WHAT IS THE STORY? - Little Nightmares 2 EXPLAINED | The Story! | Little Nightmare Theory

WHAT IS THE STORY? - Little Nightmares 2 EXPLAINED | The Story! | Little Nightmare Theory


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TheGamingBeaver - 14.02.2021 06:33

Just a tiny thing I want to add.
Six's hunger is a result of missing a piece of her 'soul' and isn't satiated until she gets another one, the lady's soul. Forget to say that specifically. Also if this cycle is to be true, then we can come to the conclusion that this is in fact the 6th time that this cycle has happened hence there only being 5 lady's in the picture. Six being the sixth one, on her way to eat the current one.

Dogeboi765 - 25.09.2023 20:58

The cycle does eventually end because, in the final comic, the thin man kills Mono.

Paperfox - 23.09.2023 20:29

I think the signal tower or more specifically, the eyes, are us. You and me, every single person playing Little Nightmares or consuming any type of content of the LN universe. Its my eyes and your eyes...

m3tr01d86 - 23.09.2023 10:18

There is an anime style of what if Six pulls Mono up for the Time Loop Theory where they leave together which is super wholesome until the radio tower no long has a host, which is Mono and when the Pale City fades, so does Mono and Six hugs Mono until he fades from existence. Absorbing just enough of his power, she sees the Tall Man on the screen and pushes through leading to the "Betrayal" because it shows a simple, but impossible choice.

Leave together and he dies from the Pale City fading away? Or "betray" Mono so he may live? I was like "Oof" followed by a "I'm not crying! you're crying!"

Thriller_Horror.illn7 - 15.09.2023 23:08

Bro i also got confused when i finished the game like how did you get that hat?

Krieg - 14.09.2023 15:12

what if it isnt only mono that could have been the thin man, like maybe its not a time loop but anyone who gets left in the tower after the current thin man dies, will be changed and morphed to a new thin man and it just so happens to be mono this time

Drjaxxx - 12.09.2023 06:49

Six is not the lady

Monique E
Monique E - 11.09.2023 23:41

Hey bro did you know that there's going to be a little nightmares3??????

King_Bacon747 - 11.09.2023 23:11

I always thought of the background world of the games as a commentary on our society. The most obvious one being the fat people eating themselves to death in the first game and the people entranced by the TVs in the second game

Atog Atog
Atog Atog - 11.09.2023 17:51

I wish they would make a third game where the cycle is broken.

Awpertunist - 10.09.2023 07:19

Six was confirmed not to be related to the Lady, and the music box being shaped like the maw is a big stretch in logic and a bit of confirmation bias. Fun video anyway though!

Hazel - 08.09.2023 13:50

Did Mono fall inlove with Six?

TRICERATRON - 07.09.2023 23:11

Six be like;Hail Haydra! 😅

Giorgi Maisuradze
Giorgi Maisuradze - 07.09.2023 08:45

Wait, if six is as old as the other children, what happened in the first part of the cycle, where it began?

Erin Whitlock
Erin Whitlock - 06.09.2023 22:53

Maybe six went to the maw cuz she was hungry and the maw is a restaurant? xD
Jk aha.

Almighty424S - 06.09.2023 04:45

Crazy how everytime we start a new game it’s just a loop

Tre'von Williams
Tre'von Williams - 06.09.2023 01:53

Why is mono stronger as a kid?

Oldest Odd
Oldest Odd - 04.09.2023 18:12

There are some parts of your theory is wrong , six looks at mono at the end is not because that he destroyed her music box (that's a good one though) but the true one is that six saw the thin man's face because of that she was like, wait.. I saw that face somewhere, it's because of mono's and thin man's face similarity. Six was trusting mono when he was wearing that box ofc his hat that clearly doesn't show his face . But after she saw that mono's box is gone she saw the thin man's face the one that took her. She was clearly over it but after she was grabbing mono she looked at mono's face again describing the thin man's face because she can clearly see him.

JCskitz123 - 03.09.2023 21:21

This guy stole me theory 😂😂😂

wrestlingconnoisseur - 03.09.2023 19:07

There's more to the mirrors. The Lady was hideously scarred somehow (or she just got old; probably she got old). She has broken the mirrors because she can barely stand the sight of herself. Yet she specifically keeps one intact, in order to enable herself to ruminate on her ghastly appearance. She wears the porcelain mask to experience life as it was when she was young and desirable, and to obscure the truth about herself to others. In the dlc, she reacts in anger at the boy that discovers her mourning her past self, turning him into a gnome.

The broken mirrors aren't merely a deterrant against the Lady's younger self. If that was the true intent, she would merely shatter them all and be done with it. But their destruction except for the one she didn't break facilitates her ability to indefinitely dwell in her fantasy bubble, from which she privately emerges every so often to be miserable. Most importantly, she knows it.

The Lady wants to die, and is awaiting her fate with a stoic patience. To begin the cycle anew...

As for the music box, the music box isn't really a music box at all. It's representational of the girl's intimacy and confidence. The music box is Six's heart, which Six is openly willing to share with Mono. Then he takes a ballpoint hammer and smashes it, because he sees how horrible and twisted she appears on the inside, and he can't handle it. Perhaps for good reason. In the story examples you show, we see that Six's heart is vengeful and vindictive.

The tall man is Mono's mature self. The conflict of the chase is also entirely metaphorical. We see how the Tall Man ends up in a prison of his own design, ruminating on how he could have stopped himself from getting involved with Six. Always sitting in the same room. Always seated in the same chair. He interacts with his younger self in an impossible quest to sway himself from the decision he most regrets. In the end, the rumination consumes him, destroys him, with the past self destroying the future self.

The whole story isn't a tale of a boy and a girl as they run from shambling horrors and are destined to become them. It's a metaphor about youth romance, of betrayal, and of the eventual and inevitable consequence of that betrayal. Six brought it upon herself, for it is her nature to consume, while Mono got swept up in his childish naivety to become one of the victims of her deception. Then, in her final vindictive act, she broke up with him, leaving Mono with nothing. Nothing but his prison. Which he himself designed from the ground up.

The Eye is a metaphor for big brother, always watching. Six and Mono live in a dystopian reality, a totalitarian nightmare with a corrupt government that rules the entire world.

Memo - 01.09.2023 18:21

It’s interesting because when every single monster catches you, they always end up eating you, but the thin man.. he’s holding you and looking at you, perhaps trying to communicate with mono

Pulcla - 28.08.2023 17:53

i think that only Mono is stuck in the loop. The history of Six would be (to me): she gets found by Mono, betrays him, driven to the maw because shadow Six is a bad bro that wants powers, gets the lady powers, going on with something we may see in future. I don't believe she is the lady. If we draw a timeline, at no point Six gets stuck in a loop. If she really wanted to become the new lady, why would she kill the guests? Why would she leave the maw? However, like i said, at no point she gets stuck in a loop, only Mono is... sentenced to meet her for ever in the past and stay stuck. The painting with FIVE previous ladies is suspicious, but may be a coincidence, just to add something to the lore by saying that the maw had several owners. Sorry if i said something in the wrong way i'm italian. xD

Anna Jurczak
Anna Jurczak - 28.08.2023 15:43

flesh monster

King Vegeta
King Vegeta - 27.08.2023 20:46

Will you play Little Nightmares 3

N331 - 26.08.2023 18:47

Yo can y have a look at the little nightmares 3 trailer and leave ur thoughts? There’s a bunch of new stuff going on which is hard to understand.

Alberto Sambrotta
Alberto Sambrotta - 24.08.2023 23:31

In the painting are represented five ladies. So six's name resemble the fact that she is the sixth iteration of the cycle?

Alden Skotnitsky
Alden Skotnitsky - 24.08.2023 05:17

Are you going to play little nightmares 3?

Kurogaea Monari
Kurogaea Monari - 22.08.2023 11:23

2 years later, still wondering if theres some extremely secret ending to solving what the eye monster truly is.

Oguzhan Kurt
Oguzhan Kurt - 22.08.2023 00:01

Now it makes sense , mono tries to help her but from her point of view he kidnaps her.

Jillian Stockler
Jillian Stockler - 12.08.2023 18:52

The thin man should have killed six right then and there😂. I mean how hard is that😂?

Jillian Stockler
Jillian Stockler - 12.08.2023 18:49

The fourth on has to be. The cycle breaks by mono jump and makes it not needing sixes help. She grows to be the lady him the thin man not in the tower. She soon finds the music box but somthing is wrong. It is huge. Mono and sic go throughout the maw searching for somthing…..

ulla belle
ulla belle - 08.08.2023 15:47

I saw someone say that six drops mono as she is scared of him because throughout the game mono wears a bag and when six is holding mono over the abyss this is actually the first time she sees his face and she recognises him as the tall man who kidnapped her and trapped her alone and scared

Homer Simpson
Homer Simpson - 07.08.2023 15:23

omg i didint no that abowt little nightmares2😭😥😢 i almost cry

S1x12 - 01.08.2023 23:33

You copied game theroy from the very begginning

LimitlessZspeed - 01.08.2023 01:42

Having a Well loved Friendship from the beginning up to the end where the friendship is ultimately Broken & Betrayed. That’s the real nightmare behind this. A Nightmare you can’t forget. And that only leaves you with 2 choices (Revenge or Forgiveness)

ZorgoVR - 27.07.2023 23:52

i think that the reason six dropped mono is different.
you know how the tall man is mono, right? six saw tall mans face and six found him as evil, fear etc.
and since mono's bag is gone and she see's his face, she knows mono is tall man, and she doesn't want to save him, and she drops him.
doesn't this make sense?

monkey man
monkey man - 27.07.2023 15:53

IM AM going to turn into a monster in little nightmares free

younotus - 27.07.2023 15:30

I shouldn't have watched this. I didn't even finish the gam yet 😅

Arman royal
Arman royal - 27.07.2023 09:33

Mabey the colllectebels in the game like the children souls they are past sixes

Chamesha King
Chamesha King - 24.07.2023 01:17

And what if the lady and the thin Man were married?

Chamesha King
Chamesha King - 24.07.2023 01:16

If she turns into the thin, Man does that mean he could be the one hanging in the room in the first season

Franceball Edits and Gacha
Franceball Edits and Gacha - 22.07.2023 23:55

I remember When I was playing LN2 in STADIA with my chrome book, I Always Six, seven, Because Six Alnost has the same clothes As seven because they both wear shorts.

This is 2023 btw.

Lavender - 19.07.2023 17:19

So is the second game a sequel? or a prequel? or far into the future? or the start of the time loop cycle?
Was it even six? Or was is Seven? Or five? Or one? Or a million?
So many questions. Can't wait for the third game.
