Scrying With An Obsidian Black Mirror and Crystal Ball - How To Commune With Spirits Using Scrying

Scrying With An Obsidian Black Mirror and Crystal Ball - How To Commune With Spirits Using Scrying

Seldom Dreams

1 год назад

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@ashleygrieger7842 - 21.01.2024 06:18

Thank you, dear one.

@user-uq7cu6pm9r - 21.01.2024 02:37

hi thank you divine thank you for your great readings sending love and light

@AndreaJ9x - 18.01.2024 23:36

I just found you today and you live in the next town over! You are the first person to explain this stuff to me and Have it makes sense. I feel it’s a sign because I have been looking for a mentor. I need to get in touch!

@freddievarnum5309 - 18.01.2024 03:21

I’m so interested in this. I’ve tried astral travel w not much luck yet ( not giving up), but I feel this is something I’m already doing unintentionally. I can see different dimensions/versions (?) of people often, like varying persons inside of them. It only started happening this year after what I believe was a spiritual awakening. It’s scary sometimes but mostly intriguing- does anyone else have experience w this? How can I hone it? I’m also having super powered sense of smell constantly- like I smell a smoker near me, or who was me, or a spirit’s smell that is not physically anywhere around, or wet dog? or dirty stagnant water? Anyone know the meaning? (I’m purchasing the black mirror, so thaz a start)Anyway thankyou Avery so much! I’m interested in classes.

@mummynapkin. - 03.01.2024 13:08

nice to know you have something to sell at the end, in more ways than one.

@mummynapkin. - 03.01.2024 13:01

careful now.

@virgosun3026 - 01.01.2024 01:04

Hi avery

@mlstar1695 - 23.12.2023 02:48

Ever see a close up of an ants face ?

@mlstar1695 - 17.12.2023 19:44

Thanks for this

@coolface5635 - 16.12.2023 23:34

This was a great breakdown of Black Mirrors and how they can be used

@Veve7 - 22.11.2023 21:08

Dear Avery, once I'm done w my present projects, I would like to be your student. You are far and wide the most exceptional reader. PS. You look great w your hair short and sculpted. Many blessings to you and your new family.

@Al-cd2bk - 16.11.2023 23:49

Excellent Avery thankyou for your explanation❤

@aatman-anawakening5601 - 20.10.2023 15:29

What intention one should set while practicing scrying the mirror? What type of questions can you ask the mirror??

@ZophiMichaels - 21.05.2023 08:31

You have reaaaally nice energy, I can feel it through this video despite it being a month old. It almost feels like the same wavelength that I am on, which is good to know for my journey.

@blankleitmotiv - 05.04.2023 07:42

When you mentioned that obsidian has no bias and then that you are able to see yourself as animals spirits… that reminded me of shamanic tobacco ceremonies, the shaman told me that the tobacco removes his personal, ego biases and allows him to see clearly, it also removes negative energies.

@russellparkerart - 30.03.2023 12:34

To touch on your last bit. "She" saw me as a man on a torture rack. For two weeks prior, I had been having extremely lucid dreams of torture in many ways. Those dreams literally hurt. I woke screaming once, I recall.

She told me, "you have already lived that experience once. You don't have to do it again".

I have never had another torture dream since that day. Been 4 years+ now.

@terrih8276 - 29.03.2023 23:21

Thank you Avery. Wasn't aware of black mirrors

@lynettesmith9415 - 29.03.2023 21:59
