Me enamore de este hombre Rick Lagina ,,me parece un hombre muy interesante con una personaludad Utica que me encanta,,,, le mando MUCHISIMOS abrazos y tambien muchos besos....
ОтветитьQUESTION: At the end of last season in the swamp, didn't they uncover a big piece of a ship transom??? But it rained and flooded the swamp so they said "wait till next year"...Did they mark that spot??? Why havent they dug that back up again, looked like a major piece of wood they found.
ОтветитьShould be called the Curse of Rick and Marty show!!! Their show has only ten minutes of content for the whole hours, half is commercials, about a third or so is just repeats of what they just said by the narrator or reviews of what just happened. Talk about sucking every dime out of every dollar they make just to irritate the viewers, glad I record the shows and watch the high lights which ends up being just ten minutes. They also like to bunny jump from one thing to the other, no wonder they can't find anything when one piece of iron shuts down an operation so they can talk about it for 15 minutes, what a farce!!!
ОтветитьI have a question: Why isn't 'Directional Boring' being done to locate things/objects;/tunnels/concrete structures sub-surface? Is a Permit required for Boring and Locating at hundreds of feet under the surface? I haven't seen one Directional Bore performed yet. To me it's almost completely un-evasive to Anytthing on the surface. I think it's odd to Not be 'Directional Boring'. My 2 cents.
ОтветитьThey have spent so much money, why haven't the just gone to the center of where they think the money pit is and go out 30 yards in each direction and just dig it all up? Wouldn't that be a lot easier than all this drilling? Just dig up the whole area, see what's there and afterwards, dump everything back in.
ОтветитьThe Stone Pathway was the exit road Charlotte. The paved road was the unloading road from the sunken ship when they buried the treasure and closed off the two islands to make a swamp. The Spanish had the information where it was and returned and built the stone road to remove it. What has happened to all of their garb about the Freemason's? Use common sense people. Reverse engineer. This is a big fake show otherwise they would have dug up the ship as soon as they knew it was there. Where fake Gary is finding things were all planted to make the show exciting. Anybody could have set foot on the island and dropped those round canon shots they found. Those are all over the world and they have allowed tourists and many contractors to the island since the show began. I am ashamed of the history channel at this point.
ОтветитьGary who only chooses to use "h's" and "t's" when he wants is a useless piece of nothing, just an actor. Put the people who designed and developed the metal detector on to take the credit. And all of the spots Gary is detecting were already found by intelligent college graduated designed instruments far beyond Gary scratching his watch and winding his Okole. Totally disappointing after all these years. My Fair Lady was more entertaining.
ОтветитьCool life
ОтветитьHas anybody done a 3D model of all the boreholes with wood found at various depths and tried to solve the puzzle of where tunnels might be or might be leading to? And what about analyzing the backgrounds of old photos for landmarks that could be used to ID locations today of points of interest that were in old photos but lost to time when a previous searcher bulldozed everything?
ОтветитьDig all the way to China and you still won't find any "Pirate Treasure". If there was anything of value hidden there it was removed long ago and the original shaft that kept flooding was a Natural Fissure, the island is crisscrossed with Natural Fissures that get flooded from the sea. "Seven Men Must Die Before The Treasure Will Be Found". Seven thousand could die looking for it and they still wouldn't find it because there's nothing to be found. Give up and cut your losses and move on.
Ответитьi think that on season 396 they will definitely be able to find something
Ответить20 parts per million is nothing to write home about...... just the remnants of what once was and has been gone for centuries.... how do they know .... it could have been buried in the 14th century and then retrieved in the 17th century....that road in the swamp could have been used in reverse as well removing the treasure ...
Ответитьeither everyone in the history of the island is digging in the wrong place , or it ain't there...all those bore holes and nothing to show except wood from past searchers... and now it is like 10X shaft does not exist ? also Dave is no longer on the show... they waited till the old man died and kicked the kid off the show...
ОтветитьI read it.. thank you. I hope they find treasure after so many years trying..sorta like getting CRYSTALS. Somethn to do and believe in..
ОтветитьI guess we don't like curses.
ОтветитьGive up already Fude,while you're still up...
ОтветитьIf they are going to find what's there they need to think like the designer's of the money pit there will be a back door so when someone set's off the flood tunnel they can still get to the treasure ! ! ! ?
ОтветитьBecause of these 2 brothers and the partnership they share with other scientists and honest business men, this site will change history. History will have to be revised.
In my opinion, because these 2 brothers are honest and forthright, they have discovered far more than "buried treasure." They have uncovered an industrial marine terminal founded at least as far back as 660AD.
The Knights Templar couldn't help but attract underground notice, because the King of France owed them a nation's size treasure and he tried to rob them. The knights saw that a soul this depraved had to be deprived of any and all assets that the Knights had accumulated over the centuries in the Mid East. I am so glad these brilliant men knew how to hide such assets until it could pass into more trustworthy and altruistic souls. They had faith that the human heart would still be beating in the future when these assets would really be entrusted to more worthy people.
Just watch out for that EGO.
Do these guys ever get anywhere at all?
ОтветитьDig it all up and get it over with....
ОтветитьThey struck gold through History Channel keep airing their search.
ОтветитьThe Oak Island Crew are believers of the Law of Attraction. If you make yourself believe without a hint of doubt that there is Gold and the ark of Covenant in Oak Island and make your followers and TV watchers believe in it also, then the Treasures will appear. All you have to do now is Dig!
ОтветитьProbably just an old gold mine that ran dry a long time ago.
Ответитьthat is enough...
ОтветитьThe Curse of TV Commercial Island.
ОтветитьI've got more gold in my mouth than what they have found.
ОтветитьI really like Rick. He is so diplomatic and treats everyone with respect. Looking forward to finding the treasure.😯
ОтветитьI thought gold was so vauled because. it didn't degrade corrode or alter its form at all. a piece of gold could literally be buried in the ground for millions of years and be the exact same. when dug up later maybe they found something that was gold-plated. so microscopically thin the plating wore off....
ОтветитьWhat happened to the picture?
ОтветитьI still hope Two for you
ОтветитьI heard you found it in June of this year and I also heard that you found a tractor-trailer full of silver
ОтветитьIf wood is coming up, wouldn't it weaken any of the supports under in the tunnels?
ОтветитьSince the title says "striking gold in the money pit", you know they didnt strike gold or find the money pit without even watching it. This is the History Channel and Curse of Click Bait Island after all.
ОтветитьThey need to bring in the Masive coal scoop from Wyoming
I saw it dig 200 ft easy.
MY hunch is this was a gold mine 200 plus years ago.
Explains the smelting and slag remnants found around.
what a coincidence, most of them are freemasons
ОтветитьI've seen more gold in my nans closet
ОтветитьRegardless if the treasure is still there or just the remnants of the treasure is there the history that is being unearthed is the real treasure. Thanks for the adventure no matter how it pans out. No pun intended
ОтветитьI think they should keep the money 💰👍💰
ОтветитьI hope they retrieve gold and silver but how cool would it be if they discovered the ark of the covenant or the manuscripts of William Shakespeare?
ОтветитьThink it's cost more than any success of finding any riches. Having watched earlier episodes think the slave that lived there and bought up many ground plots found much of what was ever there and enjoyed the rest of his life thank you very much
ОтветитьIve got the feeling they know is there nothing of gold overthere but they make some profits with the show
Ответить"Closing in on the treasure"? What treasure???
ОтветитьIf it walks like a duck n looks like a duck probably is a duck ✌️👍
ОтветитьWow! Rocks, Wood & Water. Amazing!