Learning Laravel 5.2 Series - Installing Laravel On Live Server(Godaddy) through Composer video - 2

Learning Laravel 5.2 Series - Installing Laravel On Live Server(Godaddy) through Composer video - 2


8 лет назад

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shahzad muddabbir
shahzad muddabbir - 01.11.2017 12:35

That's the great tutorial but my problem is that when i make any database in laravel or create table using php artisan make:migration in localhost cmd line but in line server how is this make possible please explain sir.

Murilo Livorato
Murilo Livorato - 14.01.2017 00:30

hello my friend , very good tutorial .I had done like this example .
It worked ok , the laravel folder I created at one place and the public folder , I created in the public folder . It worked ok .

But the probleme is when I gonna make a upload of a image , in my admin area . The image was suppose to go to my public folder/assets/images/myimage.jpg
but is goint to my laravel application ->
laravel/public/assets/images/myimage.jpg .

It seams that I need to change as well the public path directory to laravel make the upload outside the laravel structure folder ,and make the upload inside the root folder that I created ( the public ) do you know how I can do it ?

I make upload like this -
$file->move(public_path('/assets/temp'), $main_image_filename);
(It was supose to go to assets , but is going to local/laravel/public/assets.... )

Thanks my friend .

deveron80 - 20.12.2016 02:04

your doing it wrong

Jerico Pulvera
Jerico Pulvera - 30.03.2016 12:35

This is awesome!! how did you learn those things? can you please tell me how to be like you. xD
