Color | Importing, AI Generation, Testing | FlutterFlow University

Color | Importing, AI Generation, Testing | FlutterFlow University


1 год назад

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@flutterflowexpert - 01.06.2023 15:06

As a non-designer those are very interesting for me! Great work FF!

@dongwonkwak.official - 01.06.2023 15:56

Awesome work!👍

@Panda9943mind - 05.08.2023 02:39

can you import the actual figma design/mockup?

@GlowTheWorldNeedsLove - 12.10.2023 00:40

missing project

I had been working for months and hours on a project, paying the pro subscription every month for several months now and some of the projects that I have been doing for months disappeared, not just for a few hours, months, I can't send a message to support, it won't let me and I had always been able to before, how am I supposed to solve it if they don't answer me? I can't send messages, what's happening, the chat section disappears??? Someone who can help me, it's not fair, I've been working for months, the test section doesn't load, the texts can't be seen and it doesn't load, so I don't know what's happening. I need help. I can't communicate with Flutterflow even though I have the subscription.

@developerzull - 13.01.2024 17:40

Nice tutorial.

@sakshamgiri4169 - 21.01.2024 20:27

what if someone is color blind??

@MichaelGalt - 01.03.2024 19:18

This is great information. I will point out that at the end, time is spent addressing color-blindness. Statistically, it is estimated that 4.5% of the US population has some form of color-blindness. So... while it might be "nice" to try to address that... I wouldn't recommend spending that much time on it unless you have a LOT of users or complaints from people about that specific issue once your app is live... at which point you can address it and know specifically where it is causing people issues, as opposed to spending a bunch of time trying to address it pre-emptively when maybe it won't be a problem at all.

@Pankomentator - 05.06.2024 01:13

Hi FF team, figma import often doesn't work. Pls fix it.
