ROK Geek understanding how immigration 10 day rule works up to kvk 1

ROK Geek understanding how immigration 10 day rule works up to kvk 1

The logic bank

1 год назад

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@user-df5ff4zb7m - 22.11.2023 08:06

There is a another way to jump I jump in 3328 to 3333 is fine. But my final destinations is reach in 3360. How can I jump please give me an advice to reach 3360 😢. Thank

@teamezyw6009 - 26.08.2023 03:25

After first KvK is finished can I jump to a kingdom even if am 12 days older then it? and does the limit go away after a kingdom reaches a certain age?

@TSGIIV - 13.08.2023 22:57

Is there no way to migrate to a kingdom 10 days older?

@alfirahim1139 - 28.07.2023 19:17

how can i immigrate after if i did no fog jumper?Do i need to wait until end of kvk 1 or what?

@losduel - 22.09.2022 18:42

Still missing you at 2397 bro keep up the great work love the vids! ❤

@blood_of_hell_ - 22.09.2022 18:25


@mohammedbakir1049 - 22.09.2022 17:17


@hara9108 - 22.09.2022 17:16


@maik856 - 22.09.2022 17:08

Also what if u jump for 5 days and use the other 5 days to migrate to a newer kingdom

@maik856 - 22.09.2022 17:05

I’m R4 in a top 3 alliance if I make a new jumper should I let it be in the alliamce for 10 days?

@ondrejsamek6856 - 22.09.2022 15:58

I see! Thank you again logic, imare u gonna use the beginner immigration card ? I thought it dissappear after ch lvl 8

@seb4424 - 22.09.2022 14:40

Im just Waiting for you to jump and use those speed ups etc.

@Liquidate - 22.09.2022 13:58

can you jump 4 accounts (on the same profile) into the same kingdom? Or, do I need passports to migrate on 2 of those KD's?

@domocean3825 - 22.09.2022 13:33

Interpreting this, that would mean in jumping we can only „gain“ a 10-day advantage (validity of the donkey migration) vs. 10 kingdoms for an immigration?
If this is the case, then the kingdom migration could be more than 10 days advantage if kingdom opening frequency is > 1 day (e.g. when kingdoms open every 28 hours you could „gain“ a
28 hours * 10 kingdoms / 24 hours => 11.6 days

@gibrek3737 - 22.09.2022 13:24

Do you think this is better than jumping then? Even if you miss the first 10 days of a kingdom?
