UiPath Database Queries

UiPath Database Queries

UiPath with Jeppe

3 года назад

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@oliviergarcin8624 - 20.12.2023 14:23

Hi Jeppe, the syntax @ParameterName doesn't work with a PostgreSQL datatable in an Execute Command or Execute Query activity, could you help us about that ?
I found something like :

"PREPARE my_query (text, text) AS
UPDATE myTable SET Country=$1 WHERE FirstName=$2;
EXECUTE my_query('"+strVar1+"','"+strVar2+"');"

But still need to use variable and not parameters, so I don't know if this is secured

@user-tr1pp5hw9m - 03.12.2023 06:14

Hi expert, I have a question about the parameters.

It is good if
{ select * from employee where user = 'Tom' } change to => { select * from employee where user = '@user' }
where @user is assigned with "Tom"

BUT it is error if
{ select * from employee where user = 'Tom' } change to => { select * from @tbl_name where user = 'Tom' }
where @tbl_name is assigned with "employee"
The error message show .... Execute Query : Must declare the table variable "@tbl_name"

Why so that ?

@karpatan - 19.11.2022 10:16

Thx. Effective 👍

@IPIX360 - 19.07.2022 12:19

I've spend a lot getting errors until I found your 6min:27seconds video ! Thanks a lot, Jeppe!

@souvikmukherjee7025 - 05.07.2022 11:10

Can we take snapshot of multiple queries and store it in a particular folder , lets say snap1,snap2,snap3(i=1 to i=n, i++) .... I need the snapshot of sql or dbeaver or any other applications snap with query+result... please comment on this

@vladtofan3482 - 31.05.2022 00:02

How can I execute multiple lines of SQL code into 1 Execute Non Query activity? Thanks in advance!

@WakoKiler - 20.02.2022 23:14

I do an assign and input the whole SQL query into an assign and than input that into the Execute Query as the SQL input.

@rksharma6322 - 04.05.2021 19:05

Hi Jeppe, can you make these videos in HD, most probably 1080p- that would be cherry on the cake

@kullayaswamy5560 - 01.05.2021 07:19

Can i use input dialogue box to enter the entire sql query and pass it into the execute query as variable.

@urgonnah8this - 25.03.2021 17:53

I liked the example of using the parameter vs. string concatenation. Very helpful.

@dosarcusina3768 - 20.12.2020 12:20

Great info. Eager to see next ones.
