot or so high, what I did was something that shouldn't have been possible.

@navegadoroculto1879 - 07.12.2023 23:01

Anyone knows what game is this?
I flashbacked at the late 2000's, playing Downhill Domination.
Shitty times, but the game was fun.

@user-rw9zt3pi1g - 07.12.2023 05:48

this is actually of my mom: Appearently onr time in middle school she had bullies and one time in the bus stop they pulled her hair. she then pulled her hair forward. causing the girl to fly over her head and land almost under a bus (She doesnt know any form of martial arts or anything like that). she wasnt physically harassed ever again.

@davidbingham7616 - 06.12.2023 06:28

A wasp entered my bus and out of nowhere just slapped the wasp with my Chromebook, half the people were laughing and the other half were left silent

@Keelinosity - 06.12.2023 00:30

Not too badass but one time my friends were whipping each other with their ties messing around, i put out my hand to try to grab one as a joke, ended up grabbing both and yanking them out of their hands

@evil_morty28_23 - 05.12.2023 16:17

when i was in high school i had some people a group ig bullying me i flipped the table with one arm cause i was an extremely angry person back then i went to get into a fight with them cause i was fed up with them they just back up and walked away idk if its a badass moment there was another one when i got angry i kicked a screen door off its hinges

@unknowneclipsepiller8204 - 03.12.2023 22:15

There was this time in middle school my class was on the inclosed football feild

Someone kicked a football at the back of my head but before the ball hit me I wanted to stretch and pop my neck so I tilted my head to the side and it went past where my head previously was

My class thought I was able to dodge the ball without even being able to see it kinda like ultra instinct

I never corrected them

@Simplicity223 - 30.11.2023 11:01

Not sure if this is badass but one time I was walking at school and tripped and fell over but caught myself with a roll and got up

@Lux-oy8le - 29.11.2023 22:29

I saw gojo and clicked

@RandomDude1487 - 26.11.2023 09:09

Friend, jokingly: “ITS THE ZOMBIE APOCALYPSE, GET UP HIGH AND POWER THE MEGA LASER!” Me: “Oh, I’d better stock up”Friend: “No, your the zombie, RandomGuy” Me, instantly: “No, I am the apocalypse” I just said it automatically😂

@josephreagan9545 - 21.11.2023 05:21

The bully from the first story must have grown up to be a doctor and that's why the apple worked.

@baconhair129 - 15.11.2023 06:52

I am a very short person, and my friend called me a hobbit, and I didn’t know it but I had just responded with “God put the inches somewhere else” and he sat back down

@SnesMastersRune - 13.11.2023 00:51

Mine is in elementary school, a kid was chasing me to play tag and I jumped over him only for him to hit the bleachers instead!

@user-xb5em8im2v - 12.11.2023 21:58

story 13: what a friggin legend

@fungustoe - 11.11.2023 10:37

i remember in 6th grade, someone said smth like im [smth] with a [letter]! (probably like "im cool beans with a z" or smth) and i responded "you're ugly with an f!" which, at that moment, i thought was really funny because f doesn't go anywhere into "ugly" (if ykwim)

and then i realized i'd just called him fugly and he realized it too

not really smth badass, i just remembered it when i looked at the title lol

@CianCubeKid - 10.11.2023 19:18

probably just blocking or dodging stuff, most the time on accident.

@DonkeDrop - 10.11.2023 07:29

This one time in 5th grade, I dropped my glue stick. As I stood up to pick it up, I accidentally stepped on the edge of the stick making it spin on one end. The entire class just yelled out in amazement and I felt like the king of the world for 5 seconds before the teacher just ruined the moment by getting mad at me.

@secret6338 - 08.11.2023 10:22

Had a bloody nose and was going to the nurses' one time, kid that hated me gave me a finger, and I smiled the bloodiest smile ever and purposefully let it drip out a bit. It was a really bad nosebleed, and a bunch of it went into my mouth going down my nose (like I literally drank more of my blood than water that day), and in the few seconds he saw, I swear he turned completely white and seemed noticeably stiffer with widened eyes, all while trying to act like he didn't notice.

@peak7891 - 08.11.2023 03:17

"i neutralized a bully with geek rage and an apple"


@sirrarethecrackhaed7350 - 07.11.2023 18:14

The funniest one i can remember rn: I used to go with the school bus during 5th grade. In our bus was the most irritating kind of kid you could imagine who was also 5th grade at the time. He would pick on the morbidly obese kid and on me on several occasions because he thought he was stronger than me and annoyed everyone else on the bus including the driver. His mother was also working on the bus as like to keep us in check or something but she would only intervene when i would hit her son back. On one clear spring day on infront one of the kids houses the bus stopped at there was some flowers called ballı baba which i dont know the english name of. Its basically a flower which you can pick the light purple leaves and bite on the white part of the body of the leaf which tastes like honey. I get out of the bus pick some and start chewing them and he came up to me asking what i was doing i explained him the flower and gave him one and when he said he liked it i made up them being highly poisonous if you eat more than 2 of them right after he ate 10 of them and hearing that the fat kid and the bus driver and one of the older kids there played along and his mother wasnt there that day. The next day the driver told me what had happened, he apparently had a massive panic attack because he thought he was gonna die from poison, and he cried the entire night begging his parents to take him to a hospital. When he and his mother came the next day his mother yelled at me but it was worth to see his "i cried the entire night face". He didnt dare to even open his mouth for the rest of the entire year.

@righty-o3585 - 04.11.2023 08:47

Have I ever accidentally been badass? Everytime I accidentally do something

@royalwolf7115 - 03.11.2023 07:01

For me, my story was that I was in a tutorial for one of my uni papers. It was the final week before the exam and the tutorials pretty much gave us the past exam papers and we sat down and do the exam. After that we would mark the papers on how much we get. For me, I didn't want to go through with it because I know I'm not ready to take the practice exam, and would rather spend that time to focus on revision. I pretty much told the guy at the tutorial and see if I can just take the past paper and leave. He asked me "but what if you need help with the answers?". It wasn't a mocking tone or anything, but a genuine one since he takes his job seriously. I answered him "I can figure it out myself". I then precede to walk out of the room while the rest of the class was looking at me as if I was their god.

I did not do well for that exam.

@basedty5246 - 02.11.2023 23:17

one of my badass moments:
back in middle school phys ed, i was not paying attention as i was talking to my friend on the sidelines during a volleyball unit. my best friend was standing about 5 feet to my right. my crush also happened to be in the same room standing no more then 15ft to my right. i was talking and midway through my sentence, my best friend yelled “heads” and i didn’t know he had been intending that for me. so im still talking but i turned around and was facing the opposite direction toward the court when the volleyball flies in my directions, so i put my hands and arms together, once i was able to see the shadow indicating that it was going to land in my spot. stuck my arms out, the ball landing in my arms. whole gym erupted in applause. keep in mind, it was an accident bc again, was not paying not a single bit of attention.

@user-iw9os5wz8u - 30.10.2023 23:13

Not sure if that counts, but around 2008-2009 I worked at a large printer. It was kind of like a factory really with huge offset printers with the large cylinders, about the size of football fields. Where I was working, we printed the run for a newspaper up here in Canada. My job wasn't printing the paper, but rather sliding the various sections into each other. We had large machines to help with that which sped up the process considerably compared with doing that by hand, but were taking a lot of space. Some of them coming up real close to the painted path for people to walk safely and not get hit by forklifts. Because the machines were really close to the walkway, the company also put a fence on the other side so nobody would think of walking off the path there to walk around the machines, even though they're not on the path itself or in our way in any ways, just right next to it. Again, this is to avoid people from getting accidentally hit by forklifts. It's kinda weird, but people tend to do stupid shit like that, so better safe than sorry. Anyways, this has the impractical effect of creating a sort of a bottleneck at this spot on the path.
At one point, it was time for my break, and I was heading to the lunchroom as another team of workers from somewhere else in the factory was finishing theirs. I was almost through the previously mentioned bottleneck as I arrived nose-to-chest with a giant of a man. I looked up and noticed that he was glaring down at me. Now, I was almost through the bottleneck and he hadn't even started going through it yet, so logically, he should have just stepped aside and let me through. So we're both standing there, staring at each other, me up at him and him glaring down at me, obviously trying to intimidate me for some reason, and it occurs to me we're both wasting our time here. Me because I need to go take my break, and him because his break is over and he needs to get his butt to whatever his post is... So getting really tired of this sudden dick-measuring contest I simply ask him "Can I help you with something?". He then proceeds to burst out laughing, steps aside, smiles, and signals for me to proceed...
To this day, I have no idea what this was all about, but I guess I won...

@Indavour - 27.10.2023 17:33

Background game name please?????????

@ryanhanford4130 - 24.10.2023 03:00

I at 7 years old helped my 38-year-old father on a CISCO certification exam because I got bored and read one of the exam prep book sections. He had the problem drawn out on a whiteboard and I walked past and pointed out like 4 things that were wrong with it and he just looked at me. I don't even remember what it was but it was like routing issues or some shit. He ended up telling his boss about it and I got a call from him last summer if I wanted to do that as a summer job. To clarify, I'm almost 20 now.

@thomasconnors4338 - 23.10.2023 16:30

I’ve got a few good ones. My favorite one was an illusion though. I took my dad’s empty beer keg to the store for a refill and they wouldn’t give his order to anyone but him. So I sling the empty keg back up onto my shoulder with one arm and storm out walking fast and looking serious, balancing the bulky but light weight keg on my shoulder. Just as I’m hitting the door these 3 BEAUTIFUL young women stop and their jaws drop and one of them quickly hustles to hold the door for me. I don’t register what happened at first- I figured I just looked really angry and scary. As me and my little brother are getting back into my truck I say i can’t look THAT scary. He says “they think it’s full- why would anyone be leaving with an empty keg”. They thought I was throwing around about 150 pounds with one arm and balancing it like no big deal. I should have gone back to invite them to a party then hurried home to explain to dad that not only does he have to get his own beer, but he has to give it to me when he does.

@midgetydeath - 20.10.2023 03:44

Some kids were messing around some distance behind me throwing a water bottle around. I reflexively reached behind my head and caught it before it could hit me by the bottom of the bottle. As I turned around, I accidentally lost my grip and trying to regain it the thing flipped a bunch and I caught it by the side but it all looked completely intentional. The kids ran up to me and I heard one of them say "woah". I felt so awesome. The same had happened not all that long before with a ball, though no kids and I don't remember where the ball came from. A tennis ball, I think.

@Curve248 - 18.10.2023 07:20

At one of my previous jobs, the owner of a business next to ours came in, and asked if there was a man willing to help her. What happened was that a rat had found it’s way through the front door of her business, and she needed someone to chase away it (to confirm, neither our business nor hers sold food, as this would have been very serious if this was the case).

No one next to me was budging, and I didn’t want to make myself nor my place of employment look less than, so I volunteered.

Once inside, I began prodding the rat with a broom, trying to lead it towards the front door. It got scary once it jumped towards me as high as my chest from the ground (hint, rats are VERY good at jumping high), but I was far enough away from it that nothing happened. Soon after, I started looking for it with my broom, only for one of the customers of that business to inform me they saw it running like crazy out of the front door of that business.

Although I ultimately quit that job (for a variety of different reasons), I’m glad to this day I did not back out of that situation.


I better mention that I was mentally aware that I would have needed to go to the hospital in case the rat bit me, that I have not researched the kind of medical hazards that could be present in that kind of situation, and both are why I emphasize that I volunteered when the need presented itself (do not ever let anyone try to push or shame you into a dangerous activity).

@thaumielessa5051 - 16.10.2023 09:53

My accidental badass moment was when I was playing a One Piece card game tournament. It was a flagship tournament, I did a lot of minor misplays but ended up winning brutally against my opponent. He couldn't do much even when it was his turn. The right cards came out at the right moment, as any Trading card player would call it a Heart of the Cards moment. I was against one of the best player in my hometown.

@creeperaeman1237 - 16.10.2023 05:40

Cool story: in elementary we had a field day. There things like soccer tug of ear and other things. Eventually we came to one of the last activities, frisbee. Basically there were circles on top of circles until it was small which was the color of white. Everyone took a turn and what made it more intense was it was class vs class. Eventually everyone took a turn and the teacher asked if anyone didn’t get a turn. Everyone immediately pointed at me. I was trying to hide but I got caught. So here I was holding a frisbee a thing I never used in my life until then. I asked “how do I use this thing”. The athletic and class clown adjusted me to throw it. I felt everyone staring at me intensely. I just threw the frisbee not expecting anything. And then I LANDED ON THE WHITE CIRCLE WHICH WAS VERY TINY. It was 10-11 up until that point and the white circle was worth 3 points while the others were only 1. Meaning I literally clutched up. Everyone came to me and literally surrounded me as if I was a celebrity. The coach even said I was MVP and said that was one of the coolest things he had seen. To top it off later in the day I got a shoutout. No one in the school other than me had managed to pull that off. To this day I still think about it.

@Smearythaboi - 15.10.2023 16:59

I was at a baseball game once someone threw a straw at me and I accidentally caught it without looking

@whatthemaskisfor194 - 15.10.2023 02:45

I found a fly in my room when watching this video, I have this black, small massage pillow right next to me, so I pick it up, and I don't even aim, I just toss it, and it strikes the fly so hard and fast, that the only thing I could find was a small black smudge on the wall, I have bad aim so it was even cooler when I hit it.

@CooperClary-tt5ce - 06.10.2023 11:41

So I'm in elem school right?
I'm one of my bulls mains one day I stood up to him and he starts roasting me!? So I kicked him in the balls theirs a circle of people around us! His on the ground holding is jimmy john I grad his feet and then flip him over! Badass moment LOL

@SimonSyvilski - 04.10.2023 10:02

Similar to the Doberman one, once a big, black, gangsta fluffy cat attacked my fat, half blind, small cat and pinned her to the ground, I screamed in my loudest metal voice and screamed GET OFF MY CAT BEFORE I RIP YOUR FURRY LITTLE FACE OFF, chasing the cat away with a bucket of water! Another time when I was a small child a bully whose mum is the teacher was punching peoples ribcage, as he slowly approached me and grabbed me I told him ‘Don’t test me mate, I will make you pay, I warned you’ He laughed and punched me so I socked him in the jaw and he ran and cried and said he was telling his mummy, I straight up walk inside and tell his mum ‘I punched your son, he was bullying people’ later the teacher was told by the bully that I punched him and she said, ‘no Simon told me what happened’, it was that day I revealed I had been studying martial arts for six years that day I went from loser to slightly less loser and my friend developed a massive crush on me after that day, I hope you enjoyed these stories!

@aurenwhelan-scarini452 - 04.10.2023 02:28

My acidental cool moment was when ever someone says something thats random things my brother responds with "that was my college nickname"

and one night i was tired of it and then responded with

"your college nickname was drop out"

@DTPTD - 03.10.2023 06:51

The fact Gojo is in the display picture or whatever really shows something.

@emmanuelduran7007 - 01.10.2023 23:31

Story 3 ur fucking evil XD

@user-yh7to8mg8j - 01.10.2023 06:04

I've had one of those moments

@spidar_was_taken - 29.09.2023 03:32

I think the most badass thing i have done was in fifth grade, humorously. Basically, there was this one kid who would annoy me and snitch on me and just be a plain jerk. He did his to everyone too. One day in gym class, he was trying to practice baseball and was doing everything wrong. I decided i was gonna school his ass by showing him how its done. I throw the ball up in the air, smack it as hard as i can with the bad, and it hits him square in to enface, breaking his glasses. I profusely apologized, but deep down, i was laughing my ass off.

@justand0nlyjayy - 27.09.2023 17:43

Ahh, this is my shot. So, there was this- competition thingy back in year 7. Like ‘try to convince people that you’re right’ type deal. (Edit; which teenage me absolutely loved*)One kid on opposing side; “So, you’re saying that bullying doesn’t happen on the internet?” Note we were supposed to be (ironically) **against* the web- Without a second to spare, I said; “That is exactly what we’re trying to prove.” Heard various ‘DAMN’s around the audience. On top of that, I was told by various people that I had *CARRIED* my team-! Felt good, god damnit. Felt good.

@qqans_qk2633 - 26.09.2023 08:46

my coolest story, and probably was just VERY quick reflexes, was in the 5th grade. my friend, who was jokingly trying to hit me with his beanie (it didn’t hurt) was about to swing it at me. in a split second, I caught the hat right before it was about to hit my face. absolute god mode.

@MaryanneSamonte-jl1le - 23.09.2023 14:05

A guy friend who I was in the same university with, compained about me reminding others to never backstabb me, he claims that only a narcissist should want their information spread as the perfect angelic character, and so I posted about what he just said and his whole attitude, and you could've guessed it, well then, he obviously din't took to too well like the way he preaches things.

@haengihorsetheonewhocancoo8855 - 22.09.2023 15:42

Bro,you should be a voice actor

@alasinocypher7439 - 22.09.2023 15:38

I think the first one is either embellished or straight up untrue

@trollface-mt4zv - 21.09.2023 03:46

Smoking is bad bro L

@random_something1852 - 20.09.2023 08:06

Not quite as cool as some of these but here’s mine:
A few months ago,I was showing my friend Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. I was really early on in the game, so I did my first sky view tower launch. Here’s what happened:
Link: skydiving
Friend: does this game have fall damage?
Me: yes.
Link: lands in the moat of Lookout Landing without me even looking down or lining it up
Me: but not if you land in water.
