Arthas' Fall to the Dark Side Reforged. Warcraft 3 Reforged.

Arthas' Fall to the Dark Side Reforged. Warcraft 3 Reforged.


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@jowolf2187 - 10.11.2023 08:50

I never really noticed watching the cinematic originally, but they clearly based Arthas' appearance on Buliwyf from the 13th Warrior. The physical similarities are uncanny.

@RealArtVandelay - 11.08.2023 02:24

I will never think anything cool of Arthas for as long as I live, in you look at the code of Paladins, he has failed every rules and succombed to evil for power, he had no power over his lust for power, ambitions and emotions, and is directly responsible for thousands of deaths amongst the people that he swore to protect, he destroyed the very land that made him what he is and even killed his own father in the process. If at least he wasnt a holy knight to begin with, maybe it wouldnt have been so dramatic.I dont see him as cool and powerful, I see him as a complete failure that should be forgotten and spat on.

@OGDweeb - 29.06.2023 04:59

Poor Arthas. Misguided, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

@Ronin3453 - 05.04.2023 01:54

Arthas did nothing wrong.

@smartinvestment4438 - 26.11.2022 12:11

Malganis was abducted instead blow up in thousands of bats??? WTF!!! Since when Blizzard introduce grey Aliens in the game? lol Malganis got busted by the MIB jajaja, no no really??? I miss the old way that the dreadlords die.. not that alien abduction thing

@spitfuzzy7826 - 23.11.2022 12:06

I think the saddest part out of all of this is the cinematics aren't updated. Sure, cut out half of the in game animations, take a giant shit on the atmosphere the original gave us, but to update the very first cinematic and then leave all the others the exact same is like the final nail in the coffin. It's just such a dismal display

@gescof21 - 20.10.2022 12:53

If you think about it, if Muradin hadn't been in Northrend or hadn't told Arthas about Frostmourne then Arthas wouldn't have gone to search the blade.

@animeforever8508 - 08.10.2022 14:34

Why does this story still gives me chills 20 years later.

@Liskenstein - 18.09.2022 05:58

The WC story should have ended with TFT, would have been art

@Flummiification - 09.09.2022 20:10

why couldn't they have made this into the film

@damiencrossley7497 - 28.08.2022 11:45

Odd I liked this reforged but it could of benn so much more cough cough Quencinging mod

@thedokkodoka4349 - 02.08.2022 08:53

Those movie clips are still absolutely amazing. Blizzard was THAT good at this.

@officialrobertcenox - 20.07.2022 15:05

amazing how the two necromancers that escort him to his dad throne manage to take care of the 10 guards in the throne room

@alexandernishino3019 - 13.06.2022 11:43

Is it just me or do the trees look the same.

@templar23 - 12.06.2022 02:00

wow it looks so shitty wven after they 'tried' :/

@WagnerWolf7.62 - 02.06.2022 23:30

It had to be done, the city had to be purged.

@jakenorthbriz - 02.06.2022 00:48

Hey Xletalis, I just wanted to ask what your thoughts were on the obi wan kenobi series so far? Are you going to make any episode recaps like the witcher series?

@Sal0Alo - 28.05.2022 00:13

Frostmourne Hungers.

@Aiuralion - 24.05.2022 17:52

Anybody who hasn't played or seen the original WC3 is going to be a bit puzzled by the cinematic. Note the size of Frostmourne - it's just a longsword in the cinematic, yet the Reforged in-game model has made it as long as Arthas is tall!

@JackFrayn - 17.05.2022 21:45

Эмоции сожрала бюрократия.

@nafkahrizqi5767 - 13.05.2022 15:47

Pity ... Blizzard removed side quest where Mal'Ganis's brother, Mal'Nourish starting journey for revenge :(

@saviofalcao6752 - 13.05.2022 15:47

Arthas did nothing wrong

@redzal808 - 13.05.2022 10:14

God knows how much this game meant to me 🥲

@Alvsyn - 11.05.2022 17:35

That shapeshift at the start was so weak I can't even

@tahmidullah6078 - 04.05.2022 22:56

For a second, I thought that was Henry Cavill animated into Arthas lmao

@truthseeker2033 - 27.04.2022 13:28

Ahhh the memories!

@brokbeenbreker8406 - 04.02.2022 19:51

When Mal'Ganis says he can't possibly mean to in end when he gets killed He sounds like Ralof from skyrim or any other nord npc as for a fact 😂

@brenoldt - 27.01.2022 23:15

bruh, first time i played this, i felt really sorry for the mercenaries. This was a fantastic campaing story

@David-xg5uu - 16.01.2022 02:11

I never liked Arthas.

@axechop - 12.01.2022 00:06

Notice how immediately after he picked up the sword, his eyes started glowing and his hair turned halfway white? Bet Blizzard will use this to say he was dominated by the Jailer.

@jothamdoronila2079 - 07.01.2022 14:03

no kidding they got the animation word for word on the lips. propss to blizz

@jangerloff3521 - 08.12.2021 02:12

666k ;)

@ranni9536 - 23.11.2021 12:59

You know...if Medivh revealed himself as the guardian they would have listened to him and the story would have changed drastically lol...

@jinonizuka9284 - 12.11.2021 22:15

When arthas get this armor replace paladin armor

@Judo_Kami - 23.10.2021 05:59

I saw the trailer for this game was excited until all the reviews came out. Kind of false advertising imo

@Orcaluv26 - 21.10.2021 00:22

So is it me or was Arthas kind of an arrogant douche even before he took up Frostmourne?

@MrRhoadsRules25 - 11.10.2021 04:41

Man the original version of Arthas killing his father was enough to make me a lifelong warcraft fan, and seeing the remake just feels so hollow and empty

@WaterCursed - 16.09.2021 05:48

I love how Serbia has 0 internet laws when it comes to piracy, so I'm here playing warcraft 3 after 20, and frozen throne after 19 years, still in it's one true form.
Warcraft 3 Reforged? More like Warcraft 3: Forgery.

@halggrom5032 - 01.09.2021 01:04

They could'v done so match better....blizzard...why

@pivoda1400 - 29.08.2021 17:03

Spaghetti hair lmao

@luisp.1957 - 26.08.2021 19:32

Mmm siento que faltó emoción en los diálogos de los personajes de siente muy plano pero bueno aún así por lo menos está remasterizado y hay que conformarse con ello

@saiboticrage8581 - 18.08.2021 12:50

youre not yet my arthas nor i would obey that arthas even if you were arthas
