Baldur's Gate 3 - Part 33 - Steel Watch Foundry

Baldur's Gate 3 - Part 33 - Steel Watch Foundry


3 месяца назад

1 Просмотров

We helped those Gondians that were trapped under the water and now we return to the surface... to help evem ore GONDIANS at the Steel Watch Foundry... will this party blow up and walk away in a cool fashion? Will they figure out how to even do that? Will their previous actions come to bite them in the back? Find out IN PART 33 OF THE BG Playthrough! We're nearing the end folks! Stay tuned for more and thank you for watching!


#Baldur's_Gate_3 #Act_3 #Gale #Gwurn #Dwarf #Yellow #Elf #Playthrough #Parts #Co-Op #Fun #Commentary #Larian_Studios #City #Companions #CRPG #Roleplay #Gameplay #Gaming #2024 #2023 #Storyline #Combat #Fight #Story #Gondians #Underwater_Prison #Minsc #Jaheria #Steelwatch_Foundry #Steel_Watch_Foundry
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