Is Big Foot an Inter-dimensional Creature?

Is Big Foot an Inter-dimensional Creature?


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@ccsmooth560 - 03.02.2024 09:56

So interesting! If l were a retarded 10 yr old.

@nnhk0056 - 03.02.2024 09:55

"They don't have any names for other mythical creatures" except skinwalkers...and wendigos...

@BlueNumber1 - 03.02.2024 09:54

Joe have you tried DMT Rogan

@comfortablynumb9342 - 03.02.2024 09:53

"you grew up in an area"
Yeah Joe, that's how it works, people grow up.

@victorgomez1703 - 03.02.2024 09:49

Joe should get Mr Ballen on his show. Ex Navy Seal who covers a lot of this.

@victory2077 - 03.02.2024 09:49

WHAT r you egg head wanna be talking about? it is quite blatantly obvious that BF is INTERBREED being🤔

@Becauseimme - 03.02.2024 09:49

Big The Foot

@lucasvanderschuit9558 - 03.02.2024 09:47

Ahh, I too, grew up, in, “An Area”..

@paulsheehan9050 - 03.02.2024 09:46

I don't know what it is but there is something in general about woods, I live in England and when I was young when I was in the woods in Scotland In the 80's, I felt like there was a presence of a woman in white that was evil, I ended up running out of there. I've since read that people have that same experience in the woods all over the world.

@theramblingmoore-on - 03.02.2024 09:46

Why does everyone forget that gorillas were also considered an impossible legend until 100 years ago? They say cougars have been extinct in the NE US for a century too yet there are sightings and prints found all the time. The ones best at hiding humans have been (un) naturally selected for. Coelacanths were considered extinct for millions of years until one was caught by scientists after decades of locals saying they're still around... The chances of an elusive creature being scientifically documented are probably about the same as finding an intact fossil that can be carbon dated. If there's no pro film crew or credentialed scientist, it's "bad light" or "imagination" lol. 30 years ago it was thought to be only Neanderthals before humans, and now we have not only proof of coexistence but also a half dozen other human variants including fuckin hobbits lmao. How are possible surviving populations of "extinct" creatures intelligent to avoid humans far fetched?

@neneliberal7703 - 03.02.2024 09:46

I’ve said this for years.. Bigfoot is a demon the same way UFOs and aliens are. The do the same things UFOs do. They disappear at will make cameras blurry, take bullets and they make no impact.

@MariaNelson-lc3wr - 03.02.2024 09:42

Joe, you need to talk to my friend Del and his encounter. Yup, in the Pacific Northwest.

@bryantfields2410 - 03.02.2024 09:41

I saw the mouthman once, for real. I was 10 maybe 11. Inwas looking out my parents kitchen window and in the tree behind my parents house i seen this creature chillin in the tree, giant red glowing eyes the size of softballs or bigger. It was dark of course so i couldnt see much else but i seen the outline and it was huge....the eyes are what freaked me out. They were so red, glowing like a stop light. I went to get my mom snd when we came back it was gone. Freaked me out so bad, evwn to this day i get the creeps when im out there at night time.

@melissagreene8053 - 03.02.2024 09:41

I've believed for a while that big foot was paranormal. There are lots of stories about areas where big foot sightings are common also experience orbs of lights & UFO sightings in those same areas. It makes the most sense when you think about all those elements commonly being seen together.

@andyphillips1723 - 03.02.2024 09:40

Natives absolutely had mythical creature stories. Giant horned serpents, thunder birds, etc. Joe is dumb as hell.

@FT4Freedom - 03.02.2024 09:40

There are about 30 different names for Bigfoot among American tribes. However, most of these tribes had contact with each other in the PNW. Mythology can be shared across a region.

@bobbiebrown493 - 03.02.2024 09:37

Thing is Rogan thinks that Bigfoot needs to eat lots but maybe they dont need to, or maybe they eat rocks 🤷🏽‍♀️😂 like we dont know anything about bigfoot so we cant go around making assumptions like that. Cant be narrow minded when it comes to this types of beings

@HamSandwich277 - 03.02.2024 09:37

Ok, if you have to start introducing fantastic rationalizations like interdimensional travel to explain why no hard evidence of a thing can be found, the simpler explanation is probably that said thing doesn't exist.

@tombowlin7798 - 03.02.2024 09:36

Lifetime hunter and I have seen things from an early morning deer stand that came alive the more I watched,lol.

@Dodgerzden - 03.02.2024 09:36

I think Bigfoot as an interdimensional being is a plausible theory, but I'm not going to believe it until David Icke writes about it.

@cultivatedmind8352 - 03.02.2024 09:36

Skinwalkers. World on a Turtles Back. Great Spirits and contact with Gods.

But sure Joe, Bigfoot is the only mythical creature Native Americans talk about.

@Gltch-mj3zf - 03.02.2024 09:34

Lez m8 let’s go on joe rogan

@michaelwilloughby1636 - 03.02.2024 09:34

Actually in First Nations culture Sasquatch is a mother or female in most myths

@FT4Freedom - 03.02.2024 09:31

A skinny ass standing bear would definitely give me a Bigfoot vibe from 100 yds.

@Coppercustomz - 03.02.2024 09:30

If Bigfoot does exist they would have to be some type of intelligent alien dimensional beings. Otherwise they’d be locked inside a government testing facility etc being studied by now..

@BaronUnderbite - 03.02.2024 09:28

The essence of the JRE in 13 minutes

@iknowyoureright8564 - 03.02.2024 09:28

Joe thinks….that because we see in a heightened state we can achieve a state where we are interacting with inter dimensional beings, but says the possibility of seeing something that actually exists is none and it’s probably a black bear! these forests are the size of countries some of them…..could biden’s heard of elephants in them and never see them!!

@QATest4fun - 03.02.2024 09:28

Did Joe just talk someone OUT of believing in Bigfoot?

WhoTF are you and what have you done with our Joe?

@FT4Freedom - 03.02.2024 09:27

Yah Man. Current native American tribes were seeded in the America's about 30,000 ya. So Bigfoot died off 100,000 ya. So yah 🎉

@AegisAuras - 03.02.2024 09:27

I’ve read in some contactee material that some bigfoot phenomena are “thought-form” manifestations. You could think of such as an inter-dimensional being of sorts, like certain ETs.

@_Gwuapo - 03.02.2024 09:26

Joe is such a fed. Painting these bs narratives about a topic your guest is well informed is so despicable. Joe definitely knows something, his passive aggressive tendencies goes unnoticed often by people it’s wild.

@NoizuStudios - 03.02.2024 09:25

Could bigfoot the greatest troll of all time?

@iknowyoureright8564 - 03.02.2024 09:23

Joe….there is zero evidence!! Apart from the hundreds of thousands of people who have seen them. And not a beat on two legs seen at distant through the trees……I mean actual sightings of a being maybe within 10 ft and watching you, with a human face etc etc. Joe forgets, he may hunt the odd time but he is a podcaster/commentator…..the hunters having these sightings are in the woods for months and months of the year and even then they may go years and years without having an experience…..they are rare but that does not mean in ANY way that they don’t exist! I mean there is dna evidence of them now……human female/unknown species of male. Look into it.

@babybird202 - 03.02.2024 09:22

Joe knows far less than he knows

@_Gwuapo - 03.02.2024 09:22

If you’re curious about big foot or sasquaches just ask a Native American. They’re not strangers to these creatures, Joe is trying so hard to paint the narrative that that we’re just imaging these things which really makes me wonder. What does Joe know? Giving all his resources and knowledge he must know, yet he chooses to gaslight his audience. Why 😂

@tthompson9244 - 03.02.2024 09:21

Bears are not strolling around the forest on their hind legs. Yes, bears can walk with two legs especially if they're injured a front paw, but that's very rare and they're not very good at it. Bears rear up to check things out, to reach a food source or to look big for intimidation, but not to get around. Also, hunters report sightings all the time if you believe the BFRO website.

@aaronavalon9202 - 03.02.2024 09:19

Iroquois: wood booger

@djmjr77 - 03.02.2024 09:19

This dude had his dreams shattered. You can just see it in his face..

@_Gwuapo - 03.02.2024 09:19

Joe is such a fed😂 he brings up the topic, shows immense interest in it then continues to bash the people who wholeheartedly believe these entities exist. Just ask a Native American then you’ll get your answer

@JustinWilliams-ed2ug - 03.02.2024 09:18

Bigfoot is another interdimensional creature phenomenon, similar to ghosts, some alien stories, other cryptids, demons, angels, and so on. For whatever reason, capturing physical evidence of sightings of these interdimensional beings is impossible or extremely close to impossible. People have got to open their minds or we are never going to figure this interdimensional stuff out, and these interdimensional beings are going to continue to forever just shock humans and bewilder them for the rest of humanity's existence. Not saying I have all the answers so no one throw out some "Gotcha!" type questions like "Yeah well then where do they come from how why etc.?" because obviously like I said I don't have all the answers. What I'm saying is open minds is the only thing that is going to get us those answers. An open mind sees things like 1. Obviously with Bigfoot there are not thousands of giant apes running around able to hide perfectly all the time eating $hit tons of food and so on 2. Tons of people do see Bigfoot so they are encountering something 3. 1 + 2 = Bigfoot then has to be like a ghost, appearing and disappearing into thin air, somehow, someway, for some reason. Keeping an open mind is not only okay, but the only way to actually follow evidence to eventual new conclusions and new discoveries.

@Olympian085 - 03.02.2024 09:18

Joe is trying so hard to come up with some bullshit excuse. The guest had an excellent point against joes main argument, " even kids could tell the difference between a bear and an ape"

@_Gwuapo - 03.02.2024 09:16

Joe brings up the topic then bashes the people who believe in it by calling them unfuckable white people😂Typical CIA tactics lmao

@isaiahsmith6598 - 03.02.2024 09:15

Sassy the Sasquatch

@shephusted2714 - 03.02.2024 09:15

bigfoot is probably a trump fan and this will be their doom - intradimensional poor decision making - it is possible and made possible by psychedelics

@_Gwuapo - 03.02.2024 09:15

The natives believe Sasquatch is a spirit being. Able to move back and forth between this world and the spirit world at will. They believe if you see him it’s because he wants you to see him. Normally as a warning of bad spirits in your midst. So if you see Sasquatch you’ve got bigger things to worry about than him.I’ve also heard or read somewhere that we are evolutionary siblings, just that as we evolved closer and closer to technology, they went the opposite way. We can’t survive in the wild. They thrive in it.I’ve also read about the theories of different dimensions and realities.I kind of feel like the truth is somewhere in between all these theories.

@clemm1248 - 03.02.2024 09:15

funniest JRE clip thumbnail ive ever seen 😂

@CB-dl1vg - 03.02.2024 09:13

These titles take me back to 2010 rogan

@_Gwuapo - 03.02.2024 09:13

Yes do believe in Sasquatch or Bigfoot. I have read so many books and so many statements from people who have seen or heard Sasquatch while in the woods. Just last night I watched a documentary called Missing 411: The Hunters, about men who have gone missing while out hunting. No, I’m not saying that Sasquatch had anything to do with these cases. Toward the end, the film maker spoke with a man who would routinely go hunting in the Sierras and stay at a camp deep in the woods that could only be accessed by horse and mule. These hunters would be visited by something or a group of somethings that would scream and vocalize at them. They also heard what is known as “samurai speech’ by these creatures. It’s called that because it sounds kind of like the way Japanese actors deliver lines in samurai movies. Deep and guttural. When these sounds were later analyzed by an expert, he said that whatever made them wasn’t human and was probably much larger than a man. Others have heard screams in the woods and have said that it’s so loud that it can be felt in the body.

@hughjunit2503 - 03.02.2024 09:12

So hunters arent seeing these things??? Also Gigantopithicus was not a biped. Joe is talking oit his ass😂😂

@ralphrotten1905 - 03.02.2024 09:12

There were little people in Australia before the aboriginals, and yet they claim to be the first people.
