How to Update Your Taranis X9D w/ Original OpenTX Firmware in 2021

How to Update Your Taranis X9D w/ Original OpenTX Firmware in 2021


3 года назад

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@khelifihebbache8032 - 18.12.2023 22:27

Bonjour, est ce que vous pouvez me proposer un récepteur compatible avec cette radiocommande et qui a 12 canaux ou plus?

@davemcddd - 09.04.2023 08:06

Thanks for your video! A buddy wanted me to update his old X9D Taranis so he could use a Spektrum Hack module. It turned out it was on Version 1.1.02 just like yours. It's been a long time since I fooled with a Taranis without a bootloader, but your video brought back memories of using Zadig to get things going, and I was able to jump all the way from 1.1.02 up to 2.3.15 successfully. Great job!

@Chillin-fpv - 09.04.2023 04:38

Ok so how do I get my Mac to even recognize my radio ? I plug it in and nothing happens. USB setting doesn't show it?

@MrLew1965 - 30.03.2023 01:48

My Old Taranis X9D+ from 2015 will not show up in Windows 11 ?? Does not matter what I do , the radio(when in bootloader mode) does not show in my PC ..Tried everything like in the video with Zadig etc ?? The TX shows USN connected but nothing is on the PC or in Device Manager ?? HELP PLEASE !! LOL

@bleeksbentbits3150 - 04.02.2023 17:52

Tried all the Bardwell videos & got nowhere with updating.
Tried the Project Blue Falcon clips & no luck.
Followed THIS clip & finally updated OpenTX.
NOW however, ALL my fleet now need re-binding & their fail-safes resetting.
To top it off, Im reminded every time of the kick-in-the-nuts by the stupid grating trying-to-be-cute not-child voice emanating from my radio.
EVERYTHING I fear about updating something that works has now come to fruition & there's NO support other than forums filled with malicious elitist fan-bois that delight in misdirecting others for their own self gratification.
I now cant fly ANYTHING & I dont know how to fix it.
NOW it looks like I need to drive 3hours to drop radio off at a business & then drive back a week later to pick it up & pay more than I paid for my x9d+ SE new!
Money that I can no longer afford.
Cheers for your help, but unfortunately 'Open Source' software is NOT open enough for noobs & the computer illiterate.

@doublehelix. - 08.08.2022 02:47

Now that's a flash back.

@garrykennedy5484 - 15.04.2022 03:51

Great. I just bricked my X9D doing this! OK,, I luckily had an older version of Companion and files on my old computer and was able to flash the old firmware back on it. I also saved my model files before trying this, so I loaded those back up and all is well. However, I am wondering,,,, Did I need the SD card files as well to allow it to boot up after this procedure?

@RCBK58 - 10.03.2022 18:09

I need to try Zidag incorrectly flashed my XD9+ 2019 and all I get is blue screen won’t go passed that. I tried the three button , connecting straight to pc, and STM32 Bootloader and still no luck. I’m guessing it’s ruined haven’t ran into anyone or videos with my issue. Seen some close to it but feels like they leave something out. Anyone have any suggestions? Or Tips?

@josele21 - 01.02.2022 08:29

My Taranis was running very slow between menus and this video helped me fix my issue.

@martianmonkeyrc829 - 22.12.2021 20:39

Great Video Thanks I have a question about Mac, The Zadig USB driver says windows Only... Is the any another. you know of for mac. Or what I should search for thank you!!

@stevec7596 - 10.12.2021 19:49

I didn't know the latest companion even worked with these old x9d's. I ended up with one just like yours. Thanks!

@spectregraph3d - 01.10.2021 17:22

Going to Try this when I get home! Right now my x9d plus won't bind with any receivers since I flashed a firmware recently(possibly wrong one). I'll share updates once I begin the solution Thanks!

@Emmanuel_youtube - 30.07.2021 14:32

thank you for this video. You help me a lot.

@reganmdonovan - 30.07.2021 09:35

Hi, when I write firmware I get the message 'could not check firmware from radio', any help/suggestions please?

@remielmasloco - 07.07.2021 01:54

I have the same old Taranis X9d radio and I want to update but have a problem I cannot download Zadig in the link how do I download it I have Windows 7

@figurefight9900 - 11.06.2021 21:52

Love the sound of an ender printing away in the background. Great video mate.

@Shooter_FPV - 11.06.2021 16:58

Great tutorial! My daily driver is the X9D+... I connect it to the Companion every once in a while to back up my quad profiles. Never know when it's gonna decide to crap out.
