*NEW* Low Elo Tier List Patch 8.09! - Killjoy Meta is BACK! - Valorant Guide

*NEW* Low Elo Tier List Patch 8.09! - Killjoy Meta is BACK! - Valorant Guide

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@8XGaming-ms3fz - 14.06.2024 01:14

My S Tier: Skye, Sova, Clove, Cypher, Omen. (No duelists)

@Dreamy.tsu_ - 10.06.2024 09:21

calling diamond low elo is wild ngl

@future4415 - 05.06.2024 19:45

warum is iso so unten mein freund sagt eif stimmt nich unso antworte ma schnell

@Saraf_zx - 29.05.2024 12:58

Wtf is yoru...

@flxme_rl - 28.05.2024 10:25

I get plat and diamond buddies in silver lobbies

@frankc9250 - 26.05.2024 17:18

Clove is just fundamentally flawed being able to smoke after death. It’s not fair

@stuN_VAL - 26.05.2024 09:52

if ur cracked at fortnite impulse/shockwaves then raze + spectre is OP in low elo

@thecaptain0073 - 25.05.2024 19:54

I recently played deadlock a lot in dia and i had like 90% winrate in 13 games or so. Lol

@dimaspenggalih - 25.05.2024 06:09

Astra doesnt work on low elo bcs they cant do anything with her abilites.
Deathlock has stunts but in low elo there is no follow up, and they don't like to watch flank.
Kayo flashing his enemies, and his team mates as well.

@asher-js5is - 24.05.2024 00:11

“Definitely gotta”… ”definitely gotta”… “definitely gotta”😂

@jebbyjames - 23.05.2024 16:53

When I was silver it was low Elo, then I got to Plat. Then it was low elo. Now I am diamond still I am in low Elo... Come on!!.. I want to end this😂😂

@megumi652 - 23.05.2024 07:47

I miss astra with 5 stars...

@fenfire3824 - 22.05.2024 23:25

I just started playing Valorant and started playing omen. The more I play him, the more I learn how to outmaneuver and outsmart the other team. This agent is really great. But I also get really pissed if someone else picks him, doesnt smoke at all and is only using his teleport in combination with a sniper. I think you should play Omen in a way, that the enemy is always afraid to push and you just have to surprise them very oftenly. It requires some intuition in playing aggressively, without the need to rush and doing kamikaze.
But may randoms use Omen or Reyna to recklessly push and die without supporting the team at all.

@joelkoh7365 - 22.05.2024 05:31

Was wondering, deadlock trips are basically useless for flank. But what if, they make it so that whenever enemy walks by, we have vision of them on minimap, its subtle but it stills allow enemy to decide whether to break trip or continue flanking. This makes the trip so much better imo. Rn you can just walk by the trip

@knuckenfutz9972 - 21.05.2024 17:58


@nilsmessinger3435 - 21.05.2024 07:06

i was an omen main more than 200 hours i learned smokesetups oneways paranoia lineups tps but i didnt get out of silver and since i switched to iso i think im performing much better so i guess its depending on your playstyle and skills

@johntrudeau4321 - 20.05.2024 21:42

Viper is not A tier after the nerf. Especially for low Elo. Most of her power came from being able to play a set up. Low Elo can struggle with orb placement, timing of molly, and fuel management. All things the nerf made worse. I would bump her down to C currently

@HMASbogan - 20.05.2024 05:01

Clove is A tier but shes been played by people whove never really smoked before so shes getting such a bad rep

@seanwong1005 - 20.05.2024 01:39

currently went from iron 3 to gold 2 in one act with clove :D

@animealpha4795 - 19.05.2024 16:38

Me with my ass mechanics can never run reyna

@thaifinnen - 19.05.2024 13:33

What counts as low elo really. Because the list doesn’t really match the matchmaking experience

@aaniiyah - 19.05.2024 13:25

Astra lower than harbor is crazyyy. You know what's crazier? Saying harbor has potential with a duo but not for astra. Her kit is literally so good with so many set play potential. What does harbor bring? Smoke, smokes, oh awkward moving smokes that majority of the low ELO players can't play off with. They instantly assume the wall is gonna clear corners for them and never check their left and right after the wall passes that area 💀 The astra below harbor ranking must be rage bait, right? Satire? No?

@jukaleex9129 - 19.05.2024 07:54

My Fav Agent as for now is Gekko im currently on Bronze and im climbing with Gekko and Killjoy

@Pinkyfinger59 - 18.05.2024 20:31

I think yu miss placed Neon, cause no one can consistantly hit her below silver

@Yopp_ - 18.05.2024 13:30

Used to be a kj main but i wanted to step UP and now i'm a Raze player and i still pick kj sometimed

@michi_valorant - 18.05.2024 12:16

Bro iso is alot better than you think. Deadlock too

@BasedPasteChuggah - 18.05.2024 08:50

Im a diamond player and I have a friend who plays harbour, I satchel into his smoke with a judge and gekko sends in the plant, it shouldnt work but it does, guaranteed open plant because people are too dumb to shoot the harbour smoke 😭

@Benji-dr4gl - 18.05.2024 05:28

i love my kay/o but holy s*** is he not really that great.

@alonsobandilla4 - 18.05.2024 00:06

Sova duelist is real

@robbe8625 - 17.05.2024 23:12

Phoenix should be moved to D tier in low elo. Also in low elo, neon is way more annoying than jett

@Samsaon - 17.05.2024 18:54

If you can master neon they dont ahve any chance. And then you can play with any weapon of your choosing

@rzxesc2640 - 17.05.2024 15:32


@jymmycles - 17.05.2024 14:15

i dont like phoenix and astra

@anasmahmood3453 - 17.05.2024 13:27

Brim is the King Of Controllers

@nikosfotidas8543 - 17.05.2024 09:48

I recently became a Phoenix main and I can attest to how Phoenix is BY FAR the best character for low ELO... Only character that will never have to rely on the godawful controller of the team or the initiators that don't know how to initiate... Phoenix is an incredible site rusher and at the same time one of the most obnoxious mid map lurkers... I've had so many games with godawful teammates that I manage to be decent and keep my team kinda in the game... Also when I lose now I lose less RR cause Phoenix can get good game rating without any help.

Phoenix is BY FAR the best low elo character... Not even close...

@gemmameidia8438 - 17.05.2024 09:15

I literary playing KJ again 2 days ago cause I was bored with cypher (I used to main KJ) and I was surprised with how good KJ is 😂😂😂 especially after nerf and the nerf was one of my reason on why I played cypher more

@pessentrauoptiarou3046 - 17.05.2024 05:42

Lol, I think Deadlock is placed wrong. She is really really strong on a lot of maps, especially in the low elo if you try to play her as an aggressive Sentinel. I went from Iron 3 to Silver 2 in 1 act. No, I am not a top fragging duelist or anything. I generally have a passive playstyle. On defence, you can be in weird off-angles no one expects you to be, while peaking off of your sonic sensors. 80-90% of the times I get at least two kills to best case 4 kills this way, as in low elo people like to push pretty much in a brain dead fashion. Ofc, since u can't escape afterwards, you will most likely die, but the initial kills and stopping the rush gives your teammates enough time to rotate (I am often solo holding a site -- doesn't work on open maps like Breeze or Icebox) or give them enough of a chance to kill the remaining opponents.

@Cavereous - 17.05.2024 03:40

Doesn’t matter what he says I’m locking Iso on Split so someone dodges

@shotashifps6429 - 17.05.2024 03:35

This guy really called Clove they, in 2024 we're calling a digital video game character they smfh

@sunnylaplante204 - 17.05.2024 01:34

u know in low elo its kinda hard to get to 9 ult points?? they nerfed the range of her ult.. and in low elo noone pushes in when you ult, your team literally rather runs away 😭

@zoxication4712 - 17.05.2024 01:01

Hey, I’m a wannabe Chamber main, but I’m hardstuck in low elo. Any tips on how to climb with Chamber effectively?

@xiflawlessix6986 - 17.05.2024 00:22

You lost me when you said diamomd, the top 10% of the games playerbase are low elo

@adifranco2827 - 16.05.2024 22:41

if u know how to play with your ability astra is BROKEN in low elo non of them know how to play against her and with coms oh man you can rank up very fast

if u have a duo or a team with vc your enemies have allready lost the game

@Techtinkerer3D - 16.05.2024 21:46

Im gold 3 and im climbing with Pheonix

@user-ic3xv6pz2r - 16.05.2024 21:38

No one saying omen needs flash nerf bc omg that flash it takes forever to go away

@kaviiidesu4378 - 16.05.2024 20:55

Bro I can't escape iron cuz of chinese trio trollers

@fflupy3761 - 16.05.2024 20:46

Instalock reyna problem solved

@user-hm4sq1un4f - 16.05.2024 20:32

Im bronze 2 and play neon breach astra and killjoy
