Docker Essentials (Part 5) - Making Containers Persist

Docker Essentials (Part 5) - Making Containers Persist

Learn Linux TV

3 года назад

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@tiannandai3126 - 02.04.2022 17:10

I like you vedio of learning Linux, it is very helpful for me!

@jornejongsma - 13.08.2021 02:25

ctrl+p, ctrl+q will not work when in VSCode terminal, solution: preferences>keyboard shortcuts; for both key combos change the When statement to: !terminalFocus

@heikokraemer2735 - 07.04.2021 23:44

I'm following this remote on a raspberry pi, with raspios lite on it, now running an other distro (arm32v7/debian) in a container, in the background … this is blowing my mind. So easy, so much fun – thanks a lot Jay!

@rashie - 03.04.2021 11:33


@ianzagorskikh3964 - 18.03.2021 14:29

So. Looks like having docker we don't need screen terminal demultiplexer anymore?

@markplumridge8819 - 06.03.2021 20:09

Hi Jay, love the videos :) Quick question... If I exit from the interactive container using the "exit" cmd I do not loose the container state.
i.e. If I run the container again, I can still run vim.
Executing "docker ps -a" I can still see the container and it has not been removed.

I start the container as follows:
docker start <containerId> , docker attach <containerId> I can still run the vim cmd.

Question. Is this the default behaviour?
If I'm not mistaken, on your video you say the container is destroyed.
Thanks Mark:)
P.S I'm running docker version 19.03.8, build afacb8b7f0 on Linux Mint 20.

@Orangejuice9000 - 31.01.2021 22:10

Hello Jay. Instead of "docker attach <container id>", I have always used "docker exec -it <container id> /bin/bash". It does have the same effect of getting into the container with a bash prompt, but is it truly identical? Thanks for your video's.

@Sliceace - 30.01.2021 12:34

Thanks Jay. I have been meaning to learn docker for the longest time. I immediately starting watching and practicing what you have taught. Looking forward to watch and practice what I've learned in the series. I see also you go over kubernetes too. I'm so pumped.

@davidg4512 - 21.01.2021 18:33

When you said a persistent container, I interpreted that as persistent data.

@BISHALZOGI - 21.01.2021 18:13


@bythealphabet - 21.01.2021 18:08

