Game of Thrones Season 5: Episode #4 Clip - The Sand Snakes (HBO)

Game of Thrones Season 5: Episode #4 Clip - The Sand Snakes (HBO)


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@JustSomeCanadianGuy - 21.12.2023 03:14

Game of Thrones is the best TV show since The Wire.

But man these characters all sucked ass.

Like a shitty Disney+ Star Wars show.

BUT they did get the deaths and exits they deserved.

@rippywilliams2139 - 13.10.2023 03:24

All 3 of them were fine as heck. I loved the gal that played Whale rider. She was so grown up here

@laurawestenra - 30.06.2023 04:50

The Sand Snakes could have been so cool and they effed it up and rushed it. I wanted to see more of Dorne.

@BM-wh5qk - 14.06.2023 02:25

Literally all the bad Dornish people we meet on the show are in this one scene.

@stopthephilosophicalzombie9017 - 01.06.2023 06:57

Who tells a story that everyone has heard to answer a simple question?

@briharrisWarhmmer40kfan - 22.05.2023 12:35

Obara is so damn sexy

@andanandan6061 - 01.05.2023 13:13

Can she just say "YES" instead of making long @@$ bulshit speech 😂

@lecafard4327 - 29.04.2023 13:53

I never hated the Sand Snakes. I thought they were all really good characters despite their departure from the books versions. The actresses portrayal and dedication to the roles really helped too.

Its just too bad that apparently D&D created them then had no idea what to do with them.

@mlgmeistros4278 - 24.03.2023 12:34

Honestly I am in love with the one with the whip. I'd let her tie me up and use me however se wants.

@yosefvargasx - 09.03.2023 18:01

Jessica Henwick!

@moonlightfitz - 03.03.2023 22:20


@FlashPointStudiosX - 20.01.2023 20:37

I’m in love with Tyene

@Anthony-dy5cq - 19.01.2023 12:54

A simple yes would've sufficed.

Comic book guy: most unnecessary monologue in TV history.

@deannas2778 - 19.12.2022 21:44

The sand snakes had such potential in the show I hadn't gotten around to reading the books yet... But dorne is such an interesting place from what I've seen and yet the show completely screwed the pooch and made it one of the most boring and almost convoluted plot lines. Cersei's daughter was such a sweet character, but I understand the revenge factor to it. But they also had to go and kill the prince as well that was really f*** up. And honestly it looks like they were getting along as a couple.

@waterboi4846 - 14.10.2022 19:29

named characteres who didnt do anything

@geminiflamez - 13.10.2022 08:31

Annnnd that's why they all ended up dead af! XD dumb asses

@lukebullen705 - 16.09.2022 22:07

The youngest of the sisters was the only attractive one when supposedly these characters are meant to be heavily seductive

@AgentQV - 31.08.2022 08:08

I’m a season 8 defender, but this scene reeeeaally sucks, it’s just boring.

@SushiBurritoPapi - 27.02.2022 03:54

I’m glad I didn’t read the books, because I actually like the sand snakes.

@patrickblake123 - 09.02.2022 06:08

I barely listened to the Sand Snakes in A Feast for Crows (I was listening to an audiobook and was only half paying attention the first time.) I don't remember their scene in A Dance of Dragons. But I just feel so bad for the actors having to speak this clunky dialogue. There is no smart thinking here, no impressiveness of the Snakes. "My way or the highway" is just so stupid to say and to speak of *out in the friggin open*!

@phousefilms - 28.01.2022 16:40

Forgot to mention her mother was crying because Oberyn backhanded her before throwing the spear down to test Obara.

@alienfromsaturn8909 - 15.01.2022 09:06

Thats Bugs from the Matrix??

@BlackDiamond2718 - 18.10.2021 09:52

The quote was the best part to take because it was from oberyn as a quote. Last parting gift.

@lordalessan - 07.09.2021 06:08

Obara is an Academy Award nominee. She's incredible. Not her fault the writers screwed this up.

@spacekitt.n - 31.05.2019 22:11

lol at the dislikes

@davidmarsalek8410 - 26.07.2017 22:49

And where are we now??😂😂😂

@NOROL115 - 18.05.2016 06:32

i fking hate these bitches. i hope they die got crushed by the mountain just like how oberyn dead

@SynsityGW - 08.04.2016 00:32

In hindsight I really just feel bad for these actresses. Yes, their accents were awful, but it was the writing that really ruined their scenes. Not even the best actresses in the world could have made this god awful script into something watchable.

@cordeliablakeslee7964 - 26.03.2016 05:10

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@calebcarcagno7547 - 15.12.2015 08:40

This scene, and all of Season 5, was so incredibly terrible. I never thought I'd say that about this show. It was never as good as the books, but it was still a fantastic show. Up until Season 5. I had never been so disappointed in a television show in my life. It didn't help that True Detective Season 2 was just as disappointed the same year.

@colinfaust3058 - 13.12.2015 01:39

no acting ability what so ever. D&D must have been on a bender for a couple of days to hire these broads

@eternal_napalm6442 - 05.12.2015 14:50

The Sand Snakes are abysmal and boring but are alive and well as main characters. Karsi was fantastic and interesting but was introduced and killed off in one episode. WTF!!!!!!!

@mynameisasecret.2630 - 17.08.2015 07:37

I think the Sand Snakes are really cool :)

@BucksheeRounds - 22.06.2015 18:48

"Ship's Captain...Claiming he had information to sell" - so you tortured him for this information instead of giving up a few silver stags. What a bunch of cunts.

@Kalupz - 16.06.2015 13:52

Man they're cringeworthy! Totally spoiling Oberyn's badassness!

@booboosimmons1483 - 15.06.2015 03:11

"We don't hurt little girls in Dorne." -Oberyn Martell

"Let me send her to Cersei one finger at a time." -Ellaria Sand

K HBO back that up.

@iritkogan6314 - 06.06.2015 19:30

The acting... My brain hurts..

@dmann4903 - 06.06.2015 04:33

I guess they were right about people coming away from this season with two words,SAND SNAKES. unfortunately for them they will be remebered for how terrible their characters were. I know many people watch game of thrones for the gritty story, well choreographed fight scenes, and well written script. Unfortunately for us viewers dorne had nothing of that. It didnt even feel like i was watching HBO,let alone game of thrones, more like some campy teenaged drama. I also couldnt stand how they butchered Elarias character as well. In the book she was smart, sensitive, and REFUSED to have anything to do with the sandsnakes and dorans plot for vengeance, on the show shes just some bloodthirsty airhead. (Except for season4). I understand they want to have strong female characters on the show but they could have easily included Asha Greyjoy (yara?) her point of view during the kingsmoot subsequent exile, capture by stannis, being held as a prisoner in Stannis army durring its march through the blizzard, was in my opinion one of the most compelling story lines in AFFC and ADWD. Sorry for the long post but it is frustrating when they waste story lines when the season is only 10 episodes long. im hoping that this was just a slip up.

@murphyjack90 - 05.06.2015 15:23

I bet these women have never faced a real enemy in their lives.

@iirainey - 30.05.2015 05:18

Such a stupid scene. Why would they start telling each other personal stories, THEY FUCKING KNOW EACH OTHER.

@geoffywellie - 27.05.2015 23:33

Whats with all the hate?? BTW the asian sand snake is so hot

@PeepingPenguin - 26.05.2015 21:49

Love dat accent

@BasLindo - 25.05.2015 03:23

Teenage Dornish Ninja Sandsnakes 
Teenage Dornish Ninja Sandsnakes
Latino chicks in headscarves - Girl power!

They had the show's most cringy fighting scene! (Hey, we had a whip!)
Their lines are corny,  and their motives are obscene! (Get a grip, script!)
So when Tywin Lannister dies,
Mutilate a child for her grandpa's crimes?

Teenage Dornish Ninja Sandsnakes
Teenage Dornish Ninja Sandsnakes

Oberyn's main-squeeze taught them bad motives (She's a radical bitch!)
Nym just stands around, and Tyene is fun to tease (Go ask Bronn, son)
Obara has a spear. It's clear! (Daddy issues)
There's five Sandsnakes more, but they wont appear! (No Sphiiinx!?)

Teenage Dornish Ninja Sandsnakes
Teenage Dornish Ninja Sandsnakes
Teenage Dornish Ninja Sandsnakes
Latino chicks in headscarves - Girl power!

@HanKyeolYoon - 21.05.2015 03:03

Oberyn Martell guy was such a great actor. These girls can't be his daughters as their actings are just.. ye

@Sacterheld - 20.05.2015 10:18

Shut the fuck up you tusken raider fuck.

@boblarson7694 - 20.05.2015 09:15

The sand snakes are a pit, not a ladder.

@BadVideoWatcher1 - 20.05.2015 05:21

Meanwhile, at Cobra Command...

@fromundachees - 20.05.2015 02:56

the little one could get it tho ;-)
