Unlock the Guardian Frame Shift Drive Booster (FSD) in Elite Dangerous for Maximum Range (Tutorial)

Unlock the Guardian Frame Shift Drive Booster (FSD) in Elite Dangerous for Maximum Range (Tutorial)

EDTutorials by Exigeous

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EDTutorials by Exigeous
EDTutorials by Exigeous - 24.09.2018 00:36

NOTE ABOUT LANDING: There is a reason I suggest taking the DBX or Asp X (and went in a DBX myself) - the terrain is VERY rough and you'll basically be unable to land an Anaconda or large class ship here. It's never a good idea to bring a large ship when doing planetary stuff, especially Guardian or Thargoid sites - leave the big pig at home and take a small ship for this.

UNC030 - 22.08.2023 01:03

About to start the long haul out there does this still work ?

allnamestakenisnot - 16.08.2023 23:35

This shit makes me want to off myself.

Jarl - 28.07.2023 00:12

How would you find this ingame? Like how?

GreenGamerGuy - 16.03.2023 12:52

this is fucking dumb this game is fucking stupid and does NOT respect our time on this planet and neither do any of you morons think about that

Gareth de-Witt
Gareth de-Witt - 22.02.2023 09:37

Argh it’s so frustratingly difficult.

† Masterhp †
† Masterhp † - 20.02.2023 05:40

Do I have to come back 6 times? Or do it all together.

Smiley Noel Productions
Smiley Noel Productions - 09.01.2023 06:04

If your srv blows up do u lose everything?

DXSTANT Beats - 30.12.2022 21:12

Was able to set my Python with point defense down at -45.7780 -102.6390. You have to go slow and get real low, but you can find a spot for a medium ship very close. Couple of tips: If you turn assist off on the SRV it is easier to control. Absolutely have missile defense on your ship close. It can be a grind finding the parts and can take awhile... if you logout to main menu they will respawn (so will the sentinels), this was the worst and grindiest part for me.Thank you for the awesome ED videos Exigieous this is the best Elite Dangerous channel in the world, no contest.

Justin Baker
Justin Baker - 29.12.2022 22:06

Hi all. Wheres the link for one of the builds used here?

Andrew Revenge
Andrew Revenge - 29.11.2022 01:32

I just started playing ED after buying it on steam sale. Holy smockes this game wants you to go through all kinds of grind... your guides help a lot, thank you :)

arkansasorigami83 - 26.11.2022 05:41

This guide is super lacking

Branjo Snow
Branjo Snow - 15.11.2022 04:03

Completed this the other night, great addition to all ships.

rapturas - 13.11.2022 02:59

How the fuck do I scan the orb? I've used a data scanner but don't get any blueprints, only ancient data terminal scanner no new traits. WTF is going on? 🤣

Commander Nullex
Commander Nullex - 30.09.2022 15:56

9/30/2022 - just a note, if attempting to charge the pylons a second time, you'll need to relog as they will not charge once you've done it once for that instance. For the Guardian Technology Components, they give you 3 per 1 picked up and you'll always get one from shooting a small panel on the side of the structure that is on the hill (panel is where the ground meets the hill, on the left side of it if you're facing the hill from the front ramps that cascade up to the top of it). Relog and get 3 every time you go back in and shoot the panel off. If it is not popping out after shooting the panel its because the game yeeted it into oblivion. Try again. That happened to me like 80% of the time too. A real annoyance but persistence is key, because the video suggests you can get the Tech components from the leaning towers, but that's really never the case.

Swiitch PsTalent
Swiitch PsTalent - 21.09.2022 10:30

Like everyone says, great video, clear steps! But am I missing something? I'm following this step by step, first 2 pylons then the other 4, grab a relic and eject it over the blue pad. The glowing orb comes out, but I'm not getting the brief cutscene (I've seen another vid that shows the same brief shot from the side as the orb comes out), for me it's staying in 1st person, and when I go into turret mode and lock onto it, nothing happens. Is there something I'm meant to be doing before coming to these sites?

V081WLBlue - 18.08.2022 03:55

What in the name of fuck are you talking about!

Baldwin - 06.08.2022 19:30

i came from the future to tell you that this is the single worst gameplay experience in over 40 000 hours of gaming variety.

Vehicle Boi
Vehicle Boi - 29.07.2022 07:30


Stuart Seaton
Stuart Seaton - 24.07.2022 15:22

Trying to do this 6 times to get all the blue prints and so far I have managed two but seems like a bug stopping the orb ejecting because I keep going through the same headache of lighting all the pylons - with less time each time and then I get to that part it it doesn't work! FDev sort the game out ffs! Waste of time

Maximus - 03.05.2022 00:45

Is this guide still good for Oddysey?
