Inputting Notes using the Score Editor on Logic Pro

Inputting Notes using the Score Editor on Logic Pro

Scotch Music

1 год назад

751 Просмотров

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@totallynotabot151 - 03.07.2023 07:56

Thank you for making these short topical videos!

@pbasswil - 04.03.2024 17:49

"Crotchets & quavers & minims" – very foreign words to this musically-literate North American. At music school here it was always quarter notes, eighth notes, whole notes, etc, etc. Even Fa Sol La Ti Do were used sparingly (mostly when we were taught 'Moveable Do'); otherwise the notes names were the letters A thru B. Oddly, I'm in the French-Canadian city of Montreal – you might expect more emphasis on the French solfège system.
