How Daenerys is Connected To Rhaenyra & Daemon: House Targaryen Family Tree EXPLAINED

How Daenerys is Connected To Rhaenyra & Daemon: House Targaryen Family Tree EXPLAINED


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miracle porter
miracle porter - 24.09.2023 09:25

Rhaenyra is actually Danny's 7 great grandma

Faizan Zai
Faizan Zai - 23.09.2023 08:34

So gross

212caboose - 12.09.2023 08:17

You'd think with that much incest, the offspring would have become unviable MUCH sooner... Jeebus.

Rob Austria
Rob Austria - 11.09.2023 06:00

heyy keep it to the family right xD

Kaila - 08.09.2023 17:13

People really questioned if Rhaenyra and Daenerys were connected somehow….. isn’t that the point of a family line?

Jim Guy
Jim Guy - 04.09.2023 13:53

Most annoying voice extending every last word in a sentence

Kayne Sovereign
Kayne Sovereign - 31.08.2023 13:08

And I'm not sure if grrm intended the Targ names pronounced like that. But I always assume the YS in Daenerys and Viserys sounded like EASE not IS... but every time you pronounced the name Aenys you sound like you are saying Anus.

Kayne Sovereign
Kayne Sovereign - 31.08.2023 13:02

Everyone shits on season 8. Rightly so but I've airways maintained the hate was often for the wrong reasons. Some only hate on the rushed hack writing required to wrap up a complex web of character arcs and narratives which is valid. Buuuut Most ALSO wrongly hate how the storylines and overall story ends which is (for the most part) ends pretty much up where it should, and the characters end up exactly where they should or at least there are valid reasons why the story and character arcs end where they should. It's just that they could never get the characters to the end of their parts of the ending in what like 6 shit episodes. And even if you include the truncated 7th season which was similarly short it wasn't enough time. They needed at least seasons 7 and 8 to be a full 10 episodes and a short 9th even to make it really make sense to show only fans.

However you book readers who disagree and think that the ending still makes no sense clearly didn't read the books or didn't really see that the books so far validate the ending for the most part (with some exceptions, like Arya vs night king). Dany is set on the mad queen path pretty early in the books, Jon could only end up with the nights watch/ wildlings (or dead as the only other option) cersei and Jaime can't survive whether they die in each other's hands or at each other's hands is the only option set up in the books. Sansa is lady of winter fell. And most controversially Bran is so clearly set up as being king or otherwise in charge of the future of westeros that it shocks me that book readers didn't see that coming....

its actually pretty poetic that bran being both blood of the firstman and also essentially a vessel for the children of the forest made extinct by the andals (like the lanisters and tyrells) that bran is basically the avatar for the children of the Forest and greenseers to take back westeros that belonged to them by using the body of their first human enemies to take the land back from the second set of invading humans that they literally used no less than 3 magical doomsday weapons to try to stop these andal religious zealots and still they proceeded have their culture, religion, and 99.999%of their species genocided into a few cavemen and a tree person that is a receptacle for everything they lost and the collective souls and minds of their dead.. only to have that tree boy that contains the collective hive mind of their people to end up calling the shots in the end.... how could he not end up in charge?

Book readers prove me wrong and why Dany doesn't end up mad then deaf and Jon doesn't abdicate his claim and have bran installed as king with the full support of the only houses that survive the long night and mad queen because of the bran and Jim

Jain Jigaro
Jain Jigaro - 28.08.2023 23:10

Why do these mfs name their kid the same as theur grandfather or great grandfather or grandmother and shts? Is it that hard to find a name? There are millions of names in old valariya books where daemon wrote the secret songs yo conquer over Dragons

Warren Gouldthorpe
Warren Gouldthorpe - 26.08.2023 17:44

They didn't make a mistake Rhaegar Targerian has 2 sons named Aegon, one with Elia Martell and the other with Lyana Stark

Skeptical Chris
Skeptical Chris - 25.08.2023 04:32

the equivalent distance in time, would have been the late Queen Elizabeth II's ancestor of King George III, famously the King that lost the American Colonies

The Gr8 1
The Gr8 1 - 19.08.2023 08:33

‘Before season 8 f*%# It up’ GoT went downhill way before season 8. 😂

Just for help others
Just for help others - 12.08.2023 19:55

Why jon is couple with rhaenys in the end of tree

Jc of house Baratheon kush on deck
Jc of house Baratheon kush on deck - 10.08.2023 06:37

we dont know if jon real is aegon ( book version rhager already named one of his kids aegon ) so his name might be different

KEV - 09.08.2023 20:24

"Maekar is the most crucial one. He married Dyanna Dayne and bore 6 children, but I won't name all of them. There have been already too many names in this video."

BECAUSE YOU KEPT FUCKING MENTIONING IRRELEVANT ONES my god i got so annoyed every time i heard so and so are not important for the video THEN DONT FUCKING MENTION THEM BRUH

Caleb Griffith
Caleb Griffith - 08.08.2023 23:38

Why would you deliberately pronounce names wrong that are said perfectly for you on the show. Or do you not know how bloody annoying that is.

Darwin Qrhaqxydridge Galera
Darwin Qrhaqxydridge Galera - 04.08.2023 12:32

Targaryen Family Tree more like a Family Circle😅

Stony Stark
Stony Stark - 30.07.2023 03:20

im pretty sure its ae-nees not anus lol

Genius Boy
Genius Boy - 27.07.2023 23:29

This series is promoter of incests 😂

Lauren Dearnley
Lauren Dearnley - 24.07.2023 18:40

Did NOBODY in the production of this watch GOT or check their facts? How could you broadcast the last minute of this, thinking that Lyanna Stark is Elia Martell and completely ignoring the fact Rhaegar had two sons named Aegon (in the show anyway, Jon Snows birth name hasnt been revealed in the books.) Thats a MAJOR plot point and the thing that nearly every casual viewer understands.

Boromir the Blasted
Boromir the Blasted - 24.07.2023 14:02

A-knees, not A-nus lmao

Richard Peyton
Richard Peyton - 14.07.2023 08:56

Побольше таких видео, хотя от куда взять столько времени

Olly Jackson
Olly Jackson - 05.07.2023 22:20

Wtf i forgot this is all frictional

Henriette Andersen
Henriette Andersen - 21.06.2023 07:49

Err I’m pretty sure Rhaegar had TWO sons called Aegon…

Luigi Depetro
Luigi Depetro - 21.06.2023 02:16

The House of the Dragon and the new negro blonde heads. There starting to copy the guys playing in the NFL

Ani Atoyan
Ani Atoyan - 19.06.2023 20:24

G.Martin clearly is bad at basic genetics. With so many inbreeding, strange how this house even survived, not mentioning such beautiful faces. LOL

Siti Ainsyah
Siti Ainsyah - 18.06.2023 06:54

Rhaenyra & Daemon 🥺❤️

Stove Guy
Stove Guy - 14.06.2023 15:59

Dayum, he is ugly.

REAVER 14 - 14.06.2023 15:10

Jaehyrs didn't outlive his son Dagon but he was a Maester and his daughter Saera who became a whore in the free cities

Tree House
Tree House - 13.06.2023 22:25

Had Aegon Targaryen sat on the throne, he would have been Aegon the VI. Dany knew at the end she was nothing to the throne, and that contributed to her madness besides those inbred genes raging inside her.

Tanzina Mehzabin Faria 1612559630
Tanzina Mehzabin Faria 1612559630 - 10.06.2023 14:29

My head is spinning!!!! 🥴😵🤯

Alex Bechtol
Alex Bechtol - 06.06.2023 17:14

They really got a character called anus

Lolia - 31.05.2023 05:53

We do have confirmation in the book though all sources agree that harwin was her lover and the children had 0 in common with laenor OR rhaenyra herself, and it DOES matter because it would be one thing for her to have bastards but its another to lie about it and try to put them on the throne and then proceed to go on a k*lling spree on anyone that calls her out for what she did do, but if she had 3 bastards whome she kept close and gave them good titles and lands but made it clear that she would only put her true heirs on the throne, it wouldve made more sense its as ridiculous as one of brandons brandons bastards taking winterfell from the legitimate starks of ned cause theyre the children of the eldest stark and it "shouldnt matter"

aesthetical rose
aesthetical rose - 31.05.2023 03:51

... They.... They're all targaryens... of course they're connected...

J S - 28.05.2023 06:16

Rhaenyra , also connected to Baratheon Brothers, Gendry, and Shireen. First 2 episode Rhaenyra was like Shireen(betray by her dad and disobeys her dad to do the right thing). Also Rhaenyra is the many great grandmother of Baratheon Brothers.

Edward Curl
Edward Curl - 27.05.2023 20:17

They sure like their sisters in that family

Undertaker - 21.05.2023 20:30

considering all the family tree stuff, the story of John and Daenerys perfectly proves my theory - no matter how distant they are, two Targaryens will always mate each other.

Lorentz - 15.05.2023 10:59

The person who wrote the script for this video has never read the books.

SADHU - 11.05.2023 15:06

Measter ameon Son of Maeker and brother of aegon v ,, how long did he lived....
And died because of old age greatest accomplishment in GOT universe....😂

Kunal Bisht
Kunal Bisht - 09.05.2023 18:59

This is the shittiest explanation ever...rather read the books

Kevin Michael
Kevin Michael - 06.05.2023 11:38

The girl with the name starting with r is incredibly ugly lol

Candice Bekaroo
Candice Bekaroo - 30.04.2023 10:36

There will always be Targareryens.

Lilo Rolland
Lilo Rolland - 29.04.2023 06:56

the unnecessary amount of incest and how fans of this mythology is soo obsessed is just cringe.

NEART & CUMHACHT - 25.04.2023 15:28

Of course these these people that work in Hollywood literally hate themselves more than any other race head to like every other thing in Hollywood now did a black person to the movie for no reason just because it needs of a person in their opinion it'll ruin the show but it doesn't help and if it was a bunch of bigger role it could ruin the show because it doesn't belong there if it was a show about I tried and Africa who could do the same thing with powerful hippos or some s*** lions that can fly and then like out of nowhere is there any history that made sense so like white people from all across the world just got a really powerful part in the movie wouldn't make sense

Johnny Hatten
Johnny Hatten - 22.04.2023 21:14

Maegor is younger than Aenys. This is a very important detail since Maegor and his mother Visenya believed that Maegor should be the true king because he acted more like a “dragon” than Aenys. Maegor was never the true heir to the throne. He just stole it for 6 horrible years

Dutch van.
Dutch van. - 20.04.2023 18:52

Anus targareyn.
6 children.
Aneys wasnt playing with anus

Facehugger89 - 20.04.2023 10:11

is the Aemon Targaryen house of the dragon same as the one in the watch in game of thrones?

Laura Mik
Laura Mik - 16.04.2023 12:15

Lul so daenerys row was the first to not marry each other until John snow 😂 👍🏽 but they not married so 😂

Ex Muslim Bilawal Khan
Ex Muslim Bilawal Khan - 15.04.2023 10:18

It's painful for Green 💚 Supporters but fact
After Aegon II further generations of Targaryens are associated with Dreaming and Raehnyra Targaryen which is started from AegonIII
