The Best Kenshi Toughness Guide 1-90 in 150 seconds!

The Best Kenshi Toughness Guide 1-90 in 150 seconds!


2 года назад

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@FrankieWuzHere - 16.05.2024 02:21

Important things to note.
Whenever I say left click by default this is right click.
If you get no xp when getting up either...
1 - An ally is nearby. You only get the xp if one is not too close.
2 - You are getting too much XP at one time. If you go over 20 "xp" the result is 0.
-This happens if...
your right arm goes below 0 hp as a Hiver/Shek.
-Both arms go below 0 at the same time as a human/skele
-Leg hp goes too low below HP point and you are crippled on the ground.
-Or if another group attacks you. If this happens click T and make another squad. Drag your guy over to it and pull the first group again! (Sometimes works)

Please do not use XP mods while Toughness training. If you have so much as double XP active you will get NO XP from this.

@superbunnybun - 13.11.2024 05:47

I could use a video or two on what to do at the very very start, or something that assumes you don't have samurai armor

@_dnL - 10.11.2024 20:04

took me a while to find 'em, but leveld up to 70 in not time, great tip, thanks !

@megashutdown1019 - 04.11.2024 13:18

Good guide

@FatCactuss - 24.10.2024 07:06

Can I use this method as a human or will I get decapitated

@albatroid5689 - 18.10.2024 16:34

Hi question about doing this on non-skeleton characters, what exactly triggers the getup interruption that causes you to go unconscious for a short amount of time compared to a full 60-70 seconds? Been trying to understand how the mechanics of it work but can't seem to wrap my head around it :/

@sima-otw - 18.10.2024 02:37

I believe that in order for this strategy to work successfully you need to turn the chance of death to Low otherwise your character will just end up dying from blood loss. This option is in advance settings at the start of a new game. I play my kenshi on higher chance of death.

@somekidwithnoskills7181 - 11.10.2024 10:44

How do you get up so fast? When it comes to my characters it takes about 30 seconds for them to get up

@t0ri178 - 08.10.2024 12:04

this would've been perfect if there's no constant party of wild bulls to ruin your training, and you have to be lucky to find a squad with 2 starving bandits leader

@tremeschinion9420 - 04.10.2024 03:25

Recovery Coma
i love starting out with -5 KO point and +80% damage taken

@Takayama-sama - 29.09.2024 04:27

Great guide! Thank you! I am glad the starving bandits horde respawned fairly quickly. I had a group of wild bulls show up and kill every last bandit before I could get my toughness about 65.

@somebodyontheinternet1090 - 18.09.2024 10:04

I made lame train dummies and the bar stopped going up??? Was it hunger?

@dant3l0k18 - 07.09.2024 01:42

Late comment. People may make fun of your lisp, but here on the internet that shit is goated. Mvp guide, thanks bud.

@lollonuse - 28.08.2024 23:44

Yeah i mean, i love the guide but, the most important part (the location) is very confused. You show a tiny bit of a map that has basically the same color, with two names present on all the map. So basically it is almost impossible to figure out what that place it and where it is. This makes me crazy.

@HelsenbergFan - 22.08.2024 01:17

ok when i do it im just unconscious for like 40 seconds and they run away and i dont even play dead

@Bombingham - 15.08.2024 16:25

Try removing your leg if you have a robot one to knock yourself out that way, you can get toughness way faster that way and bonus is you take no damage

@Xeonzs - 02.08.2024 14:56

This is wild, def gonna abuse this for my hero / main character

@badgoat6926 - 19.07.2024 18:59

Dudes a legend

@AWESOMO5 - 19.07.2024 02:18

Very nice guide, quick and straight to the point, no pointless nonsense. Thank you very much

@gutek5930 - 09.07.2024 16:37

will the bandit group respawn after while? i hac some 3rd party bonedogs going on and the group shrank a lot

@chrisb5005 - 07.07.2024 13:59

Would this work with a human character? They have a tendency to get knocked unconscious for hundreds of seconds.

@black2burn211 - 04.07.2024 01:29

so what happens if you do it with no armor?

@kubrok - 02.07.2024 19:56

Hey, thought I would add that for non-skellies, camping bags are perfectly good as well, I will rest until about 5 HP on my "critical" parts, and go for a fresh beating / knockout.

@williamquaresma2529 - 24.06.2024 05:27

how to wake up so quickly? when get downed i get like 150s unconsciously! you get less than 10s

@adelmessar5098 - 23.06.2024 03:04

June 2024 still working ty

@Nachtschicht1 - 17.06.2024 14:52

These groups are really great for leveling, I often gather some newbies in my group, give them the best armor I can provide and the worst wakizashis I get my hands on and send them into this groups to train dex, attack and defense. About 5 newbies for the start work fine, less make it easier to train toughness at the same time but as you showed for that it's best to go single.
I don't play solo, so I want to get a lot of chars up quick, so I have a base somewhere close with some veterans who can come to heal my trainees and put them in beds for quicker healing, but they have to be far enough away, or else the fighters won't play dead.
Another good way to train characters from fighting stats about 30 to about 50 is soloing beakthings. They're pretty easy if you fight them with only one character, because from 30 in blocking the block most of the attacks from the gutters.

@martinelias3054 - 06.06.2024 19:58

I'm trying my best but I keep getting heavy hits to the head and it puts me into recovery coma every time

@Zandonus - 05.06.2024 03:24

This IS going to be easier for a robot. It is also going to be a lot of fun for Beep, because oh boy, he might get close to dying.

@Axelux99 - 03.06.2024 03:01

You should left click yourself, NOW! 🌩⚡️🗣⚡️🌩

@malblago - 02.06.2024 12:30

Toughness training is this game's biggest flaw. Instead of training it regularly though combat, which is completly impossilbe, you have to exploit a badly designed mechanic. What sucks even more, is that toughness is the most important stat for any character.

@surg23 - 16.05.2024 00:06

This didn't work at all for me. I did it in Foglands with a large pack of Fogmen, which should be in principle the same thing. First problem is that spamming left-click does nothing as that's select character. Spamming heal/robotics does nothing either. Most I ever saw was 4x multiplier for Toughness. Basically my character got maimed super quick and then got stuck in a rebooting cycle.

I think maybe this has something to do with running an older GoG version. I do have toughness rate set to 1.13 down from 1.33 in global constraints, though that wouldn't explain the disparity here.

@TheOriginalElkstone - 15.05.2024 11:09

Cringe facecam moment

@alexanderbibikov6144 - 11.05.2024 20:35

Method with cheese for all the skeleton enjoyers: This strat is beginner friendly. Get your hands ona repair kit (optional). Then head to the tower of abuse in venge. Just as you enter the tower, go to the highest floor and order your skeleton to lay in the skeleton bed. Your skeleton will have enough speed from his athletics to outrun all the thralls and lay in the bed. Now save your game and set your character to block and hold to prevent him from standing up and fighting back. Now you can go AFK for however long you want to and watch the thralls beat the living daylights out of him. This will easily train toughness to the 70 level range. Additionally it trains dodge for some reason too, probably because your character stumbles while getting repeatedly getting hit while lying down. So yeah, dodge will also level up crazy fast this way. Perfect for martial artists.

@jrod53090 - 09.05.2024 10:36

The funny thing is that those bulls and bandits weren't hostile to each other. when I was doing this, the Bulls kept murdering every single Bandit it was a real pain to find a group of Bandits.

@dutch9846 - 06.05.2024 13:53

the enemies get away before i have time to get back up

@cb603 - 03.05.2024 15:40


@kaylzshter6153 - 02.05.2024 02:53

Instructions unclear, I got beat up, then a bone dog started gnawing on me, then it got killed by slavers and now I'm on my way to the mines

@RainbowTrainStation - 02.05.2024 02:53

I am confused if I am doing something wrong. I have seen this method used in various places and I have even used it myself, but it seems to not always work. Playing dead in the middle of the group and standing up is giving no EXP, but only sometimes...? It is rather confusing. I can't tell if I am doing something wrong or the game is just having its usual buggy jank. Any advice?

Having a crippled arm seems to break the EXP gain from getting back up. I am not 100% on this, but training seems to be working now.

@dirge2464 - 22.04.2024 03:02

I just started and have been trying to raise stats. Let me say my character must be a massive pussy because its a 1 shot knockout to me then I just slowly die. A good example of my luck my first 2 characters immediately spawn then get one hit ko'ed within 3 seconds (not exaggerated). My 3rd character has been dealing with random gate guards running through a locked door of a house i bought. Completely decimating me when all I was doing was research. No crimes commited, no thefts, no idea why, then when it couldn't be worse i reload that exact save a few minutes earlier just to find my save is corrupted. Anyone got any ideas because it looks fun but my luck has been horrible.

@ArchAngelLevon - 20.04.2024 21:21

You know how people make a 20-50 minute video guide on how to do something in a game, and you think to yourself,

"If it were me, I'd make a 4 minute video showing only what was necessary and explaining precisely what to do, nothing else."?

That's this guy. Make fun of his voice, but he's Sigmachad with Toughness Grindset.

@ramellamarco12 - 19.04.2024 16:56

This is great. If I may add one tip, try to land a few hits at the leader of the pack with some rusted junk weapon. With luck you will cripple his legs before the group knocks you down. This means that when they will walk away from your body they will move at the same snail-like pace of their leader, which means they will be closer to you by the time you wake up. And the closer the pack, the better the exp amount. Just make sure not to knock out their leader or the pack will decide to follow some other guy of the bunch.

@elainetamika4822 - 17.04.2024 01:52

150 seconds? and how about the time you took to get those itens? even considering that you stole them from the right shop, how much time you took to get stealth and thievery to the point you could steal them without get caught? Saying this took 150s is the same to say that you take 1h to bake a bread without considering you needed 10 min to separate the ingredients, 20-30 min to prepare and rest the pastrie and etc.

@LittleMissLuna232 - 16.04.2024 14:26

is it possible to do this with any bigger group of enemies if you havent reached the mentioned place yet?

@oscarmike7277 - 11.04.2024 15:46

Thank you for this

@Ammeo - 20.03.2024 06:09

helpful vid

@snakeyes8283 - 19.03.2024 00:28

Right when they started to attack me a couple bulls came and killed all of them

@Smellyherb_ - 17.03.2024 02:29

howd u get the high quality samurai stuff

@georgeblair3894 - 16.03.2024 20:52

Didn't work for me. Perhaps because I was wearing light armor, dunno. Got knocked down, and back up again, twice, but only went from 48 to 49 toughness.

@0The_Farlander0 - 16.03.2024 14:10

I would like to add if you're interested that this is a huge way to train stealth as well. Wait until night, go stealth mode, and just hold your movement button behind the group. If you keep your guy out of sight and they're mad at you (i.e. after you've attacked them at least once) they will count as enemies and your stealth skill will rocket in a comparable fashion to the toughness. Not as fast as the toughness i don't think, but pretty damn fast.

@Prophitman8 - 12.03.2024 03:48

precise and efficient. i likey
