This is Why Plat/Diamond Are The Hardest Rank To Climb | Tarik

This is Why Plat/Diamond Are The Hardest Rank To Climb | Tarik


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@mdvs3245 - 03.10.2022 00:46

ngl i lost my old account i was gold 2 and when I created a new account and started this act I was silver 3 I thought I am done with this but I solo queued and am currently in plat 2 so I'm pretty happy now

@lemonke5341 - 02.10.2022 18:28

nah its immortal for me after i came back to this game my teammates just trolling and insta lock bottom frag

@realscout1775 - 02.10.2022 01:03

The comment on gold was so true, you get like the best teammates in gold

@FromSamSelf - 30.09.2022 01:35

I went from silver 2 to 8rr away from diamond, then 3 people left and the last guy with me threw. Did some bad stuff to my mental

@fixo5292 - 29.09.2022 23:31

bro never was in ascendant

@jrm8206 - 29.09.2022 20:35

I disagree. I went from D1 to A1 in like 10 games. But I play Sova or Kayo and try to IGL wich works well most of time. Top or second fragging, good eco. I you win some 1 v 3's RIOT just lets you insta skip ranks.

@blakefinch9905 - 29.09.2022 19:07

diamond is horrible lmao i hate it here

@raph497 - 29.09.2022 18:59

Im a gold but I don't really care to get better. I just play for fun and yeah I have played in plat and diamond lobbies but I just queue with my low elo friends and have fun. I peaked plat - diamond. Gold is also a very weird elo. There are hardstuck golds who play just as good as diamonds. Please fix the rank system ;(

@harikrishnans6724 - 29.09.2022 18:15

silver gang for life 😂

@kairisaki4570 - 29.09.2022 18:11

1 act ago I was hardstuck gold 1 and now I’m 55 rr plat 3 idk once u get out of a rut it’s a lot easier to climb. Maybe I can even hit diamond soon 👀👀.

@harshajyotidas5259 - 29.09.2022 16:54

I was stuck in plat 2 for 2 months, finally got to plat 3 last week and now I'm stuck here.

@FateOfAllFoolslol - 29.09.2022 16:37

I miss silver lobbies lol, but Gold was super hard to get out out, took me like a year. Too many smurfs/trolls/throwers, and the worst part is you get them 8 out of 10 times. Once I went to Plat my lobbies got better, all my teammates play to win and haven't seen smurfs.

@jackyjaii2154 - 29.09.2022 16:22

The Tbag😂

@wrekt2192 - 29.09.2022 16:06

Bro I'm silver trying to get out but noone coms or tries. I'd rather be in plat and diamond and play with dicks than be in silver and play with dead people. Noone of them com listen or even try to win
