Might and Magic X Legacy Solo Barbarian Warrior Difficulty Part 1

Might and Magic X Legacy Solo Barbarian Warrior Difficulty Part 1


6 лет назад

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Hardest part of a solo playthrough - spider queen. After that game looks very easy.
Picked spear, axe and mace from the start because rerolling weapong shop for a relentness weapon is too boring. So the plan was to pick the first 2-handed relentness weapon i have a skill for. And because i have 3 skills rerolling will be 3 times as fast! First one to come was a spear, so i picked it as my main weapon. It took 10 min real time to reroll it.
I reroll most early game monster to get health potion. Before spider queen it was necessary. You need aorund 10 potions for it. After queen it is probably a too safe play. I doubt i will need all of them. Already have 20++ health potions by the end of part 1.
I know how first mystic crypt works but it is faster to randomly step on plates to solve it.
Bought rpois ring near the end of part 1. It was not neccesary but it takes so few time i couldnt resist ^_^.
Not sure if i will make whole playthrough.


#Might_and_Magic_X #Legacy #Warrior #Solo #MM10 #MMX
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