Incorporating a Business in Canada: Corporation vs. Sole Proprietorship

Incorporating a Business in Canada: Corporation vs. Sole Proprietorship

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@paschalochang3891 - 18.02.2024 02:04

Nice video Jessica. I just recently got a job which states on the letter of employment that I am an independent contractor. The job pays 6600CAD per month. I also just started a 9 to 5 which pays 90k per annum. I am really confused on what to do. Some people have advised me to do a sole proprietorship while some have said I should incorporate. Which will I go for based on my circumstances.

@jclarkelister - 20.02.2024 23:05

This was incredibly helpful and to the point in a way that was easy to understand. Thank you so much!

@jalyssakhan5161 - 27.02.2024 14:01

Grocery business is sole proprietorship or Corporation?

@urvyyaduvanshi13 - 01.03.2024 07:41

My husband (he is a filmmaker) says your lighting in the video is “too good” 😊😅

@kostyaprotosovitsky175 - 07.03.2024 02:03

thank you for all the information. it helped much much more than any other resources I was relying on. Very clear, easy to understand and joyful to watch you. thank you again

@itzBoltGG - 11.03.2024 09:31

You mentioned that the general rule of thumb is that if your business is earning 100,000+ it may make sense to incorporate.
At this time I am making more than that from my regular job and side hustle combined.
Would you incorporate only based on the business or a combination as tax brackets can get quite high.

@AuthenticallyTee - 22.03.2024 21:55

Great info. Just a side note from someone who works in corporate law and worked in bankruptcy for over 12 years- when someone sues the corporation, they also add the director of the corporation to the suit. I always thought there was protection with an incorporation but not as much as people think. I guess maybe larger corporations but as a person with a corporation, you are most likely the director. Love the lighting by the way.

@lianalane6744 - 25.03.2024 19:55

I subscribed half way through this video. Exactly what I was looking for

@stagesofcj - 07.04.2024 04:55

This was SUPER helpful. Also I love the lights, and your personality is really easy to learn from! Thanks!

@AlshiemaSaheed - 07.04.2024 21:59

Hi Jessica,

I am thinking of opening an Etsy shop selling digital wedding invitations. I have already opened my shop and I'm working on my designs. Do I really need to open a sole proprietorship? And now if my business doesn't make much sales? Isn't that a waste of time and money to do that? And If it's a good route to do the sole proprietorship after the 5 years do I need to renew it, or how does that work? I live in Ontario, Canada

@VancouveriteBoy - 14.04.2024 23:28

Jessica you're amazing!
Thanks for sharing 🌹

@krystinehamre7851 - 24.04.2024 08:18

Hey Jessica,

I’m an apprentice carpenter and I am doing small projects as a side hustle and I am wondering if I can be a sole proprietor? I won’t do any jobs that are high risk or require permits and/or structural and I will get insurance for myself? Need to do research on that. Seems like a gray area because construction can be super high risk. But I will have a lot of business expenses in the first year or two because of tool costs. What do you think about carpentry as a side hustle?

@TripsToInfinity - 30.04.2024 05:24

Great vid.

@shannonortiz7125 - 18.05.2024 04:21

What are the costs associated with incorporating? I know it's about $1500 ish when setting up, but are there additional annual charges I don't know about. I'm literally in the process of incorporating, and wish I watched this video first :) Thank you!

@KapwaHomeschooler - 31.05.2024 05:04

Thank you! Finally someone who makes sense. I did studied Biz accounting but did not finish. I know we have Sole prop, partnership & corp. I kept seeing LLC & S corp and i was so confuse 😅😂.thank you!!

@sadie2914 - 02.06.2024 20:55

Thank you this was super helpful! I was struggling with deciding between starting out in corporations vs. solo, and corporations seemed overly complex to Me, so this was very well explained and heloed me differentiate between the terms! 5hank you so so much!

@Chud84 - 03.06.2024 00:02

Would be helpful to talk about what the expenses are for a corporation which don’t effect sole proprietorship.

@tarrafindlay4616 - 16.06.2024 19:11

HI, Thanks for all your videos. I just wish I would have found them sooner!

I have incorporated my business but really think I shouldn't have. How do you suggest I determine if it is worth it to dissolve my corporation and resume my business as a sole-proprietor?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions:)

@l.c.9596 - 18.06.2024 03:34

Completely outstanding presentation. Thank you so much

@abbygodfrey3282 - 21.06.2024 02:01

Is this as having a business registration number?

@anavanesaroman - 22.06.2024 00:35

What about if you have a full time job with a good salary? Does it make sense to add more money to your yearly income?

@koolaidpuc - 30.06.2024 19:09

Hey! I have a question. Can you name and register a company with numbers but without the Canada at the end of the name? For example: can you a name company 11111122 INC. instead of 11111122 CANADA INC. ? Would that be possible?

@ButterChickenCat - 05.07.2024 09:45

Thank you that was helpful

@stephaniebass8042 - 07.07.2024 06:09

This is so helpful! And I remember that business! Rich and fit challenge!

@genevieveboulet9024 - 25.07.2024 23:46

I use Momenteo for accounting software ;-)
Really helpful and it made it easy for me to decide

@mikeyboyer22 - 29.07.2024 02:51

Very informative!!

@DorianBlue1 - 08.08.2024 01:37

Jessica, I trully apreciate the information. Quick question, if you switch from a sole prop. to a corporation, will I lose all my business credit and credit history for cards and tradelines from the sole prop.?

@Sandra.Brayer - 07.09.2024 19:24

Thanks for this information ❤

@sinabahiraie1992 - 08.09.2024 16:18

Thank you so much

@LesleeLanglands - 11.09.2024 01:32

Thanks so much for this. I was wondering if you know anything about dissolving a corporation. I started one, but have not used it and think its best if I dissolve it. I was at a stalemate was not sure what to do, but your video helped confirm it.

@sarataj7242 - 13.09.2024 18:10

Thank you Jessica for all the info! I was about to download the budget spreadsheets that you mentions are free on your website but they are $32 each, could you please confirm?

@NOW-TECJ - 23.09.2024 06:56

thank you so much was able to register my company after watching this video. God bless you

@MohammadHadiQambari-rf7or - 30.09.2024 05:15

Thank you a lot, you changed my decision , Jessica

@SimonVicencioCanada - 06.10.2024 01:48

very useful content! your video appears as an extra content on my finance course at University of Niagara Falls

@StorgeBrickLeslie - 08.10.2024 03:06

Hello! I really hope you read this message, I have been following you for a while and I am looking for an accountant to help me with my recently launched sole proprietor company as well as real estate since I am getting my license soon, Can you recommend me a good accountant here in Toronto? I really appreciate your content it is very useful keep up the good work thank you so much!

@wiredmittens89 - 14.10.2024 03:06

Been looking for something comprehensive! Thank you so much for this :)
Would be amazing if you can shed some light on to how to potentially transition from Sole Prop to an incorporation.

@InMission - 22.10.2024 05:26

The Capital Gain Exemption is no more, isn't it? I do believe Turdo change this year and eliminate that. I'm not affirming, but I do believe that's what happened.

@allanmadan9959 - 26.10.2024 01:47

Thank you for your video. I enjoyed watching it and it has very useful information. Note that the Lifetime capital gains exemption is not available to all Canadian sellers. To qualify, you must meet three specific tests: (a) the owner must have held the shares for at least 24 months before the sale, (b) at least 50% of the fair market value of the company's assets are used in an active business in the 24 months before the sale, and (c) at least 90% of the fair market value of the company's assets are used in an active business immediately before the sale.

@Canada4evr - 24.11.2024 02:16

Comment. Commenting. Commented!

@jehsarabenuu8402 - 20.12.2024 08:42

When you incorporate instead of a Master business license do you have more fees as the name is moving from a license to incorporate and I know no one has my business name. Fact

@DrJunaidKhan - 22.12.2024 20:48

I am interested in a research and development company, primarily dealing with educational journals, research related paid assistance. I don't know which type of company/corporate should I choose, like LLC, SMC, or PVT Limited 😢

@aishadurrani22 - 12.01.2025 07:08

This was SO informative and straightforward - Thanks Jessica!

@Jay-py1ow - 22.01.2025 06:44

The main benefit is being able to pay yourself dividends instead of salary. Takes your tax rate down to 14%. That fact alone is worth it for anyone profiting 75k or more

@jessicakiddie218 - 11.02.2025 02:21

What if you incorporated to early can you go back to being a sole proprietor? I have the incorporation and trade mark but I haven’t expanded my cleaning company so my company isn’t making a lot of profit yet. Working on expanding currently. Also would you recommend hiring employees or contractors? If you could please make a video about that. Thank you!

@ideaminegroup1766 - 27.02.2025 19:30

What’s the cost of maintaining a corporation in canada …ie annual fees …audit fees etc etc …thanks in advance

@Chr0mePisto1a - 27.02.2025 21:50

Thank you for sharing, looking at incorporating this year.

@CrashLanding - 28.02.2025 20:24

This video was very informative Jess! I just subscribed!

I do have a question if you could provide some feedback?

I’ve been training for the past 2 years, and I’ve had family members, friends and even strangers ask if I’m a personal trainer or why I haven’t started training.

I’m getting ready to start my business, but since this is just the beginning for me, would you recommend a Sole Prop?

I know I won’t be making income right away, my goal is to build the brand via social media and charge accordingly.

What are your thoughts? Hope to hear back! 🙏🏾

@JyotiSharma-xj5tn - 18.03.2025 20:07

Hello Jessica, This video was very insightful. I am a new entrepreneur and am trying to establish my trading business, which will involve import activities. Do you suggest having a sole proprietorship or incorporating the business? Looking forward to your advice. Thank you.
