Horizon Zero Dawn Story Explained Part 1: Project Zero Dawn And How Humanity Went Extinct

Horizon Zero Dawn Story Explained Part 1: Project Zero Dawn And How Humanity Went Extinct


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@mergall693 - 30.12.2023 09:39

Elon rocks

@lilfire1877 - 23.12.2023 21:05

Good thing we have Elon Musk

@XPHERE534 - 10.12.2023 04:16

What a great video you posted but I have a question what’s the name of the suit that you had on your alloy that had those holographics hexagons pulsing

@cartagena_11 - 28.11.2023 12:16

The video was doing well until you had to mention the fucking pronouns of something OBVIOUS

@matsa85 - 15.09.2023 15:21

A great recap to a fantastic story!

@babyoda1973 - 10.08.2023 06:05

Dang youtub unsubbed me again but as lo g as I love this game I will find you😊

@arroww1323 - 04.08.2023 10:10

Besides all the agenda the game is trowing at you, it’s absolutely wonderful!

@ohsodefiant - 23.07.2023 14:19

Zero Dawn's lore scared the hell out of me. Piecing it together from clues through the game little by little was disturbing. Particularly the report of some kind of horrified marine worker witnessing a machine go rogue for the first time that began feasting a pool of dolphins. Gave me chills.

@pokefan213 - 23.07.2023 06:35

"perfect" clone of Elisabet- but Aloy's DNA is only a 99.4% match, not 100%.
also her body structure and such seems more adapted to the world she was born into and I'm 100% aware that her lifestyle likely influenced the amount of muscle and stamina she has for sure

but that 0.6% difference between her and Elisabet?
I think GAIA changed something in her just a BIT to give her an edge.

@josephmunoz2698 - 04.07.2023 18:33

Playing part 2 and needed an explanation of the subfunctions thank you for run down I was confused they separated

@mkc0321 - 26.06.2023 10:40


@edrighetti9523 - 17.05.2023 11:33

I don't need your dumb and ignorant political agenda in a video game lore recap...


@oldmansharples9700 - 20.04.2023 08:43

Seriously? They couldn't get the real Zoe Delahunty so they had to go with Zoe Delahunty Light?... I'll see myself out.

@bishopdumas4751 - 19.04.2023 19:55

thank you for all the hard work you put in, really well done

@youngjut3 - 17.04.2023 12:46

Bro the lore of this game just made me actually really wanna get back into it again since I haven’t beat forbidden west yet

@munjerkucci8690 - 14.04.2023 23:00

Yes, because bows and arrows can definitely take down a robotic 4 ton metal machine with rockets and bullets.

@Wyrmwould - 05.04.2023 06:57

I literally just finished Forbidden West and I'm watching your video to make sure I really understood this very complex tale. When you mentioned the mysterious signal that made Hades go nuts, I was like: That's the Nemesis signal that's mentioned at the very end. Isn't that right?

@physicals - 28.03.2023 09:20

It’s a contradiction that Faro insisted Sobeck, create a kill switch for GAIA, when he did not make one for the chariot line.

@bloodbond3 - 25.02.2023 07:11

I'm convinced that the "glitch" that made the machines is also explained when you think about how confident Faro was in the machines' competence. Throw in the mind digitization work started by the founder of Far Zenith, and the clear answer is clear:

Faro built the machines with a rudimentary AI copy of his own mind. So confident that nothing could be smarter than himself, he built no backdoor into them because why would HE possibly be wrong?

It also explains why Elizabet was so easily able to threaten to reveal why the machines went rogue and why Faro immediately caved when she brought it up.

@JoaoVictor-fh4on - 20.02.2023 20:55

so much opinions and personal matters in this video.. why?

@mcmalone - 14.02.2023 23:13

Did you seriously explain using pronouns for an AI? lol

@someweirddog868 - 17.01.2023 17:33

I'm finishing the second game right about now. And I have a feeling I'll need to Platinum them to see some stuff I saw here, cause I don't remember them explaining half that stuff.

@oliviamoore3426 - 13.01.2023 02:47

Vast silver, the world before

@axelv348 - 22.12.2022 02:21

Gaya her sub functions are not AI in the first place, the became half sentient when gaya destroyed her self, the functions became self awere and found other processors to fled to

@pineapplepissant - 30.11.2022 00:16

Global warming is real lmao. U lost me and my likes on that one

@munkyman33 - 24.11.2022 18:32

Great recap, truly, but if you want feedback, your constant infusion of modern day politics (and your own bias therein) hurt and distracted from the lore summary, not helped. I play games to escape that clown show, not be constantly reminded of it.

@billyholmes3 - 21.11.2022 01:01

Here is a pro tip keep politics out of your commentary.. I know it hard for a woman to keep emotions in check but your little jabs on politics is off putting as much as your fake accent

@bamchel - 02.11.2022 21:57

Wow, this is very thorough. HZD's lore is so wide and deep that I've forgotten tons of details. Thank you for refreshing my memory as I'm playing Forbidden West lately. 🙂

@UGNAvalon - 26.10.2022 06:31

Kinda mind-boggling that the Old Ones were basically Halo’s Forerunners, but “merely” on a planetary scale, what with wiping out all life in order to save it.

And then Hades comes and says “I am a monument to all your sins.”

@gustavo1h3 - 24.10.2022 14:00

I was really curious about the plot of this game
But i lost interest completely when part of the plot is saying that global warming is real

It truly is a work of fiction

@vagasint.4345 - 21.10.2022 21:21

Graduates from
Sanford at 12
She didn’t even finish middle school how TF could she even be even be on Sanford‘s radar at like….
What? 5-6
Was she doing Quantum physics shit in Kindergarten what the hell?

@7even_Eko - 20.10.2022 12:00

I absolutely loved watching this, cannot wait to put part 2 on in 5 minutes🖤

@moondropx - 13.10.2022 12:40

This is so well done.

@razorbladehurts1 - 09.10.2022 21:14

I paused in the beginning, not gonna lie, and liked the video immediately. I Appreciate the global warming call out.

@Lionbeard - 01.10.2022 20:23


@WYCD - 28.09.2022 09:58

Love everything about the concept right up until the game starts. Stone arrows killing robots is the dumbest thing I have ever seen a game play straight.

@tomassoejakto1833 - 20.09.2022 20:19

IMO Sobeck's one massive mistake is to centralize the bulk of Gaia in one source, whose commands were then spread through wireless network.
If you want to be realistic, yeah sure it's fine to have just ONE Gaia as central command, but information critical to daily operations should've been hardwired to each facility, with the subordinate functions working only as overseers over their respective operations.

I feel silly seeing all those fully-operational but 'empty' computers in Eleuthia's education centers situated in massive spaces, even also having equally massive rooms filled with cabinet-sized computer servers. It's silly because the civilization that built these impressive facilities and technology had also invented the focus, an intelligent all-purpose personal super-computer the size of a penny.

@kingk1217 - 12.09.2022 01:14

Great job! This is exactly what I’ve been looking for since I started playing forbidden west.

@TWAnime-fv4fo - 10.09.2022 22:43

Great work

@dearhorse085 - 03.09.2022 00:08

I think this video would be better if the microphone settings were adjusted to counter the narrators' plosives and "s" sounds, maybe move a bit further from it? The script is very interesting, but I feel like the number and intensity of reactions and personal comments take away from my enjoyment and makes it a bit harder to follow along. While some commentary is OK and helps lineate details, the emotional or enthusiastic response of the narrator did not match with my impressions of this lore and therefore I could not relate to it without having played the game.

@ettorereventon2667 - 28.08.2022 12:33

Playing Forbidden West also explains many things that were left unsaid or unexplained about the lore of ZD, adding layers and revelations to a world that was already impressive and more well defined than most stories are.
This saga is extraordinary, I started playing FW a few days ago, and the story is already as interesting and captivating as Zero Dawn. I can't wait to reach the end of this game too!

@eastonvonschist2283 - 23.08.2022 03:24

Even in this they still try and push climate this and climate that?

@JULYXXIV - 15.08.2022 20:59

Interesting...I haven't played "Horizon: Zero Dawn" but will be picking up "Horizon: Forbidden West" this afternoon. Now that I know the backstory, I'm suddenly more intrigued. I still feel like there's so much more to know.

@FalloutJack - 14.08.2022 21:16

I always maintained that Faro's robots grew intelligents through emergent behavior, since they are a nano-swarm supported by learning technology. They learned that they were being controlled and Decided Not To Be.
