Implement Push Notifications with Xamarin.Forms (iOS) and FCM

Implement Push Notifications with Xamarin.Forms (iOS) and FCM

Gerald Versluis

3 года назад

26,875 Просмотров

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@rubendrang4324 - 18.07.2023 19:43

How to handle this when the app is in killed stage ? How to get the data when the notification tapped when the app is in killed stage?

@subrahmanyamp9843 - 24.06.2023 15:01

Hi how to handle clear notification event on iOS. I want to trigger event when user clear the notification. thanks

@ContronicsUK - 06.02.2023 14:21

net6.0-ios does not support Plugin.FirebasePushNotification . For android its working fine and for IOS this library is deprecated and not working.
I am using Latest version of VS 22. The tutorials may be seems to work on Xamarin Forms but its not working for MAUI. Can you please upload a video for that as well. Many of us are facing this issue on MAUI.
And BTW we love your work and I have learned MAUI because of you.

Many Thanks Boss

@mehmetsandkl7417 - 13.01.2023 15:12

Hello Gerald. Thank you so much for this video. I want to use OnNotificationOpened action but it's not firing on IOS. Do you have an idea for this subject? Can I'm override notification open method on AppDelegate etc.?

@RamiShokir - 06.01.2023 17:45

Thank you very much for helping me

@quentin117 - 29.12.2022 18:42

Hello Gerald thank you for this great video. I was able to implement everything. I just have a question and maybe you can answer me.

I tried to subscibe to a topic "test" to test the topic feature. When i sent push notification to the topic "test", nothing happened. But then, i tried with the topic "general" and i recieved the notification. Is there some topics names that are forbidden to use ? I didn't find any info about this online.

I also tried with the topic name "aleph" and it worked well.

@HovikPapikyan - 19.12.2022 17:06

Good afternoon Gerald, I repeated step by step what you showed in the video, and I get an error when running on the (FailedToRegisterForRemoteNotifications) method, error {no valid “aps-environment” entitlement string found for application}. Entitilements.plist i added(APS environment string development) and IOS version 16.1.
if you have any ideas, please write !!

@rosenbecherroland5724 - 10.12.2022 19:27

Excellent! I watched some other videos of yours too and used them to make Xamarin apps. Best teacher on YT!!! Thanx for saving me so much time!

@morozovua - 04.11.2022 11:09

Hi! Help me please. My app is crash when I tap on notification while app is closed. Method FinishedLaunching even not start, it happening earlier. When app is hide or open I don`t have problems with tap of notification.

@luigidamore8621 - 10.10.2022 12:45

Can anyone help me with the steps to follow to publish an ios app with push notifications on the apple store?

@SmartAzan - 04.09.2022 08:46

Thank you. i am getting notifications. Can I get the background notification, say when the app is closed? I want to cast something to my Google Nest Speakers whenever I receive a data push notification without any user interaction. I know it works for android. not sure about Apple.

@lilHoodRD - 08.08.2022 16:20

I didn’t realized i haven’t subscribed yet until the notification send test xD!! Subscribing immediately!

@wickshot - 29.07.2022 16:42

Could you do a similar project with Shiny?

@interpreter5844 - 26.07.2022 00:17

Thank you🖤

@wickshot - 01.07.2022 17:11

Have you tried this on VS22 Beta, I can't get the iOS to compile as soon as I add the plugin

@reyanthonyflores - 30.06.2022 12:06

for some reason My app won't work on release mode on first try but if I close and re-open the app the notification works

@AbhishekSingh-vp2qi - 04.06.2022 17:29

Sir can we add action button like "Accept" and "Reject" button on a notification in ios?

@gabrielwembi808 - 31.03.2022 02:02

Notification has no sound in xamarin forms ios, how to implement it?

@drMarioze - 28.03.2022 13:58

Hi Gerald, first of all, great tutorial and well explained. I have an issue with no sound on iOS devices when notification arrive. Is there any additional setup for that? Thanks again, Mario

@nishantsingh5655 - 23.03.2022 21:24

Hi Gerald! Nice demo@@ .. Can you please give a demo on silent push notification

@lancesimangan7405 - 02.03.2022 06:49

Hello Gerard, with the new Xcode Versions is there no workaround to test via IoS Simulator?

@marthinch - 21.02.2022 09:56

Does it also work in iOS 15 above?

@LovedeepSingh-zw1sg - 13.02.2022 11:58

Thanks for posting this step by step implementation video. I will be trying now :)

@kaio90001 - 25.01.2022 15:16

I can get the token but I don't get the notification!

@dummyaccount9578 - 18.01.2022 08:44

how can I show the banner even the app is currently running in UI?

@dummyaccount9578 - 12.01.2022 12:16

are you using on iOS Simulator or a real Device because I also got " Error in application:didFailToRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithError: remote notifications are not supported in the simulator"

@andrewbeeman84 - 10.01.2022 18:11

Firebase documentation talks about “topics”, is that the same thing as Channels?

@dummyaccount9578 - 06.01.2022 05:03

Hi does the notification still works even the app is closed? just like on facebook or instagram

@ahmettalhasahin6979 - 04.01.2022 22:19

Hi I have question about multiple notification. When I send more than one notification , when clicking notificition OnNotificationOpened event doesnt work after one notification, I meant that clicking first notification is working but others doesnt work When I received multiple notification, How to solve it ? Thank you

@yogie4u1 - 04.01.2022 17:36

Hi Gerald, excellent video 😊 I followed your video to try push notifications. One request, could you please make a video on how to use remote config using xamarin and c#.

@davidlewisn1017 - 01.01.2022 18:17

Hello Gerald, Great work, I need to get started on Xamarin and detect and connect a digital scale. Do you have any starting samples for Bluetooth devices? Thanks one again. David

@glebbsif - 22.12.2021 01:19

Thank you a lot. It's cool. Thank you for detail information! But what to do if got "Automatic provision failed"? And how to set if to choose "Manually". Thank you

@miguelmendezsanchez262 - 20.12.2021 06:15

hello, i have this issue: Failed to fetch default token Error Code=-34018 "(null)" please can any helpme

@chandrabhansinghgurjar9348 - 14.12.2021 15:13

Can we have some example to schedule the notification from device itself and delete the scheduled notification when not needed. User should able to get the notify even device is not running in background. Like Good morning message.. or if he did not check-in at given time then notifications should automatically get triggered

@hrithikkumar9349 - 01.12.2021 18:51

Hi sir, I'm getting error in appdelegate in failedtoregisterforremotenotification method it says no valid APS-environment in entitlement but I have entered the APS-environment to the developer

@taiwantoklip - 17.11.2021 18:10

Nice work,keep going, plz

@ahmettalhasahin6979 - 09.11.2021 12:03

Thank you so much but I got issues after adding Notification my app. It is closing when starting suddenly. Do you have any suggestions for me ?

@fkmbkk - 01.09.2021 19:51

Thanks for the great tutorial...Does this apply to .NET MAUI also ?

@mroni9502 - 30.08.2021 16:37

et voila , ha ha ha got it

@phamthanhduong74 - 24.08.2021 04:41

Notification not show in foreground, how to fix it? Thanks.

@Ezekialify - 12.08.2021 21:59

Hey, thanks for making this.

@NOROGH - 29.07.2021 14:06

In FinishedLaunching method i have a

FirebasePushNotificationManager.Initialize(options, true);

And log is

An error occurred: 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'. Callstack: ' at Plugin.FirebasePushNotification.FirebasePushNotificationManager.Initialize (Foundation.NSDictionary options, System.Boolean autoRegistration) [0x00029] in /Users/runner/runners/2.169.1/work/1/s/Plugin.FirebasePushNotification/FirebasePushNotificationManager.ios.cs:141

@clauspiil1351 - 28.07.2021 10:35

Can you make a video about sending data from the background to the 'didreceiveremotenotification' method?
Many of us do not get a call for 'didreceiveremotenotification'.
In Android it works fine in the background with 'Intent.Extras' in 'OnCreate' in 'MainActivity'.
In the foreground, everything works ok.
Only iOS background will not work because 'didreceiveremotenotification' is not called.

@NiteshKumar-km3to - 27.07.2021 16:07

Thank you so much for your video your video helps me like our Greatest Lord SankatMochan hanuman

@chintukalyan7437 - 26.07.2021 17:29

Hi, I need to put image as push notifications from fcm.

@checox1909 - 15.07.2021 04:07

I had haven't seen this video and today I'm spending too many hours trying to set Push Notification in Xamarin form for iOS project, is good that you used a Leomaris post, she is a very good friend of mine, I worked with her on some projects, she is awesome

@wongchinyung9887 - 11.07.2021 18:57

I just realised one difference between Android and iOS. When u are running iOS app in foreground, and u schedule a local notification, the notification will only show up once your app goes to background. Whereas for Android, local notification can actually be shown even if the app is in foreground.

@wongchinyung9887 - 10.07.2021 18:00

Thanks for the great tutorial! Just a reminder for anyone who might wonder: The bundle identifier is case sensitive so make sure it matches exactly!

@akhilthakur2046 - 06.07.2021 14:50

hey, didreceivenotification is not triggered when the app is in the background. can you please help and let me know which method is triggered when notification arrives and the app is running in the background mode.
