Matthew Lloyd's problem with the Bombers lowering expectations yet again - Footy Classified

Matthew Lloyd's problem with the Bombers lowering expectations yet again - Footy Classified

Footy on Nine

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@nanabandana8903 - 04.03.2025 08:41

Get off the panel, don't have to say who 🤣

@Manwithoutplans - 04.03.2025 08:52

Jake stringer’s 42 goals he only kicked once every 4 years or something.

@aaronsalmon1376 - 04.03.2025 09:08

Jesus christ that is a hard watch. I was getting embarrassed for Sam!

@Sbock86 - 04.03.2025 09:30

Really Sam? Do I really need to go back to 12 months when most pundits had Hawthorn in the bottom 4? Come on buddy...

@Sbock86 - 04.03.2025 09:33

Oh man. It just keeps getting worse for Sam. Essendon potentially have 2 of the best promising young forwards in the competition in Caddy and Kako with a solid defense and midfield - how is their list a disaster?

@rainhawkins - 04.03.2025 09:49

Llordo is quietly confident...

Stringer and 2MP have been replaced by genuine, hungry, fast, X-factor talent in the forward line. We've got a great spread of goal kickers, and some who will get bags – like the 2000 side. And there are solid players (Nic 'The Next Hird' Martin, Tsatas, Shiel, Perkins, Caldwell, Durham, Draper, etc.) who are stepping up to take some weight off Merrett's shoulders.

The last couple of seasons under Scott have been experiment and growth; this season the young Dons may turn some heads.

@Adam-h5b - 04.03.2025 09:51

Gee Sam McClure has tickets on himself….. Not sure why the blokes a complete Flog

@protoindoeuropean - 04.03.2025 10:02

Don’t listen to the hate Sam

@parabellummuthafkr - 04.03.2025 10:03

This show is hopeless

@jackpd34 - 04.03.2025 10:34

How is that knob Sam even on the panel? Bloke is actually insufferable

@AlonsoRules - 04.03.2025 10:53

Essendon haven't won a final since 2004 and are still paying for drafting Scott Gumbleton

@trinity1181 - 04.03.2025 11:00

Sam needs to go

@ItsFalloutz - 04.03.2025 11:03

Bottom 4 when they were top 4 for most of last year is a ridiculous claim

@stephenryan1038 - 04.03.2025 11:07

It's easy to see why no one watches this crap

@thatgnaralooguy - 04.03.2025 11:11

I was going to post how much of a tool McClure is, but so many beat me to it!

@carllarcher702 - 04.03.2025 11:53

Why did they bring sam back???

@eros7504 - 04.03.2025 12:18

Sam stop being a simp

@hartley3928 - 04.03.2025 12:34

Bring back Kane. Samuel is dreadful

@roberttodd2174 - 04.03.2025 12:40

Bro mentioned Perkins and cox

@patrickpower7696 - 04.03.2025 12:54

Seriously Sams opinion means nothing. Why does he have a job doing this?

@richardoconnor_photography - 04.03.2025 12:55

Matthew Lloyd earned his opinion. Sam McClure's dad got him a job.

@mattyey - 04.03.2025 13:31

“They’re not gonna take him Mitch!!” lol

@WINKERS76 - 04.03.2025 13:40

Sam McNOCLUE at it again. Fair dinkum how he gets any airtime anywhere is beyond me. Well done Lloyd put him in his place. No reason why the Dons can’t make the 8. 😉🇦🇺👊

@michaelmansini2307 - 04.03.2025 13:48

If Sam Mclure is the permanent replacement of Kornes this show is dead to me

@ZakNou20 - 04.03.2025 13:53

I just cant watch a "serious" show that has Sam Maclure on. Wonder why fans are off AFL media...

@trevbirks470 - 04.03.2025 15:16

Bookmarking this video for Sams crap opinions Volume 274

@luciusverus7697 - 04.03.2025 15:34

Stop trying to make McLure a thing. He's a smug git.

@Jacko89 - 04.03.2025 15:37

Farken hell! Judging by this comments section, Sam McClure seems about as popular as a kick in the pills

@DeathRace4Love22 - 04.03.2025 17:17

As an Essendon fan this is excellent news because Sam McClure is literally the opposite of an oracle.

@Blake19 - 04.03.2025 17:49

Sam McClure is an absolute mong

@FluffyKing43 - 04.03.2025 18:11

The coaches have low expectations, but the players don’t they want to compete, while going threw this rebuild which is great Fk the media I barley watch it anymore.

@jimethota - 04.03.2025 18:18

Why is Sam on this show? Or any show for that matter, he should stick to writing and stay off the camera

@blahblah6227 - 04.03.2025 19:25

The opening round is the most stupid idea ever. Just get all the teams to play dillon you woke mf

@Bigdeano2108 - 04.03.2025 21:37

I love how a Journo who can’t even draw a football thinks he can argue with Lordo about footy and the Bombers.

@shriekinleada794 - 04.03.2025 22:10

I distinctly remember this time two years ago literally everyone saying the Hawks would be average at best for a few years. Sam, as everyone else has noted, is clueless

@Alby911 - 05.03.2025 00:17

The problem with comparing Hawks to Bombers is that Hawks already built a strong foundation, and know what success looks like. Essendon is essentially recovering from the Asada fallout And when you had the worst talent recruiter in history, it was never going to be smooth sailing. Surely Lloyd sees this

@zingleraster9124 - 05.03.2025 09:14

Exhibit A why I don’t watch this show anymore. McClure is a flog & Barrett not far behind him.

@IDontTalkToCops - 05.03.2025 12:53

Won’t be watching this show with Mclure on the panel. The guy is unwatchable. Couldn’t even make it through this short clip watching that bloke. What are you doing 9?

@rowan6585 - 05.03.2025 14:01

Poor Matty Lloyd stuck next to that Muppet with the red hair.

@WJFCXFactor - 05.03.2025 14:38

"Their list is a disaster...they just lost 42 goals from Stringer"
Is that it? 1 player goes who was meeting the expected standard and all of a sudden bottom 4?
With all due disrespect, Media personalities make up a lot of trash and call it 'news' yet you get significantly better insight into clubs from fan based podcasts, these people actually look into what they are saying.

@itsmedeni007 - 05.03.2025 22:30

Sam is just a Korne wanna be 🥱

@alexmartin628 - 06.03.2025 00:32

Is Sam McClure seriously arguing with a three-time Coleman medalist on goal kicking acumen?

@SirFluffy100 - 06.03.2025 02:12

guess who? personality of a doorknob, not good enough to be a writer and has the opinions of a gossip mag

@jameshogan6293 - 06.03.2025 02:13

Lloyd is absolutely right about the Hawks. 10 months ago this same show was having a debate about them being an asterisk on the competition and possibly investigated for tanking, let alone having good players or "who's going to kick their goals?". No reason that Essendon, Saints can't climb the ladder if they play with the right spirit.

@halfbeak1064 - 06.03.2025 04:15

I actually like Sam

Just kidding he's a knob.

@mathewwatson1023 - 06.03.2025 04:48

Sam McClure is the most embarrassing bloke associated with the AFL. Has absolutely no idea.

@user-wv5sz9hq4i - 06.03.2025 05:29

Cant stand Sam, but he's absolutely right the list is garbage. Essendon are a lock for bottom 4 this year ..........could even be as bad as bottom 2

@maracasmacaroni6288 - 06.03.2025 06:49

Shut up

@stevehale9693 - 06.03.2025 08:05

Sam McClure makes this show unwatchable. Get rid of him

@haelmusa880 - 06.03.2025 12:44

the chemistry between the panel is very ackward. Lols to the comments below.
