3 Minute Sona Guide - A Guide for League of Legends

3 Minute Sona Guide - A Guide for League of Legends

3 Minute League of Legends

2 года назад

57,083 Просмотров

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Sigrit - 19.07.2023 03:26

Comment for algorithm

Arcadia Free
Arcadia Free - 15.05.2023 03:21

I don't play this game. It looks confusing.

6ix - 15.04.2023 23:01

sona is the worse version of seraphine

The Lord of the lost luncheon
The Lord of the lost luncheon - 10.04.2023 02:56

I love sona, shes super easy and mashing buttons is very cathartic

Aaron Chacon
Aaron Chacon - 16.02.2023 16:01

And pray your team knows how to ward

Dr. Cheese MD
Dr. Cheese MD - 06.02.2023 02:21

Most underrated league tutorialist. i started playing in October 2022 and thanks to your videos I have a pretty deep champ pool already and can for the most part keep up with my plat friends. You are an absolute dynamo. Thank you.

Samuel Caya
Samuel Caya - 27.01.2023 11:47

Awsome guide! But i think 5min format would be even better. More time to speak slowly and get a bit deeper. Anyway, you got a new sub :)

Carlos l
Carlos l - 17.12.2022 16:07

Quick and informative, just how i want it after i opened dj Sona

Ricky - 29.09.2022 13:24

Underrated channel. Do you plan to cover Bel'Veth?
Thank you

Joshua Talbott
Joshua Talbott - 26.08.2022 10:03

Started playing league like 5hrs ago. My buddy told me I was gonna play support and this video helped immensely. Actually had a fun time

Fleur - 15.08.2022 15:22

I really like the tutorials your doing. It's very helpful for beginners like me. It's fast, gets straight into the point, not boring, informative have everything you have to know such as the skill sets, what the champ is good or not good at, tips and tricks and how you should play them from early to late game. It's also easy to download cuz low mb lol. Also can you do Kalista next? Cuz she's incredibly underrated anyways Keep it up mate 👍

Gowon outsold
Gowon outsold - 19.07.2022 18:29

honestly THANK YOU, guides out here are so long and way too complicated you made so clear and only in 3min 😭

Flavia Conley
Flavia Conley - 14.07.2022 21:37

I had to slow you down to 0.5 and add subtitles. A slight longer video might help you keep viewers in your video. I left once, remembered I could slow your down a bit and look for auto-generated subs, so I came back. Great instructions though, very concise, just need to be delivered at a reasonable pace.

Ali sarsılmaz
Ali sarsılmaz - 14.06.2022 09:05

ty <3

Patrik Novák
Patrik Novák - 12.06.2022 12:02

nice guide

defnotmolly - 08.06.2022 02:09

i would love an evelynn guide!!🙏🥲 love ur videos

edo27 - 02.06.2022 06:36

your guides are great! keep going man! im new to league and i love quick guides! subbeD!

SketchTheParadigm York
SketchTheParadigm York - 01.06.2022 00:10

THANK YOU for making a short guide. I get that this is a super
competitive and complicated game… but literally every tutorial video i’ve ever watched just isn’t new player friendly. They usually give way too much information that isn’t always relevant… and the guides are always unnecessarily long… I shouldnt HAVE to watch 5+ hours of player guides to understand a game.

Ken McDavide Fernandez
Ken McDavide Fernandez - 28.05.2022 00:21


Hussuki - 22.05.2022 06:36

This was great, love the vid. It's good to know I'm using her well. My big difference from this guide, is that I know how to adapt to different enemy comps and adjust my runes, spells, and item builds accordingly, by this point. However, your note of the use of ignite over exhaust couldn't be more true. I found that ignite on Sona is very risky even with a burst adc in lane and healing (or lack thereof) on enemy side. This is because of how much sustain exists in the game currently. I've realized that by late game, ignite tends to become more useless with high HP pools and strong heals from enemy side. Where exhaust could potentially secure a kill or escape well into late game. So, although you're right about finding early pressure with ignite, I'd recommend beginners to stick to exhaust until they have better matchup and champ knowledge to effectively use ignite down the road.
