Natural birth VS. Epidural birth | I’ve done both, TWICE! | Pros and cons of each

Natural birth VS. Epidural birth | I’ve done both, TWICE! | Pros and cons of each

Anna Bruce

1 год назад

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Onajourney - 08.11.2023 17:44

Getting an epidural terrifies me more than the pain of labour.

Triggered Kitten
Triggered Kitten - 07.11.2023 02:36

We just started trying yesterday

0 0
0 0 - 06.11.2023 11:59

Just wanted to clarify something as an anaesthetist: you are incorrect regarding baby getting 'some of the epidural medication' and being more 'sleepy'. Zero evidence this is the case.

Arriana - 06.11.2023 04:57

what about a vaginal vs c section

Melanie B
Melanie B - 05.11.2023 16:28

4 births.. all natural. The first was by far the hardest. I think due to fear and uncertainty, but also the nurse told me the first "makes a path" for the rest.

Anna Framboise
Anna Framboise - 02.11.2023 12:26

This is was very helpful, thank you so much!!❤

Monique D
Monique D - 31.10.2023 06:44

Thank you for noting at 33 it is very tiring, I am blessed to have gotten married in my 30s and having my first baby was so hard, w/ 24 hours of labour and always feel like it shouldn't be so hard, but at 33 it was exhausting! I always have to not compare myself to younger mom friends bouncing back so easy w/ out complications.

Calliope - 30.10.2023 03:50

I did natural childbirth with my first at 32. I'm pregnant with my second and I will do a natural birth again at 34. I did want to tap out and ask for an epidural when the labor pains got bad, but I made it. I asked my OB at a recent appointment if there was better or alternative pain management I could try because I know they won't give any analgesics once you reach a certain stage. I was informed I could try nitrous gas (laughing gas), get the epidural, or just endure it again.

FryedSaw - 29.10.2023 19:38

Greetings and Salutations

I did the natural midwives' birth for both my kiddos they were almost 8lbs
1 boy child
1 girl child

My given name is Alma-Jantz Sonboth (it means ragu)

Great upload 😊

Emily - 26.10.2023 22:55

Thank you for this! I'm pregnant with my first, and even though I'm still early on I'm already starting to decide what route I want to go. I'm leaning towards unmedicated, but I definitely want to do my research.

Heather Mullinax
Heather Mullinax - 26.10.2023 15:46

Our first delivery experience sounds very similar! My only difference was no epidural (they checked me and said I was 5cm so I asked for it but turns out I dilated too quickly and my body started pushing my baby out as he was putting in the epidural 😂) and also no 💩😂

Amanda Carlisle
Amanda Carlisle - 26.10.2023 00:14

My 2nd was on the traumatic side. With my 1st I knew going in I'd probably end up getting an epidural and I was just very go with the flow. I didn't feel anything bc of the epidural. I couldn't even feel myself pushing or any pressure or anything. It was nice but labor took a long time. I was pushing for 2 hours. With Mt daughter I wanted to do it differently. I experienced with an epidural so I wanted to try natural, but also wasn't 100% against getting an epidural. I just wanted to do my best to go natural. Well my midwife couldn't be there so another was and she basically lied to me to get me to accept pitosin to speed up my labor(I was already in labor, it just wasn't moving along much). Pitosin was the ONE THING I didn't want. BUt she used fear tactics to get me to agree to it and my labor ended up progressing so quickly I didn't have time to get the epidural when I'd finally asked. I managed the contractions for about an hour and then asked for an epidural. But then while they were gearing it ready I started feeling the urge to push, the midwife checked me and of course I was 10cm ans it was too late for an epidural.
I pushed on my hands ans knees for about 10 minutes before she told me I needed to lay on my back and try(no idea why, also not what I wanted) ans then pushed another 15 minutes and she was out. But I dilated from about 2cm to fully dilated in under an hour and then pushed her out in about 20 minutes. It was excruciating and my contractions wouldn't stop. I had no breaks for the last 10 or so minutes between contractions and I almost passed out a few times because the idiot midwife kept telling me to hold my breath while pushing(not recommended anymore). It was just an awful experience. But I did heal much faster from it than with my son

claudetherabbit - 24.10.2023 22:52

Your first delivery was almost the exact same as mine! I had an epidural with my first, but I got it very late. Didn’t have an epidural with my second (arrived at the hospital too late - he was born less than 20 min after I got there). I’m pregnant with #3 and am planning on leaving for the hospital earlier this time so I can get the epidural 😅

BD - 24.10.2023 21:28

I'm pregnant with my 4th child at 44! I've had all 3 vaginal..but this one I'm hoping age and my stroke risks are the reason why I want a c-section.

Fire sprite505
Fire sprite505 - 24.10.2023 02:06

I was given the epidural so late that I wish I didn't waste money on it they kept saying oh well we lost you test records so we'll need to test again to see if you can get it done I was 6cm when they began the testing it took forever I didn't get the epidural for another three hours and I had been pre laboring at home for a day and a half before I even got there but by the time I got the epidural I was giving birth in a few minutes after that I wasn't even numb for the stitches and it was so painful anyway so I thought yeah the epidural was just a waste of money lol I didn't go numb until two hours after the birth 😭

Melissa LaPere
Melissa LaPere - 23.10.2023 21:41

How did you prepare for the natural birth as far as videos and podcasts

Nicey - 23.10.2023 18:10

What’s kind of scary is I’ve heard about this “the baby is big so you need a c-section” thing A LOT! I’m not a momma yet, but I’m studying bc hubby and I are within a year of our “try date” 😅
But yeah, I’ve watched other videos where moms have been upset bc they want natural un-medicated, but then the ultrasound tech will tell them “oh the baby is big so we’ll schedule you for a c-section for safety”; only for the baby to come out at 6 or 7 lbs. It just sounds really shady and has me questioning whether I should let my ob/gyn know my birth plans, or feign uncertainty 🥴

Anderson Sapphire
Anderson Sapphire - 23.10.2023 02:08

thanks so much for taking the time to make this video! Very helpful information for us new mamas to make a more informed decision ❤

Cathy Darby
Cathy Darby - 23.10.2023 01:05

Like she shared if you want to have an unmedicated birth get educated about other ways to cope with labor. Don't take a see how it goes approach
Have a doula to help support you

Jaclyn Fisher
Jaclyn Fisher - 22.10.2023 14:31

I had one epidural when i was induced (daughter came 3 hrs after the epidural). I tore a lot with this labor and my epidural wore off after an hr and a half. Second daughter i had natural. Starting thinking i was in labor around 4 am and baby came at 7:33 am. I was holding the baby in essentially until we got to the hospital. They rushed me to delivery room and she came out right away. I had so much bleeding that i did pass out on first trip to bathroom. Didn't get to bond with baby as much because everyone was taking care of me while the baby was screaming at the top of her lungs. But def easier naturally. I loved being able to feel her coming out.

Amanda L.
Amanda L. - 22.10.2023 06:33

Your second labor sounds like my 5th. I took Castor oil also and waited before I thought they were poop cramps. And was born an hour after I walked into the hospital doors.

I agree with nothing classes. I took them at a birthing center with my first and I've been able to had m successful have 4 natural births or if my 7 children.

I do think that a natural birth helped me bond better.

Esther GS
Esther GS - 20.10.2023 06:22

I had two unmedicated births and the pain is so unbearable I feel like I’m done having kids but deep inside I would love a girl one day. I’m scared of the epidural leading to a c section 😭

Glory to Yah
Glory to Yah - 19.10.2023 16:35

Hi Anna, thank you for your information. I'm currently 36+4 weeks pregnant with my 3rd right now. I took castor oil with my last and it really worked much to my surprise. How far along were you when you took it? Just want to know because I plan to do it again but don't want to do it too early.

Ashley Holmes
Ashley Holmes - 17.10.2023 20:55

I have 2 babies and 1 on the way. With my first baby. I had an epidural and it was great. With my second I arrived at the hospital and immediately told the staff I would want an epidural. A lot of time went by and I inquired about it and they said whatever machine they would usually use to test your blood before giving you the epidural wasn’t working and they couldn’t administer it without running the test. I absolutely panicked as I had never even considered a natural birth. I complained so much to the staff after about 2 hours they made an exception and gave me the epidural. By that time however i’m pretty sure I was about 8 or 9 cm because I felt like I had to push but I was so scared to push out a baby with no medicine I didn’t say anything lol. I waited until they gave me the epidural and then about 15 minutes later I was like ok I need to push 😂😂. My son was probably born about 25 minutes after I got the epidural lol. Needless to say I think I was way too late and it didn’t work at all. I was able to get up and go to the bathroom right after he was born. *I still felt everything! With this baby, I plan on having an epidural again, I am hoping it goes smoothly like my first!

Elizabeth Miller
Elizabeth Miller - 17.10.2023 03:33

I love how you addressed this so graciously. My first 2 births were scheduled c sections because my babies were relentlessly breech. Then with my 3rd I had a successful VBA2C because baby was head down 🙌🏻 I am preparing for another natural birth for our 4th if the Lord wills. I agree with you that natural birth is so. painful. But using your intuition through labor and the fast recovery is so worth it. I was so swollen, bruised, and sore after both of my c sections and recovery was so slow. I wouldn't choose interventions if I could help it, based on my experiences ❤ Thanks again for your video! It was very informative and a breath of fresh air on the birth scene ❤

Jessce Freeman
Jessce Freeman - 17.10.2023 03:32

Prayer request for fertility 🙏

SuperPuffyDuck - 16.10.2023 21:31

I am currently 25 weeks and 2 days first time pregnant and still trying to decide if I don't want an epidural or if I do want it. I am also trying to find a good book to read that gives both perspectives of epidural and no epidural birthing that will also give me good tips on how to handle the pain and breathing techniques haha I feel so unprepared. Thank you for this lovely video as it helps me a bit to decide on what I want! God bless you and your family!

Jacqueline C.
Jacqueline C. - 15.10.2023 04:34

I’m pregnant with my 1st at 33yrs. Thank you for this video ☺️

Daniella Sanché
Daniella Sanché - 12.10.2023 02:58

No tearing for the epidural births? Usually people tare less for the nautral, and more for the epidural I've heard

TogetherForeverOct09 - 05.10.2023 23:01

I’ve also had 2 epidural births and 2 no epidural births too. My first being a C-section due to position.

2nd was an Epidural because they wanted the catheter in my back in case I needed another emergency C-section. Got admitted at 12am and had him in my arms 4:15am

3rd got to hospital at 8cm and wanted to go natural. Got to hospital 12:45pm had kid in my arms by 2:10pm

4th I wanted a natural birth. I accidentally had the baby at home 30mins after waking up. Haha 😂
NO TEARING will any of them and that I am thankful for!!! 👌🏽😊

And my recoveries were all pretty good. Except my first. That was rough mentally. I’m pregnant with my 5th and planning another natural birth 😊

I also didn’t like with my epidurals not being in control over my lower half and feeling dead when I did get up. With my daughter I had a reaction and it had me scratching like a crack head for 2 days. I had a crazy rash. To where I was scratching so bad I was bleeding.
That’s one main reason I PERSONALLY choose to not get epidurals anymore. I like feeling my own body and still being in control. Even when I had my last at home I was still able to have full conversations with my husband. My recoveries after natural birth have been great for me 👌🏽

Victoria Emigh Horn
Victoria Emigh Horn - 05.10.2023 01:22

I have also had 4 babies, 2 epidural deliveries and 2 unmedicated! My last was actually an accidental unassisted homebirth. I did intend to go unmedicated, but at the hospital!

Wijdan y
Wijdan y - 04.10.2023 23:24

Can you share the videos you watched to prepare you for natural birth with no epidural please

Lisa A
Lisa A - 29.09.2023 01:43

You say you were too old for natural birth at 33 with your fourth kid… me at 33 being pregnant for the first time 😂😂😂

Jessica Cruz
Jessica Cruz - 29.09.2023 00:39

I had my first baby 3 months ago and had to get 2 epidurals which caused my spinal fluid to leak, causing what’s called a “spinal headache” which was an excruciating pain up the back of my neck, into my head to behind my eyes. That was honestly worse than pushing. To this day my spine feels bruised and painful. I feel like they ruined my spine with the epidural and it didn’t even really work. So I never want ti do an epidural again being that I am now traumatized and afraid of ever messing with my spine again. Your back and spine are so important for the rest of your life, I had no idea it could ruin my spine like this. I’m still hopeful that it can heal more over time but I’ve heard other moms tell me they still experience pain at the epidural sight like 9 years later. So whenever I do have another, I am nervous but I want to try a natural water birth.. I know it’ll be painful but my last experience was absolutely horrible so I feel like that’s unavoidable. At least I’ll be protecting my back and spine which I need to support me the rest of my life

HeatherJean - 28.09.2023 21:25

Birth 1: home, water birth, all natural
Birth 2: at 42 weeks, midwife transferred me to OB. Got pitocin, asked for epidural in transition, had a 1 sided epidural which hurt way bad, I tore badly, and epidural kicked in at the end, so I was spared the tearing pain.
Birth 3: induced in hospital, pitocin, with a midwife in hospital, who let me do my own thing, quick, no tears, great, natural, 2 hours after pitocin had baby
Birth 4: tried epidural from the beginning, it made me pass out and they turned it off immediately. I gave away my freedom, but has no pain control whatsoever. Hardest birth because of restrictions and stuck in bed... So I had a natural delivery, but was pushed around and wiped out by the medicine reaction, and it was not fun.
Birth 5: induced with pitocin, natural again, easy and fast. 2 hours from first strong contraction until baby was in my arms.
Birth 6: I'll be induced next week. I don't think anyone could convince me to try another epidural because of my bad reaction. I wish I could have another home birth, but I have had antibodies since my 3rd, so they induce me at 38 weeks now, and I have to be in the hospital.

kittykatkatkat - 28.09.2023 20:42

The first birth sounds exactly like mine. They kept saying before they’d administer an epidural they had to have me monitored for at least 20 minutes uninterrupted but because of 💩 (cytotec side effect, same as with you), I wasn’t able to stay in bed for longer than 5 minutes.

Contractions were so close together my husband had to physically hold me down for them to get the needle in me, but thankfully I delivered two hours after the epidural was administered.

My OB was absolutely amazing: got to the hospital in 15 minutes after being called and was there the entire time I pushed and delivered though!

Hayley Myron
Hayley Myron - 28.09.2023 20:14

I appreciate hearing about your different birth experiences! I am expecting my first child in March , and I am trying to get as good of a grasp on my options as I can. I would prefer natural, but it makes me happy to hear stories of the epidurals helping out!
I also have a doula who will be coaching me during the birth, so hopefully that will help me with relaxing :)

SB6839 - 28.09.2023 01:55

I've had 1 epidural and 2 natural births since. I will never go back to an epidural birth, but i will say you missed out not having a water birth! I've done one water birth and one on the hospital bed and the water birth one was SUCH a beautiful birth with not much pain❤ My third non-water birth was sSSSooo painful and I was so sore after.

Caitlyn Edwards
Caitlyn Edwards - 27.09.2023 23:59

WOW finally a pros and cons video that’s actually helpful. Thank you!

Lakiera Smith
Lakiera Smith - 27.09.2023 23:08

Loved the story! Had my first via epidural but got it at 8 cm, had her shortly after so no time to really kick in. My next 2 were natural births. Definitely prefer those over my epidural. Although, I totally agree that natural birth is painful. For me it’s been a temporary pain where the epidural has been an ongoing pain. I still have issues at my epidural site due to anesthesiologist hitting a nerve while doing the epidural.

Mama Sadembou
Mama Sadembou - 27.09.2023 22:43

This video was very informative and thoroughly convinced me, that epidurals are not for me 😅 that con list was crazy!
I’ve had two natural births. My first was sunny side up with back labor right from the start, and I recently gave birth to twins. Minimal tearing with the twins and only four hours from the first contraction till it was all over 😌
No matter how you give birth, holding your newborn baby(ies) in your arms is the best feeling ♥️

Abigail F
Abigail F - 27.09.2023 21:59

Thank you for sharing! I’ve just had baby #2. Both were epidurals but such different experiences! With the second baby I actually asked to have my epidural turned down almost entirely so I could move to more positions. It was very painful but I was finally able to push in a squatting position. Without that I’m not sure I would have been able to get my second out - he was a stubborn little guy!

Voice of the Beloved
Voice of the Beloved - 27.09.2023 05:00

Hi thank you so much for this balanced take . I’m so glad I found your channel as a soon to be new mama I’ve really been looking for some positive voices on motherhood and Joy in motherhood. I feel like God just answered a prayer of mine ❤

Stephanie Margist
Stephanie Margist - 26.09.2023 17:02

Loved your story. I also have 4 kids 2 epidurals and 2 natural unmedicated births. If I had to choose again I would get an epidural. We also chose to not find out the gender until birth with our fourth. I was induced by just using a breast pump with her. My contractions were intense at 6 cm I had back labor for the first time and lots of uncomfortable pressure in my bottom. I requested to get an epidural ( my plan was to go natural like my last two) back labor is the most intense pain I have ever felt. I got the epidural and and had baby 20 minutes after injection. She was born sunny side up with one hand on her face coming out. I’m thankful that god spoke to me encouraging me to get the epidural so I didn’t have to experience the last moments of intense pain.

Diana Pawloski
Diana Pawloski - 26.09.2023 04:07

Thank you for sharing your experiences. I had an unmedicated induction turned emergency c-section with my first birth, and want to try again for a vaginal birth this time, but I have no idea what I want.

Last time, I went in for a post-due date ultrasound and got sent to the hospital for a an immediate pitocin induction due to baby’s poor condition. I dilated to a 6, before the heart-rate decelerations were too bad to continue labor. I was so stressed out the whole time cause I thought my baby was dying. I honestly barely noticed the contractions. The nurses kept telling me I must be in pain, but I was too focused on the heart-rate monitor to care.

When we did the spinal for surgery, I think the doctor botched it. It took him 40 minutes and was the worst pain of my life. People keep saying that wasn’t normal, but I just don’t know if I can handle anyone stick me in the back again.

KindaNerdish - 24.09.2023 21:52

After having a 4th degree tear, I'm so pro epidural. Natural was my preferred method going into labor but I changed my mind really quickly and so glad I did. I went from 5 cm dilated to 10 cm within 20 minutes after getting the liquid gold.

Tabitha - 24.09.2023 01:52

I am pregnant with twins and I really needed this video. I was feeling like a failure if I couldn't do a natural birth, but this made me feel a lot better for wanting to get an epidural. Thank you!

Tati Warm
Tati Warm - 23.09.2023 14:47

I feel like communicating to the people in your room is so unnecessary during the birth. You should be in tune with your baby and no one else. But it’s just me 😁 Still a good pro/con video! Thank you for sharing 🫶

Lauren Swift
Lauren Swift - 22.09.2023 23:46

Thank you for sharing all 4 stories!! And concisely. That’s hard 🤣 Totally agree about every birth being beautiful regardless!! 38 and 5 with baby #4 (our first girl) now.

Heather Vangjeli
Heather Vangjeli - 22.09.2023 22:07

That’s so funny— for me I was so tense pre-epidural and as soon as they gave it to me I went from 5cm to birth within like an hour and a half! It made it sooo much faster (and agree more enjoyable)
