Security control in TallyPrime | User Management, Passwords & more

Security control in TallyPrime | User Management, Passwords & more

Software At Work I. P. Ltd

3 года назад

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@psk1519 - 24.12.2023 17:32

Sir hindi boliye

@mohamedmasuthu - 30.11.2023 16:06

How to solve the no acces problem in tally prime

@janvinx6411 - 11.05.2023 08:44

how to create security list test one & test two

@Lasfeatherandtail - 17.02.2023 22:07


@prasadpowerstar1994 - 28.10.2022 22:40

Thank you sir, valuable information

@ankiteleven1830 - 17.05.2022 19:30


I have queries about manage users in tally

I hope you can help me

So i have 10 users and around 20 company data its around 200 files if i have any new user or want to change password of any user i have to change in all 200 flies separately and some time it really hard to know that password was entered is correct or not its shows only in star
So there is any way can manage any easy option or any third party application that can do that?
