Exploring Warhammer 40k: An Overview of the Primarchs

Exploring Warhammer 40k: An Overview of the Primarchs

The Exploring Series

1 год назад

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DarkRonnie - 15.09.2023 17:50

The Emperor wasnt enrage by Magnus breaking the portal, Magnus was horroafied when he realised what he had done, and fled before him and the Emperor ever spoke

Blue Sentinel Avoch
Blue Sentinel Avoch - 12.09.2023 06:32

That man vulkan beat being destroyed on a a molecular level strong ass black dude

Boris Dorofeev
Boris Dorofeev - 04.09.2023 21:44

What if Constantine Valdor was really the 2nd Legions/ Custodes Primarch while the 11th Legion was actually the Thunder Warriors, led by Ushatan (or w/e his name was)?
Or the other Primarch may have been the "proto-Primarch" with wings who went insane and had to be locked up on another planet by Big E.

NorthernXY - 02.09.2023 18:11

Given Jagatai Khan is a based off Genghis Kahn, I wonder how many people Jagatai and his tribe killed and r@ped? The steppe tribes were horrible, Genghis Kahn and Timur the Lame each killed more people than the N@zis. They are also thought to have brang the Bubonic Plague to the west, killing millions upon millions.

cult.lawyer - 02.09.2023 04:46

Kurz: basically batman

Man_without_fear - 30.08.2023 18:57

Very good

Jay Coops
Jay Coops - 30.08.2023 02:45

Praise the emperor!

Sal Prestigiacomo
Sal Prestigiacomo - 30.08.2023 01:14

So after killing untold millions, setting the galaxy on fire and crippling the Imperium in a galaxy filled with mortal enemies the Emperor only defended himself after Horus killed some rando allowing himself to get carved up like an Easter ham in the process?
That's some really bad writing...

MowTheLawn - 29.08.2023 21:59

Hold up...

Angron killed a CUSTODES???

AC20sAkimbo - 28.08.2023 22:58

Ok big shot. Explain the nipple horns on Magnus with an in lore explanation

JD Berne
JD Berne - 28.08.2023 17:32

Sanguinius is rightly above the rest

NeutralInsanity - 22.08.2023 12:50

My only complaint with the video is some of the information about Magnus.
- I thought he was born with one eye? Not that he lost it in the first deal with Tzeentch.
- I don't think he died in the attack on Prospero, I thought he was just grievously wounded and the portal the Thousand Sons created to the Eye of Terror is what split his souls into shards?
- As far as I know he didn't become a Demon Primarch until he met Vulcan and the Emperor in the Throne Room during the siege of Terra. That after losing to Vulcan + A few of his sons, he gave in to Tzeentch and became the Demon Primarch?
Some of the info I have about him could just be wrong or misinformed though, would love for someone to correct me if so.

Obi Kenobi
Obi Kenobi - 19.08.2023 02:00

Why can't the Emperor regenerate from his physical wounds since he's a perpetual?

Mind Shiv
Mind Shiv - 16.08.2023 17:32

I think the 40K content from TES is growing on me.

Gowron son of M'Rel
Gowron son of M'Rel - 10.08.2023 17:41

Praise to the Omnissiah!

Sean Bumstead
Sean Bumstead - 09.08.2023 15:48

Leman Russ went into the eye of terror to take the war to chaos

Malachi Johnson
Malachi Johnson - 06.08.2023 05:38

hello algorithm nice to see you working nicely

f@#kyoutube - 31.07.2023 21:24

In my opinion, the races in this game are too stupid to exist!

Kris Everly
Kris Everly - 31.07.2023 10:28

This is rife with incorrect lore, Leman Russ created that Chink not Sanguinius.

BlueSpice - 28.07.2023 00:53

Alpharius was the first Primarch found. He landed on Terra and was trained by Malcador. He was there when Horus and most of the other Primarchs were found. At the end of the crusade, Omegon was found by Alpharius and decided to setup the meeting of Horus and Omegon, who was pretending to be Alpharius. Alpharius and Omegon switched places, and it is well thought that Omegon actually is the one who died. Thats if you believe the story, of course. :)

Nightsbringer1 - 27.07.2023 22:58

Magnus did nothing wrong. The emperor, a massive psycher himself, creates a powerful psychic son and then decides "Yeah that gift I gave you? You can't use it lol". At that rate, he might as well have told Angron that he's not allowed to do combat anymore, and Fulgrim "sorry kiddo, you're gonna have to wear this brown paper bag to conceal your perfection"

No. Fye
No. Fye - 27.07.2023 16:27

The story of the Primarchs are akin to isekai stories.

That time i got lost in the warp and landed in planet Gotham: story of Kurze and Corax

Vhythrann - 26.07.2023 23:12

Just to give a little more depth to the cartoon villain people think Fulgrim is. He wasn't an unfeeling monster who murdered his brother in cold blood. To him it was a last resort and even during their battle he was trying to sway Ferrus to his side . Ferrus was actually the one goading and chastising and charging in recklessly, while Corax and Vulcan withdrew from the main battle wonder wtf he was doing (back into the waiting reinforments of the word bearers alpha legion, iron warriors and night lords.) The lear blade twisted him so badly that in the moment he killed Ferrus he screamed in agony over what he had done (or rather what his warp fucked sword had done)). And in times post istvaan his sane consciousness would return momentarily, weeping in horror at the realization at all he had done. And then his ascension happened, which i also view as a small mercy to the tortured Fulgrim

DTP Berserka
DTP Berserka - 26.07.2023 10:46

As a newbie to this universe that was a great video/breakdown.

Ashardalon Dragnipurake
Ashardalon Dragnipurake - 23.07.2023 19:43

pretty decent summary, but more then a few small flaws
you missed the message of the night haunters dead almost as hard as the imperium
and completely skipping angrons pre nail status as the healer primarch is sad

also fun fact
the night lords killed the fewest of their enemys during the great crusade, while not conquering any slower
their legion made out of the worst of humanity, was the most humane

CANTTOUCHMYSWAG - 21.07.2023 15:13

This video at the start mentions the primarchs as part of humankind when really they aren't they were created by the emperor probably with warp magic and genetic manipulation - regardless they aren't human. They are an artificial creation, biological or not, human looking or not - they arent human.

Nikola Lukovic
Nikola Lukovic - 20.07.2023 22:42

Important thing about Vulkan and Salamanders that you didn't mention is that they're pretty much the only space marines who value human life the most.

A S - 20.07.2023 07:12


Jacob Gallegos
Jacob Gallegos - 20.07.2023 00:42

Angron did nothing wrong the emperor was a dick to him for no reason
Angron had every reason to want to kill the emperor

Danku Meme
Danku Meme - 19.07.2023 08:47

Justice for Angron

Roman Romanchuk
Roman Romanchuk - 17.07.2023 20:23

Where can i get the picture in the thumbnail?

Caius Cosades
Caius Cosades - 17.07.2023 17:59

Primarch Perturabo, played by Vincent D'onofrio. You're welcome.

Malphazar - 17.07.2023 17:54

... And then Dorn and The Manporor had Inwidian Pitas aka Tacos, it was a Tuesday, thus starting the true heresy

clemguitarechal - 16.07.2023 23:04

Thanks a million for this incredible video.
That was so fucking great to watch. <3

God HallelujaH Gaming
God HallelujaH Gaming - 16.07.2023 15:01

I'm loving this channel

Bing It
Bing It - 13.07.2023 16:55

One thing a lot of fans fail to understand - though it's a simple thing - is the sheer size of the Primarchs. For years, a lot of people assumed they were just slightly larger than an Astartes, but this isn't the case. While book cover artwork is greatly embellished to exaggerate the mythos of these characters, it's the text descriptions that explain it in detail. (NOTE: The models are NOT accurate portrayals of their size, as those scales are chosen to provide a specific footprint for game balance purposes. The models are not canon; the stories are.)

In Ferrus Manus, we read about him observing the gladiatorial pits of a battle barge. He is in nothing more than robes and bare-footed. No armor, boots, or other adornments. An Astartes in a full suit of Cataphractii Terminator armor is standing next to him, and it is described as though the very top of the armor reached no higher than the lower part of Ferrus' chest.

In the Siege of Terra series, Abaddon meets with Perturabo before an attack on the Saturnine Wall. Abaddon is described as being larger than most Astartes, and is in his full suit of Justaerin Terminator, approached Perturabo who was in a glorified toga as his own armor was undergoing system checks. When Perturabo gets suspicious of Abaddon's intentions, he is described as picking up Abaddon by the chest plate of his armor with ONE HAND and lifting him off the ground. He rose several feet before he was eye-to-eye with Perturabo.

When Fulgrim and Dorn meet on the top of a rampart and are about to duel, Sigismund attacks Fulgrim from behind (coward...). Fulgrim describes feeling the blade swinging and striking at his legs. He turns around and Sigismund is about half his own height; Fulgrim swats him away like a mosquito and sends the first Templar flying about 20 yards before crashing into a wall.

When Kharn - now fully "ascended" - nearly defeats Sigismund in another battle, Dorn jumps off a landing craft to help take out the invading World Eaters. Kharn charges at Dorn, seeing this as a most glorious prize. Dorn turns his chainsword sideways and swings it like he's in a home run derby, and the thickness of the back end of the weapon covers Kharn's entire torso. He is then launched off of a landing pad and down an entire level of the space port.

Even Alpharius, for all his deception and ability to blend in, when he has been sniffed out by someone, was described on numerous occasions as being "considerably more than an Astartes" in appearance, size, and ability. He uses a lot of tricks (and possibly sorcery) to hide his presence.

Let alone the demon prince versions of each of the fallen brothers.

Primarchs are not just a head taller. They are in the 10-14 foot tall range, and possibly more for the likes of Vulkan or Magnus. No Chapter Master or Chaos Lord would be a challenge for them. Even the current Warmaster form of Abaddon would be no match for a Primarch.

Monty Pondsnifferson Ch.
Monty Pondsnifferson Ch. - 12.07.2023 20:06

Is it actually confirmed that Alpharius Omegron is actually two people or is it just more level of trickery

ultramarine0123 - 12.07.2023 00:30

The emperor did not refuse dorns gift he accepted and adding it to his vii legions fleet then appointed rogal the head of that legion the semantics are important to the character of the emperor

ultramarine0123 - 12.07.2023 00:23

The lion, the lion, the

brodyhehe - 09.07.2023 09:34

You disappeared from my sub box for like a year and I just got into warhammer and now you’ve reappeared. Thank the god emperor

Brad Pitt
Brad Pitt - 08.07.2023 13:03

Angron: Ok this guy was abused and has nails in his brain wanted him only to kill, lets give that guy an army what bad can happend ?

orionblack - 06.07.2023 09:43

I thought that Alpharius/Omegon were the first discovered??

343 killed halo
343 killed halo - 05.07.2023 20:14

wow there's a lot wrong in this video. you gotta do more research before making lore videos.

Insomniac Tom
Insomniac Tom - 05.07.2023 14:57

"Primarchs avoided interacting with Perturabo due to him being quick to anger"

Hey there brother Angron how was todays blood soaked burning of a civilization?

Jordan Breon
Jordan Breon - 30.06.2023 21:13

Just to be clear, it is almost certain that Alpharius and Omegon were NOT both traitors. In fact, the Alpha legion is almost perfectly split between traitors and loyalists. Additionally, Alpharius did indeed die to Rogal Dorn, as Omegon is shown in the book realizing it happened as it happened. Sure, you can say that it was “Alpharius” dying and “Omegon” realizing the death, but since we have no way of knowing which is which, we must go with what we have.

There are still Alpha Legion Astartes in the Imperial Palace, in stasis, under Custodes control. What I suspect is that Alpharius and Omegon split (or believed they must split) allegiances to further the cause of the Imperium. Remember, the Great Crusade was to advance the Emperor’s dream, a dream of humanity safe and advanced, not the Emperor’s Imperium, but that of baseline humans. This was the original fear of Horus, that the Primarchs were to cast aside instead of being the leaders of humanity. In this way, Chaos was the great threat. Removing Chaos meant making sure Horus won (the reasons for this are far too large to explain now) and ergo the Alpha legion was taking on their characteristic double agent and manipulation tactics in covert support of the cause.

There is evidence to support the idea that Alpha Legion still operates in the name of the Emperor. Primarily because the Alpha Legion in stasis can be given a code phrase that makes them loyal to the Emperor, or to Alpharius, or even… to Horus. Now that is a very odd circumstance for the Emperor to make the Legion have, isn’t it?

Ryan Campbell
Ryan Campbell - 20.06.2023 06:43

I enjoy your content so much for not just your narration, but your explanations and break down. This Overview would have been so much word salad if I weren't already familiar with the setting.

Mikael Bruno Leonardo Karlsson
Mikael Bruno Leonardo Karlsson - 17.06.2023 17:10

Angry marines, always angry all the time, my fav marines

TheChuckwagonLite - 17.06.2023 06:32

Sanguinius, that ole softie
