Server-Side Render Vue Apps with Nuxt.js And Firebase! App Example

Server-Side Render Vue Apps with Nuxt.js And Firebase! App Example

Program With Erik

4 года назад

32,777 Просмотров

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@mullla1ya - 25.01.2022 17:28

Wtf there’s nothing about SSR over here. Thanks for wasted 20 minutes of my time. You didn’t even post a link for the next video. Bloody hell why… fucking unfollow right damn away

@kendallvision - 14.02.2021 05:40

This series only seems to cover using Firebase auth() and not deploying. That's what I went through 2 videos for. Also- very hard to find the next in the series. Update?

@mattd2185j - 13.11.2020 15:36

perfect if you already have some basiv Vue/Nuxt/Firebase knowledge and want to learn some more

@Y2hlc3Rlcg - 14.10.2020 18:01


@JosepCrespoSantacreu - 20.04.2020 21:51

I've saw a couple of videos from this guy (Erik) and, is the worst teacher I saw ever. He does'nt prepare his the tutorials, he just start to type code and, a lot of errors happen in the meantime, then he solves problems on the way… making you waste a lot of your time. Not recommended, if you can choose another one probably will be a better one.

@isagive - 03.03.2020 15:24

love ur vids... thanks for taking the time

side side comment:
One thing is the constant talk about CSS. u should really just include bootstrap.
I have to faze out and wait (cuz i don't want to miss anything) while u css stuff'

@oleglego8673 - 15.12.2019 15:15

From my experience, I would not recommend using Firebase for web sites, especially engine oriented. Just pay attention to how much just one Firebase/database module weighs, unparsed it weighs 500+ kb, and accordingly it takes the time in browser, that's why the speed of the site and the score on Google Pagespeed Insights is greatly reduced. I am a novice developer, so I could be wrong.

@razvacos7469 - 24.11.2019 19:31

more Quasar framework tutorials

@imranraja1322 - 24.11.2019 16:33

Hello Erik, I am facing some problems in nuxt. Nuxt I don't know why does not load or render static folder files or jquery files in first time but when force load page then it renders. Why is that please explain

@mazdaknazemi8207 - 24.11.2019 16:17

man you are so useful thanks , just continue.

@andressuarez3079 - 24.11.2019 16:03

Hey Erik, I'm studying web dev on my own. I was wondering if you could do a video about the 2020 front and back end trends. As go and Kotlin are getting supported by google and now the scope is wider on programming languages. Maybe you could give us an opinion on the matter. Thanks in advance. Regards.
