Assorted Inari Sushi in 6 Ways

Assorted Inari Sushi in 6 Ways


4 года назад

68,395 Просмотров

6 different ways to enjoy inari sushi with a little bit of creativity. Bon appétit.

/ Ingredients /

Inari (10 servings): 1 1/2 Cup rice, 2 Tbsp rice vinegar, 1 Tbsp sugar, furikake, 10 inari tofu pockets

Topping: 40g spam, 2 eggs, 50g canned tuna, 2 Tbsp mayo, 1 avocado, 1/2 Tbsp lemon juice, 40g thin-sliced pork belly, 1 Tbsp soy sauce, 1 Tsp garlic powder, 1 Tbsp sake, 2 Tbsp kimchi, salt, pepper

1. Pre-cook the rice in advance and keep warm
2. Season rice with rice vinegar, sugar, and furikake
3. Cut spam into little cubes
4. Whisk eggs and season with salt and pepper
5. Mix canned tuna with mayo and salt
6. Mash avocado and add lemon juice, salt, and pepper
7. Marinate the pork belly for 5 minutes with soy sauce, garlic powder, and salt
8. Pan-fry spam, eggs, and pork belly (with sake) separately
9. Make rice balls and insert them into inari tofu pockets
10. Place toppings on inari sushi


샛별 - SOSO /
Ben Noble - Madness


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