June 6, 1944 – The Light of Dawn | History - D-Day - World War II Documentary

June 6, 1944 – The Light of Dawn | History - D-Day - World War II Documentary

Best Documentary

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Temple road
Temple road - 08.10.2023 01:53

1000 Thank you for this documentary. I am a French woman from Normandy, my two grandfathers made this war on the coast. I am really upset because it is the first time that I see colored videos of this period and I can more imagine what they lived. So much people died to set us free and now in France (and elsewhere in Europe) some governments-dictatorships want us to forget the pride to be French and replace our population by foreigners. France will always remain French ! They didn't die for nothing !

Mini Maus
Mini Maus - 07.10.2023 18:49

Solche Menschen braucht die Welt heute ❤❤❤

Ronald Desiderio
Ronald Desiderio - 07.10.2023 18:47

Good Doc. Stop the Blurring

Ronald Desiderio
Ronald Desiderio - 07.10.2023 18:18

DeGaull comes in 3 days later. Pussy

Ronald Desiderio
Ronald Desiderio - 07.10.2023 18:13

What a Beating those kids took on those beaches . Omaha. Just bye sheer volume of sacrificing human boys that the German guns couldn’t keep up the killing. That the beach heads were secured. And You DISRESPECT there Sacrifice by Blurring the DEAD ☠️. You shd be Ashamed of yourselves!.

Ronald Desiderio
Ronald Desiderio - 07.10.2023 18:00

Your Disrespecting the SOLDIERS that gave there lives so 🫵🏽could live and make this doc. SHOW the TRUE HORROR of WAR! So generations learn the truth! And these boys 18,19,20 lives didn’t die in vain.
Respect 🫡 ✊🏿

Алексей Долгушев
Алексей Долгушев - 07.10.2023 16:13

Свет побеждает тьму.

Chump - 07.10.2023 12:49

Great footage - Dreadful script. Maybe it's a bad or lazy translation. Inaccuracies large and small. I turned the sound off in the end.

Human Being
Human Being - 07.10.2023 11:54

Todo bien con los aliados de Occidente, nadie niega que tengan una parte del mérito, pero me gustaría que algún día hicieran un documental sobre quienes tuvieron la mayor carga para derrotar a Hitler, que son los rusos, cuyas bajas se cuentan de a millones, y de hecho son los que tomaron Berlin.

Joeblack - 07.10.2023 10:58

Disgusting portrayal of Monty the Americans advanced down the furthest part of the battle for France the bulk of Germans were in the west the real front line that's why they defended Caen so much it was the main route to Germany, the American generals didn't care about their men especially Patten Monty did care.

Javier Rodriguez
Javier Rodriguez - 07.10.2023 09:37

Una vida. Un propósito.

Nikola Vuksan
Nikola Vuksan - 07.10.2023 09:16

If they knew what the free world would become today they would walk back on their landing crafts and turn around.

MR - 07.10.2023 05:41

Such a shame we’ve allowed the barbarian hordes to spoil Europe after fighting so hard to win it back 79 short years ago.

Tom - 07.10.2023 02:09

Esos ingleses han sido inteligentes en sus conquistas en America. Dejaron su propia sangre y raza ppr el continente, para que estos ( Estadounidences y Canadiences) colaboren en sus guerras😅. Cual aliado, si son los mismos ingleses.

Tom - 07.10.2023 01:43

Nada les costaba a los militares alemanes, los comandantes, eliminar a Hitler, y ellos tomar el mando, y ganaban la guerra.

Georges P.
Georges P. - 06.10.2023 20:22

Patton Patton Patton Patton !!!

Edgar - 06.10.2023 09:38

Have you seen action the aftermath is not pretty but they will never be forgotten one salutes them one is a South Africa

Mr. Husterbuster
Mr. Husterbuster - 06.10.2023 01:49

They were the Nasty 13, and they did a real good job

Fernando NoqueNotario
Fernando NoqueNotario - 06.10.2023 00:32

No entiendo la censura de los muertos era la guerra

ana rosas
ana rosas - 05.10.2023 22:19


Mario Briganti
Mario Briganti - 05.10.2023 21:25

Se ceri tu avresti fatto uguale a loro e anch'io, o si vinceva o tutti ammazzati

Chris Naples
Chris Naples - 05.10.2023 16:46

Bless the souls who gave up their tomorrow's for our todays !

Jay Leng
Jay Leng - 05.10.2023 16:11

Who was the lady seeing the train departing?The Queen Elizabeth?

mogammad manuel
mogammad manuel - 05.10.2023 14:17

The documentary is good and shows These men fought for our country, all the hard effort they had to go through

It's reminder that we shouldn't take life for granted, not everything is as easy as it seems, if you want something you need to do something about it, even if it means risking your life. Great motivation!

Butiza Tembe
Butiza Tembe - 05.10.2023 12:33

Love this video it's shows us how history was because without this channel I wouldn't have known any of this I am very thankful ❤❤

Luigui martioni Dile cruz
Luigui martioni Dile cruz - 05.10.2023 05:27

De tostones limpios

Victor Cheuquepil
Victor Cheuquepil - 05.10.2023 01:18

Si hubiera qué sacrificarse por esa causa yo lo hubiera hecho aunque esa fuera mi propia vida

Red River
Red River - 04.10.2023 23:55

It makes me happy that we were, in a small way, able to help France achieve their freedom again..... it was only right after what they did in 1781.

free dom
free dom - 04.10.2023 19:59

The entire documentary did not say a single word mentioning the contribution of soldiers from the Maghreb!!

misp org ua
misp org ua - 04.10.2023 16:56

Why documentary film contained USSR propaganga? What "Second front"? UK was in the WW2 from the very begining, and that was the first front. Then ally France and USA, and all the people of good opened a lot of other fronts, on two oceans, in Africa, on islands.. So, USSR is DEAD, and NaziRussia will die soon, so stop using communists propaganda termins!

Kavya Rani
Kavya Rani - 04.10.2023 08:40

If Hitler attacked Britain instead of Russia it would be good because at that time Britain dominated many countries as their colony...and suppressed them looted them..

ZitiBoyLilo - 04.10.2023 07:18

My grandfather who was Native American a Powhatan and Tuscaroran indigenous American. He, and about 15 others from New Jersey that he knew, all stormed the beaches that day. Miraculously all but 2 made it back home. They’d regularly travel around the north east speaking about their experiences. When asked what was the hardest thing, he’d immediately respond back, “Wet Socks and no toilet paper!!!” Lmao 😂 everyone would burst out laughing. He was dead serious though. He told me, “I signed up to die… turtle. (Our clan was the turtle clan. He called all of us Turtle. All of his grands and great grands) I didn’t sign up to not wipe my ass and wear the same stinking socks for a month!” Lmao 😂

Emilio Delgado
Emilio Delgado - 04.10.2023 07:07

Los verdaderos patriotas dieron su vida por el pueblo frances es pocible
La tercera guerra mundial los culpables fueron los alemanes y su aliado japones y mudsoline miles de hombres dieron su vida por la libertad y la justicia dios y la patria.

Joshua Brunet
Joshua Brunet - 04.10.2023 04:30

Lest we forget

Augustom - 04.10.2023 03:55

Honor y gloria , gracias muchachos por un mundo libre !!!

Mónica Muñoz
Mónica Muñoz - 04.10.2023 03:46

Gracias a todos los que lucharon y dieron su vida por la libertad.

Tania B
Tania B - 04.10.2023 00:58

Loves this fim, especially at the end a ( great Homanagem)

Fueron porque tenian el Saturno V
Fueron porque tenian el Saturno V - 04.10.2023 00:55

El Dia D fue relativamente facil si lo comparamos con lo que se esperaba para los desembarcos que estaban pendientes para Japon. Las razones?
En Normandia, loa aviones venian desde Inglaterra, volando 40 minutos. Atacaban posiciones alemanas y volvian a sus bases a cargar mas gasolina y bombas. Se podia hacer 4 salidas por dia. Los planeadores para llevar comandos podian ser remolcados facilmente. Los aviones con paracaidistas volaban una hora antes de saltar sus comandos.
En Japon, las bases de bombarderos quedaban a 6 horas de vuelo. O sea que podria regresar y repostar despues de 14 horas. Aviones mas pequeños podrian usar portaviones, pero las reservas de gasolina y municiones serian mucho menores. Las operaciones de paracaidistas despues de un vuelo de 6 horas, serian agotadoras. Las operaciones con planeadores serian imposibles.
En Normandia la poblacion civil era amistosa, y ademas colaboro haciendo saboteo a trenes, depositos, telegrafos. Era facil cominicarse con ellos en ingles y frances. Los prisioneros entendian algo de ingles o frances y casi todos obedecian ordenes.
En Japon la poblacion civil era enemiga fanática dispuesta a atacar con piedras o cuchillos. Era imposible controlarla, y comunicarse con ellos para tener obediencia o dandoles ordenes.
En Normandia, se pudo usar tanques de guerra. El terreno es plano, y la gasolina se recibia desde Inglaterra por mangueras que se colocaron una semana despues del desembarco.
En Japon el terreno es muy montañoso, y recibir gasolina hubiera sido muy dificil por largo tiempo. Los tanques de guerra no servirian como arma.
En Normandia esos 130.000 soldados pudieron soportar en barcos el cruce del canal de la Mancha. Eso fue navegar por 6 a 9 hr, luego pasarse a los lanchones para media hora mas. En Japon esos enormes ejercitos tendrian que pasar varios dias en barco casi sin espacio para dormir, o bañarse, comer, desde Hawaii.
Para desembarcar en Normandia se tenian mapas muy detallados de pueblos, caminos, rios, bosques, y hasta bases. Muchos franceses estaban colaborando en la planificacion del Dia D.
Japon era tierra casi desconocida para los que irian a invadir esas islas.

kevin Jhonson
kevin Jhonson - 03.10.2023 22:53

Europe held hostage at the whim of a mad man. 2023 and once again it’s being held hostage at the whim of a mad mad with nuclear weapons

Alexouille La Fripouille
Alexouille La Fripouille - 03.10.2023 22:51

Please never forget their sacrifice 🙏

Николай Морус
Николай Морус - 03.10.2023 16:52

Если бы на год раньше...

Dirk Kuehlewind
Dirk Kuehlewind - 03.10.2023 15:32

Omg die Falschirmjäger würden heute wegen kultureller Aneignung weggecancelt.

Joeverywhere - 03.10.2023 14:34

World would be a better place if leaders slug it out than send young men to their deaths

GGG - 03.10.2023 14:23

전쟁 의 승패 는 누가 하늘 을 지배 하느냐 에 따라서 결정 된다

Haad Bajwa
Haad Bajwa - 03.10.2023 11:03

Best D-day documentary every made. ❤ Thanks for preserving history as authentically as possible! 🪂🥾🪖🪂✍️

MR. ECLECTIC - 03.10.2023 11:03

Thank you so much. I am more Canadian now than ever. Many fought and died for me. Plus will always be pro Britain and Pro American. I am forever indebted to the people who made history that affected by being. Thanks again.

Sam Rivers
Sam Rivers - 03.10.2023 07:10

El ser humano no debería hacerse cargo del control de los humanos, necesitamos un poder superior de verdad, no me refiero a los inútiles dioses, porque ahora, en 2023 los "salvadores", los gringos, son quienes le están haciendo mucho daño al planeta y a la humanidad...
