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DraKulis Cinematic Gaming

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@angeldicassielagba1000 - 05.09.2023 13:36

Please how do you auto aim in this game

@rafaelcarbonell2225 - 26.04.2023 11:11

Deberia este juego tener una 3 parte pues todavia queda ese chino y me gustaria jugarlo y eliminarlo

@claudlowe9228 - 17.04.2023 19:18

Quit reading every paper in the game and play. You wonder why people don't play these games. The people making the videos turn them off these games by their ego trips.

@chaiyamola3270 - 17.04.2023 16:17

good 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

@ConservativeLiberal70 - 09.04.2023 14:01




@Zack-bi5sk - 07.04.2023 03:59

Get the fuck back quit being a dumbest dude

@terranatura4443 - 27.03.2023 03:56

Homefront 3 needs more Russia, and Vietnam

@akashrichhariya9079 - 25.03.2023 20:51


@akashrichhariya9079 - 25.03.2023 20:51


@akashrichhariya9079 - 25.03.2023 20:43


@bonasbuilders905 - 19.03.2023 11:14

One thing I never liked about the game is that the health is so insufficient for the trouble you get yourself into if you get caught slipping

@redpearcorp2192 - 14.03.2023 18:51

Death 🤣🤣🤣

@pbentsonable - 06.03.2023 00:26

Feels like a hardcore version of the Division games especially after the Black Tusk invade.

@anthonybell3036 - 04.03.2023 04:45

CA, circa 2020s, colorized

@ugurarslan255 - 01.03.2023 19:35

👍 Very Beautiful Game And Gameplay 👍

@TheGav0071 - 28.02.2023 17:27

I noticed how at the start of the intro there was not one scene of the US President mentioning anything to do with the Korean aggression, so who was President in 2012-13? Also wouldn't the EMP take out the Canadian grid too if was big enough to take the US grid? Not connected? They don't have to be. Not all US grids are connected either. Imagine that!

@gabrielivan2538 - 13.02.2023 16:59

First Off Guerilla Difficulty is Harder than Just Hard, but word of advice people Sincercely There aren't any achievements for completing the Game on Guerilla, I know Cus I finished it on Guerilla, Which is Why I STRONGLY Advise each of you not to Play Homefront on Guerilla, only reason for people to play Guerilla is only to have a fun Challenge, but no Achievements, No Bonus Features, Not Even Bonus for Multiplayer. Second Say What you will about how Half of Homefront 2011 Story is Bad, okay, And then Gets Great at mission 5, through 6 and 7, but you gotta admit the Multiplayer in it is FREAKING TOTALLY INCREDIBLE. Makes you wonder why didn't the creators of Call of Duty made their multiplayers like this. Plus Homefront the Revolution is mostly a Suckage Game reboot. The Reason the Game Creators of Homefront 2011 were Unable to start making any Sequel is because the companies got shut down they discontinued the series. But We're not gonna sit by while they make a totally Horrible Homefront the Revolution 2 Game, Denied, ABSOLUTELY NOT, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. That is why we are going to make the Second Game Greater, Give New Budget, restore the companies. You see, I plan to start a Private Industries Engineering Loaded Company that will start a Private Great Movie rare Studios. Increase hospital healthcare equipment. Make a Private enhanced Game new Studios. Improve Federal Bureau Investigation technology. Increase Police Fighting. Get charity Sanctuary for homeless. Even Upgrade Each American faction Militaries New Weapons. But let's focus on the Private Video Game New Studios, plan to make them a deal they won't refuse in order to fund them. You can bet as well the New Hospital equipment well have new Cures for cancers, and viruses. Oh and Homefront is very important, it's more than just a Video Game, more than just a part of Cyber space, it is a Training Simulation to help Train us Americans on the day The Korean War 2 Begins incase America gets attack, But we don't know about North Korea taking control of Japan, Saudi Arabia, and American City States, even with Nuclear missiles it is Highly Unlikely they'll take control of American States. Only Countries they can take control of with the help of China is South Korea, and maybe Japan. And that's the worse part, their greatest Weapons aren't Nuclear missiles, nor Nuclear Bombs, their Greatest Weapons is the China Liberation Army, their Warships, and their Chemical weapons. Only 2 Countries in the World have a Highly Likely Chance to take control of America, China or Russia, but they won't. With The New Classified Weapons They'll Die. You'll know exactly why soon, right now onto why China would help North Korea, simple because decades ago the Chinese government made a promise to North Korea to help them with Any Wars, when the Chinese Government make a promise they keep it forever to Honor it, that means their partnership is Permeant, even Now North Korea and China are still allies as of today. North Korea treats it's people like slaves, has ridiculous laws that only exist in North Korea. South Korea was not Owned by the Northern Korean country, nor were they friends, South Korea is an Independent Country, and when the Korean War started in 1950 the North Koreans wanted to take control of South Korea, they barely managed to defend themselves, so they called their allies America to help them, America along with their Hispanic Country allies Puerto Rico had to came to the mainland of Korea, help defend them, take back certain Southern Korean places, and got bunch of North Koreans Bastards Killed. (Seriously America Own Military fought alongside Puerto Rico's Military against North Korea, I know cuz my dad's from Puerto Rico, My mom was born in Texas, 10 months later raised her in Puerto Rico, grew up there, met Both of her Army Grandfathers, and met her Army Great Uncle, the brother of her grandmother from her father side, Anyway he's my Great Great Uncle that was in the infantry that, On Behalf of America, and Puerto Rico they fought against the North Koreans) But North Korea also had allies too, they called their friends China, started to Prolonged the War for About entire 4 Years, the War stopped on 1953, but never ended, only stopped with an Armstice Unjust Temporarily Peaceful Truce, America, North Korea Even China they agreed to stop the War so they Stopped fighting....... For Now. But in time the armstice will end, armstice are not permanent, they are temporarily, in time we will fight again. Maybe making that Armstice was a mistake, an American proverb to you people, a Just War is Better than a Unjust Peace, but don't think each of those Countries Government saw it that way. Well either way it don't matter, they made the armstice temporarily stop fighting the Killing Dangerous War Temporarily For Now, but still after 69 years, almost 70, America, North Korea, and China have had political debating War. Homefront Game series will help Train any American soldiers for the Korean War 2 on the day it happens, but even so when the North Koreans Army, Police, along with the Evil Gorvenment get and will be Killed, the Main Threat is mostly China, we're certainly not friends with them. They themselves have done many Dishonarble Sinful Terrorism that can Never go Unpunished, President Xi Jinping of China is Pure Horrible Evil, he is the one that made the genocidal Law to not have more than 1 Baby since China is Overpopulated, anyone giving birth to twins, triplets, or more must have an abortion, or if the parents refused they would huntdown any runaway family with more than 1 baby, Kill the childs, and the Parents, but in time the Law Partially changed, all families in China can now have 2 babies, but they can't both be girls, first has to be a boy, then second one can be a girl, they could only have twin boys, but no twin girls, either that or can have Twins, One boy, One Girl. China is trying to take away Taiwan's Independence freedom, make that island become part of China, but Taiwan refuses, and there have been Political problems about America against China about going to that island. And for those Wondering What Weapons are going to make For America, that's highly Classified, some of you probably think the Goliath APC From Homefront, not sure that Vehicle is Possible, but Let's just say Maybe. ATTENTION Fellow AMERICANS for the sake of this Country land Future Be SuperHeroes join any AMERICAN FACTIONS MILITARIES. Just Like that DISMISSED

@zeferreira727 - 04.02.2023 19:03

Boa tarde GG 👏👏👏👏

@nguyenphuoc4834 - 01.02.2023 22:02

What US do when they hate DPRK but they can't attack DPRK:

@gobigusa3726 - 28.01.2023 16:51

One game that has to be remade and brought back

@volvopoimes6149 - 28.01.2023 12:14

Is this a game from our ancestors?) It smells of old age)

@whyme2500 - 28.01.2023 05:13

Old memories...

@KemalALKIN - 26.01.2023 01:05

This game in my gaming history in 2011 😢 Thanks for this.

@neofulcrum5013 - 26.01.2023 00:22

Would be great if we got a third game

@mihirkarnick - 25.01.2023 23:46

coming soon to reality

@DraKulisCinematicGaming - 25.01.2023 23:09

Sub 4 More
