Beginner's Guide For Divinity Original Sin 2 Definitive Edition

Beginner's Guide For Divinity Original Sin 2 Definitive Edition


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El Indigeno
El Indigeno - 06.10.2023 05:35

I suck at this game

Tasty Gaming
Tasty Gaming - 24.08.2023 21:50

Idk why anyone would play this trash. Every encounter is made with a specific race, class and perks in mind. It wants to give you the illusion that it is a good rpg that is flexible…it is not. The game doesn’t like if you aren’t a dps or tank, the game doesn’t like if you didn’t pick the pet pal perk and the game doesn’t like it if you don’t complete side quests exactly as intended (aka it can lock you out of even completing Fort Joy) . So really I have trouble understanding why everyone praise it so much.

Christopher Way
Christopher Way - 24.08.2023 21:26

Man… I’m going to have to start completely over

Thx 1138
Thx 1138 - 22.08.2023 16:48

lo intuisci già dal logo in stile gioco da telefonino che non c'è niente di speciale in questo lavoro. it's an overcomplicated saga of the trivial

Tasty Gaming
Tasty Gaming - 22.08.2023 07:29

"This game allows you to play how you want" / "for those struggling pick this exact race, class, skills and build" ….am I the only one seeing the contradiction ?

Tio Joseph
Tio Joseph - 22.08.2023 07:19

So i was not the only one struggling at the fort

J Ma
J Ma - 18.08.2023 20:24

As a newbie that just recently done all I can in Fort Joy Ghetto, my best advice is to TAKE IT SLOW. Because I'm the player that like to brute-force my way through challenges, rather than do the rational thing of coming back later, I wasted almost 2 hours fighting the Magisters on the shipwreck with the elf when I was level 1 with two party members. Needless to say, I got my ass handed to me over and over again.

Salty_Lemon - 06.08.2023 19:11

I was thinking about maybe giving this game another try. All you described in this video sounds like a pain in my ass. This game really doesn't want you to have fun.

Snozz McBerry
Snozz McBerry - 10.07.2023 04:16

Fextralife, your existence is an immeasurable boon to the gaming community. A heartfelt thanks for the enormous amount of absolute top tier quality you put out. If I had the means, I'd support your work financially to a great degree (it saddens me that I don't, unfortunately, have these means)

Stone Cold
Stone Cold - 07.07.2023 20:27

just bought this on a deep sale during summer steam sale event and can't wait to start it! i'm sure i'll enjoy story mode the most and not have to worry about character build, difficult fights and all that. I will still enjoy the combat but i mostly play for story and exploration and environment now

Guy Man
Guy Man - 07.07.2023 18:04

Bro I love this game so much but the beginning made me feel like I straight up had 1 health point, every fight was hell

Athena Light
Athena Light - 28.06.2023 18:22

Thanks great video

Davx - 21.06.2023 09:32

So I know I’m late to the party but….I’ve been on fort joy. And it doesn’t seem to matter which merchant I go to for skills.
My question is: are there certain vendors that can sell things only they have?? So say the one dies, I need to reload a save?

Aasif Essack
Aasif Essack - 12.06.2023 10:28

I came here for clarity, I got more confused, help me please im trying to get gud

Aaron - 03.06.2023 06:55

This game looks very complex.

Stephen MacDonald
Stephen MacDonald - 14.05.2023 19:00

My first play through i watched videos like this to help cut the learning curve but one of my favorite things that I found on my own was when I decided to make Thane my lockpicking guy. To my surprise he doesn’t need any lock picks and just uses his finger bones to pick locks

NBK - 20.04.2023 14:30

here's the most valuable tip imho. when you finish. if you think you wasted some level points up in fort joy you do not despair. you board a ship to leave fort joy in the end of act 1. there is a mirror in the lowest level of that ship you can literally go back there anytime you want and rearrange your whole level points there. I started this game 3 times over without leaving fort joy thinking I fcked up my build and need to start over. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO START OVER you can keep rebuilding your character if you find a cool spell you wanna main along the way. I started with a rogue, died too much then converted that character into a wayfarer ranged spell caster.

Ernan Dalcolmo
Ernan Dalcolmo - 17.04.2023 15:12

This game is super Hard.

mynameisben123 - 16.04.2023 04:47

How is this for beginners, I can’t even figure out how to choose a new skill lmao

Be Grateful Everyday
Be Grateful Everyday - 08.04.2023 08:15

Is there a difference with the steam version? My game looks very different in the beginning. For starters I cant choose any other race for my characters. The loot screen looks different as well.

$htCoin Maxi
$htCoin Maxi - 22.02.2023 21:03

I dunno why i waited so long to play this game. Glad i did a blind playthrough first, now i can try to master some mechanics

Lucifer4040 Hunter
Lucifer4040 Hunter - 04.02.2023 15:50

Thanks man!! I just picked this up and I’ve always been able to rely on you for help!! GREAT VIDEO

ZeNex74 - 02.01.2023 12:24

gave up years ago, didnt get very far. got a backlog of games but im here watching and seeing if i can try again so more ready for balders gate 3

Redd justaguy
Redd justaguy - 05.12.2022 19:42

I thought I'd be good at this game because I play a lot of Fire Emblem and FF Tactics... Oh how wrong I was...

Wolf of Odin
Wolf of Odin - 16.11.2022 02:51

I get lost so hard in this game I've done alot of new game because idk what to do Half the time

Pincho Paxton's Greatest Minds
Pincho Paxton's Greatest Minds - 11.11.2022 22:30

I haven't got a clue how to play this game, and I don't know what the guy in the video is talking about. he says use Stomp.. what is stomp, and how do you get stomp? It's like people expect you to understand what a stomp is. Like in the English language you have a fight you say "Use stomp!" nobody will know what you are talking about.

Wave Existence
Wave Existence - 28.10.2022 19:58

I've been on the fence about this game for year's and now I find myself not playing anything at the moment 🤔

tablet music acct
tablet music acct - 23.10.2022 20:05

This video is for beginners to the game not beginners to the genre. Knowledge of DnD and rpg game terminology.

Mark S
Mark S - 11.10.2022 22:25

Does playing as lone wolf make the game more manageable for a newbie?

digitalconsciousness - 29.09.2022 13:07

This game sucks. Anyone you attack in Fort Joy will clean the floor with you. Attacking just one guy? Nope. He has 4 adds because fuck you. I have health potions, but can't figure out how to trade one to my guy that is low on health. Attack a barrier? Fuck you - you're now poisoned. More health drained away. Any healing spells? Fuck you - you don't get any.

Fuck this game.

Sir Stiffy
Sir Stiffy - 21.08.2022 15:54

sounds complicated af, imma just try my best and see what happens

Toesucker’87 - 20.08.2022 16:12

Me who just went in with the human knight guy:

Nemesis - 04.08.2022 18:25

That’s not a beginners guide.
It assumes you know how to start the damn thing.

Adam Thompson
Adam Thompson - 08.07.2022 19:50

Cas is the best I bought this game on sale and just got off the ship and I am not very good 🤣 trying to make the correct decisions and trying to get used to it and that’s why I’m here need some guides on it’s. It’s a good game lot to learn and the red prince is cool too and have a rodent following me 🤣 dlc I think 🤔 thanks again Cas.

Lulu Maha 👊🏿
Lulu Maha 👊🏿 - 07.06.2022 12:17


Smoking a Bowl
Smoking a Bowl - 11.05.2022 07:40

No like the tutorial didnt say how to do anything. I dont play shit like that. But i want to play with a friend

NobLord - 30.04.2022 12:21

But what about the diffrence damage of 1h + shield and dual wield 1h?

OnePolishMoFo - 23.03.2022 00:18

I tried playing this once. Didn't get past the tutorial. The game throws pages of instructions at you and I knew I wasn't gonna retain any of it. Also the screen is filled with tabs and icons. Too much too fast. I noped out real quick.

Marcelo M.M.
Marcelo M.M. - 14.03.2022 22:57

Started the video, noticed a dumbed-down console interface, and I left.

Caelan Locke
Caelan Locke - 24.02.2022 04:10

So I'm really liking how easy it is to dabble in a few things as well as having your main build

WiredNet - 25.01.2022 06:39

Thank you for this!
BTW, melee is pronounced "may lay" not "may lee"

Joel Please
Joel Please - 16.01.2022 17:32


FAWAZ GERHARD - 14.01.2022 07:10

This nerd game damn, if only i can refund i wouldn't be here sad.

UserOffline - 19.12.2021 13:03

My Eyes Burn at Fort Joy those daylight I hate it

Chris Is Lekker
Chris Is Lekker - 05.12.2021 23:20

I love the background music you used bro !!
Also thanks for the help :)

Angelina Lewis
Angelina Lewis - 13.11.2021 15:59

Sound is bad - dis.

Cloud9Photography - 01.11.2021 11:06

this abortion of a game is the WORST game ive ever seen. you die 400 times a second, enemies are waaaaayyyyy too strong, the movement is jerky and clunky you click on attacks and they dont happen, you cant complete any quests because even the beginning enemies have waayyy more hit points than you. i cannot stress how HORRIBLE the movement is in this have to click so many times to get the god damn toon to move and half the time you click and your toon just....stands there. then if you die you lose all your porgress, you have to quick save 400times/sec its just the most irritating game ive EVER played and im so glad i got a refund on if you think stress and rage inducing stupidity on the programmers part is FUN....have at it, but if not id steer well clear of this disaster of a game it SUCKS and is built SO stupidly

roybenari - 11.10.2021 08:45

Rain also exposes invisible enemies

Samael Matus
Samael Matus - 06.09.2021 22:12

I was playing in normal mode and found the combats very unbalanced especially in the second act, where it seems that all enemies have more action points, everyone can give more attacks than me, and there are many strong enemies at the same time. It seems like it's hard just for the player to take longer to get to the end. I liked the game and I'm no RPG newbie, but this game left me tired and frustrated.
