First Contact with Thargoids in Elite Dangerous

First Contact with Thargoids in Elite Dangerous


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@VoidStarbreakOfficial - 12.11.2023 01:02

Saying that this is 6 yrs ago and were currently in a war w/ them is wild..

@Dewickson - 02.09.2023 07:20

Who is here because Starfield fuckin sucks ?

@1PokerMan - 11.08.2023 05:02


@aziegames512 - 25.05.2023 22:30

What was that kind of interceptor? Scannable by scanners, shielded from beginning and not colored exactly as a cyclops.

@ALTTTAR - 30.03.2023 06:44

its funny how hes just getting attacked by some other dude while this is all happening

@IngoPagels - 23.09.2022 00:37

is it dangerous?

@darkraider1713 - 19.04.2022 05:13

i remeber that day being in a party with dp & some other guys what was depost be a normal day turned into crazy
few days

@user-ru8ko8kn5u - 28.02.2022 20:25

ไปยิง เค้าทำไม่ เค้าไม่ได้ ทำร้าย เราก่อน เลย

@Derangedxzombie - 02.11.2021 14:59

lol, think the bugged NPC weren't meant to be there

@jeffreyaguilar8028 - 07.06.2021 23:06

It would be awesome if they did a Star Wars game like this, Star Citizen, and Mo Man’s Sky and they did an event like this with the Yuuzhan Vong.

@fosty. - 07.06.2021 02:49

I wish I'd gotten into the game earlier. Just being around when this happened and hearing talk of it would be so cool. But no, I stayed away from Elite because I was waiting for Star Citizen lol

@noexistence8728 - 09.05.2021 02:25

don't worry they just scan you when they are yellow.
They want to understand what kind of "aliens" we are. If you shoot on it, then its color will turn into red, and they'll fight back.

this is like in the movie "ET" He just want to get some details from you 😂
if he is scanning, and meanwhile he is turning red, you have big problem. 😂
Oh an if he did hurt you accidentally, then he will also reparier you. It turns your systems off, but only to secure itself. You can't communicate each other, so he better do some safity steps.

@TimJBucci - 25.04.2021 13:52

Fly in it's portal.

@Twilleh - 19.04.2021 00:28

I'm from Buenos Aires and I say kill em all.

@handlesarecringe957 - 18.02.2021 09:00

This is why I don't tell new players about Thargoids. Much better if they experience it themselves.

@callumstrong7698 - 22.01.2021 14:50

I love how he just starts chasing it

@Davidjune1970 - 12.01.2021 22:48

Ah if only they had used them like the borg to conquer the galaxy, forcing the players to cooperate in the biggest PVE battle the Internet has ever seen

@fatfreddyscoat7564 - 10.01.2021 18:34

So even with an exceptional event like this there’s still some asshole trying to gank you?

@defeatedink0544 - 28.12.2020 08:40

The real reason we're in a war with the Thargoids is because that NPC pirate wanted to see what was in that cargo bay

@J_C_CH - 18.11.2020 16:45

This man became a celebrity in the Elite community purely by chance. It could've happened to anyone, but it happened to him. How cool is that?

@CountryMusicMann - 10.11.2020 11:32

There’s something inherently terrifying about a hard fact, an unbreakable rule you’ve lived by for years, suddenly being meaningless.

“Hyperspace is safe. If I can just to hyperspace, it’ll break off the pursuit completely, and even if they follow me, I can be ready to fight or flee as I need.”

Suddenly, your hyperspace, your illusion of a safe place, is shattered, and you drop into the black, far away from the light of any star, and your systems start inexplicably losing power one by one. You have no control, no ability to fight back or even self-destruct against whatever just did the impossible.

@wither5673 - 18.10.2020 02:54

the npc's need some work in this game.....that is probably the dumbest pirate i have ever seen lololol

@c.j.dingus1261 - 17.08.2020 21:29

Bruh, leave him alone he was having a moment

@l0mad642 - 13.08.2020 06:47

This is a “I had to get it on camera or no one would believe me.” Moment

@viytalic9049 - 21.07.2020 17:13

So what came of this?

@themoth1360 - 11.07.2020 04:19

Imagine the reaction of the player lmao

@cmdrhops418 - 26.06.2020 09:45

The Anaconda just ignored the giant flying flower that’s probably the size of a small space station.

@2ndsnake899 - 25.05.2020 04:38

Well, Flowey's changed a lot over the last millennia...

@smhxjd2 - 14.05.2020 17:45

I remember seeing this on BBC news, spent nearly 7 months and thus far I've only been attacked by scouts.

@dustinmihalcheon5013 - 23.04.2020 06:56

That's awesome. How often do events like this happen in game? And is that species ever violent instead of curious?

@davedahl4461 - 12.04.2020 09:04

I was a little bothered by the guy that tried to kill you during the Thargoid interdiction.

@mafileofua9591 - 10.04.2020 06:49

I met this. Guy on elite a long time ago and never knew he was the first to encounter

@yaago - 10.04.2020 03:24


@pandafat4043 - 07.04.2020 11:12

This is one of the coolest things I've seen in any sci-fi game

@alexwereschuk2004 - 25.03.2020 05:02

Hello first person who saw a alien space ship

@BoogieManFL - 11.02.2020 05:24

So the pirate was just hanging out in deep space, between stars, just for giggles?

@luckyhooky2527 - 12.10.2019 21:07

holy shit that's so scary

@fapplejacks2736 - 11.09.2019 20:55

The didact

@TheEedjit - 01.09.2019 19:52

I'll bet he was sat there screaming the conda is gonna blitz me fuck off goid. Only to see 100% hull and shields afterwards. Let's out a big sigh of relief then goes to change his shorts. 😳😜

@BigOSnackary - 23.07.2019 17:11

You know that the first person to experience this was like “WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?!?!”

@pjgcommunity3557 - 27.06.2019 07:16

Yo but where that anaconda come from

@LadyNightFury1 - 21.06.2019 02:08

It's funny how everyone is blaming the Thargoids as the bad guys but some shitty pirate is shooting at you while the Thargoid is simply just scanning you and doing no harm.

@ziggyz8345 - 02.06.2019 21:27

Imagine being the first to experience this and you have no idea wtf is going on

@sirgrem2988 - 08.01.2019 13:03

I've been asking questions: why does the hyperspace look different before you were interdicted? Those yellow glowy things?

@casanovafrankenstein4193 - 04.01.2019 16:24

I just got this game, because it was on sale for $9 on Xbox. I can't wait to give it a try.

@bravepart - 30.11.2018 03:29

That Anaconda needs to lay off the Space Crack

@immediatesword7711 - 15.08.2018 05:28

I always interpreted this as follows:

An npc attacks a thargoid, and soon realizes they've made a massive mistake

The noc tries to flee, but I brought out of hyperspeed by the Thargoid, and the Thargoid accidentally brings you out too. After making short work of the npc, it scans you to see if you pose a threat, then leaves once it determines that you're safe enough

@Skull19O1 - 03.08.2018 09:05

Dude must have paniced
