Unreal Engine 4 SnackSize - Event Dispatchers

Unreal Engine 4 SnackSize - Event Dispatchers

Ryan Laley

3 года назад

22,041 Просмотров

For those completely new to Unreal, follow these short explanation videos to get a better grasp of blueprints and making games. This episode we take a look at event dispatchers and how do you use them.

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@biaxthepanda - 03.12.2023 11:17

Holy shit bro you saved me. Thanks a lot!!

@rifat.ahammed - 12.06.2023 14:50


@BquuD28123 - 20.12.2022 11:10

How can use event dispatcher without cast. casting our main character everywhere is bad in terms of optimization

@007LvB - 13.12.2022 09:35

Nice simple explanation. I would have preferred if you started with a drawing to illustrate the functionality, or you might have mentioned that it's just an observer pattern. Otherwise great stuff!

@justinrivera7800 - 21.10.2022 23:15

I've been looking around but what if you need to bind it to something out of the normal that's not the character? Let's say a random actor has an event and another class needs to bind to it what would be the best way to bind to that class and access that dispatcher? I noticed a lot of people have dispatchers on characters and you can easily just call getplayercharacter.

@yazzindev - 19.06.2022 16:53

Thank you Ryan!

@vmukeshkumar5566 - 04.05.2022 19:35

how to access level blueprint variables in a different actor?

@ChristopherWhitener - 16.03.2022 11:41

how do we cast to level blueprints and or other actor blueprints successfully?

@ChristopherWhitener - 22.02.2022 02:44

This should be the first thing people teach regarding blueprint

@Xegethra - 18.01.2022 20:32

How would I set this up for updating a timer? It counts down to zero, but I want checkpoints that will add some extra time to it. I want these on the box triggers as I am using those to change the scenery based on which one you go through, but I also want them to update the timer.

@PiterTraceurFA - 14.01.2022 15:37

Ok but what if the actor I'm casting to is not the player? I don't have anything to pin into "object" input pin in the "cast to" node. Another tutorial that explains only a very specific case

@chrisjesus642 - 09.01.2022 17:28

Hey So been learning on how to add event drivin UI for say health for perfect example to learn how it works... So this is whats happening.... My print string shows my health going down from 100-0 in 5 incriments for testing purposes but!! my health bar does not update at all it goes from full to empty in one click when my string finally goes from 5% health to 0% so not sure why its doing that??? Im trying to follow the doc mentory on event drivin for health bar mana bar on the UE4 doc site, Please help on why its not working, my code looks exactly the same as in the Documentation... This is really frustrating please help....

@vicwaberub5297 - 27.12.2021 02:57

Calling other object over: Casting, Reference, Interface, Dispatcher - ok. But what should I use if I want to use an variable with an object type only?

Example: A magic spell kill all units with 5 or fewer defense instantly. But dispatcher and interface can't work with a variable with the type "EnemyUnit" and call all enemy units at the same time? I must do a call of the "all actors of class" function and do a slow for loop?

@skysoftware4581 - 17.12.2021 16:05

WHOLE POINT IN TRYING TO LEARN ed was to avoid casting and u go an throw a cast in whts the point?

@andrewabramow1806 - 13.12.2021 21:21

Thank You. Very helpful.

@JaskanFactor - 30.09.2021 12:36

This UE4 event system is a really simple concept, that is made hard to understand by inappropriate use of terminology.

They all keep using the word event, so its not clear about its direction, is it coming in or going out.

Say event dispatcher or event handler , just saying event event event makes no sense
Event Dispatcher is Blue, Event handler is red simple as that.

And by the way Unreal Engine documentation is the biggest joke. So thanks to the tube teachers.

@dabbopabblo - 28.06.2021 17:38

OMFG the "Bind Event To test event dispatcher" doesn't even exist as an option. like omfffggg NEVER should such a simple task be so fucking convoluted

@DevGods - 10.04.2021 05:53

Damn this had me until I seen you have to cast to the actor calling the binding event..

@cettura - 04.02.2021 02:42


@GrounddevLF - 08.11.2020 10:29

is there any way to implement this any damage to your other series you added damange perception but didnt really show how to add it with a useable health system. and one other question is there any simple way to get a pawn to get pawn or ai get ai i have plenty of ways to get player but nothing on that thank you for your time

@stevenwynn819 - 27.08.2020 16:37

Great video. Thanks.

@joeanrachelmiller6529 - 12.08.2020 02:39

could this be used with ai to mock an rts?

@sithmaster - 16.07.2020 02:58

Thank you for making the SnackSize videos. Short, simple..pretty effective!

@thesensur6214 - 15.07.2020 13:36

Is there a way to have sort of shared variables on multiple actors?

I’m trying to make a door that can take multiple types of inputs from different types of buttons. so the door would be essentially searching for an “Is on/off?” boolean from the buttons, but Iv’e no idea how to make it so that the variable is the same for all of the button classes.

If possible, This would probably make a great tutorial considering how useful it would be.
many thanks in advance of a reply. (:

@MrKosiej - 15.07.2020 08:08

cool, i never really used them, seemed a bit confusing but you cleared that out nicely

@iaandrei - 15.07.2020 05:44

Thanks a lot for posting this, it's very useful! :) I'm curious though, if you can show us in a video, how to create randomly generated rooms and halls via a seed, if possible. Some time ago I searched on that and there's not that much info. Pretty please?

@matthewa7306 - 15.07.2020 05:04

I was just trying to research this topic yesterday... Thanks!

@FRACTUREDVISIONmusic - 15.07.2020 04:31

Is there a reason I don't see these used very often, relative to other solutions? Is it smarter to build well considered and wisely integrated Interfaces, functions and macros? Understood that's not a straight answer. Have been trying to sort out why some solutions might be better than others, and Epic doesn't really help with that side of things with their documentations.

@Goddisz - 15.07.2020 04:22

Thanks for video

@quintongordon6024 - 15.07.2020 03:52

Oh hey 2nd comment

@Latvian3Dman - 27.05.2020 09:54

While i am not "completely new", event dispatchers are still a bit, well, i need get used to them. Thanks for video.
