Charles Martel 7 Kills & 165k Damage
About the Warship: French Tier VIII Cruiser
-Map: Neighbors
-Mode: Random Battle
-Player: Oppai_Kaze (NA)
-Kills: 7 Ships
-Players of my team: Oppai_Kaze, whiteraven423, The_best_Spycrab, Goin4Ippon, HairyThunder, Juan_Boehner, MajorSlacker40, ohms_is_futile, IcyAce1, R3vooo, Lokloren, Zuriel_Aguilar
-Link to Replay:
-Players of the enemy team: PurifierTheSiren, Knect, suzukidude, Varadax, 35DARKHORSE_2018, littlemattip, bomby_time, Monkeyking_of_sea, vyrago, scooter3145926, HolloWKnight064, GeneralMesquita
-Damage caused: 165293
-Version: 12.6.0
-Achievements earned: Kraken Unleashed!, Confederate, High Caliber
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