The History of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

The History of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic


3 года назад

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GVMERS - 18.12.2020 16:24

Hello everyone, thank you for watching and (hopefully) enjoying our latest video. We'd briefly like to shed light on our recent absence and dip in content the last couple of months. Over the course of this year, we were faced with a couple of setbacks following the impact of creator burnout behind the scenes. To make a long story short: the people behind this channel, a very small team, have been creating a lot of videos non-stop since the channel's inception up until 2020 and that came to a head when circumstances surrounding COVID-19 coupled with mental fatigue forced us to restructure and re-evaluate our ambitions. Regardless, we're happy to report that we've persevered despite these setbacks and are working hard to improve the channel for next year, but more on that later. We hope you'll enjoy the remainder of 2020 with us as we look forward to making 2021 our best year yet!

Vance Joy
Vance Joy - 09.09.2023 07:18

Larian needs to make KOTOR 3 the same way they followed up BioWare with Baldurs Gate 3. This is the studio I trust most to breathe life into the long shelved franchise

Holiday Inn
Holiday Inn - 09.05.2023 08:02

It was a pretty fun game for its time. I got it whenever the first PC release came out. The big box one that came with that manual that was on a binder and had some type of technical charts in the back for the levels. I don't really have any interest in playing through it again though. I remember the Manaan planet was the usual style of Bioware I don't care for. Where you're on some hub area talking to NPC's for a year with no action going on.

M N - 11.03.2023 04:11

If I have to choose between a SW where KoTOR is canon vs one where The Last Jedi is canon, I'm choosing the former. Disney can decide the canon when they actually add good stuff to it.

Tired Guy27
Tired Guy27 - 10.03.2023 16:04

After seeing how BioWare handled revan in the old republic game, you kind of wish there was an actual sequel

ViolentLee - 18.12.2022 23:04

I LOVE KOTOR. Played it on a dying Xbox that would crash 1 in 3 load screens. I dug the sequel, despite its rushed nature with a new team.
I refused to touch the MMO, despite assurances it had single-player content.
Then, of course, I loved Mass Effect.

surfingkoala35 - 18.12.2022 09:54

Kreia is still the best NPC of all time.

Dylan Monstrum
Dylan Monstrum - 10.10.2022 20:55

I don't even like star wars, but this game was AMAZING
That game has done a twist half as good

grasshopper2009 - 29.07.2022 12:57

In my mind it's cannon
Everything Disney creates
is just DLC

Jello - 27.07.2022 09:55


Derrty Waterz
Derrty Waterz - 20.07.2022 18:26

Rest In Peace BioWare

DrunkPauloCosta - 07.07.2022 07:36

Ahhh KOTOR... The closest any other game has got to Jagged Alliance 2 and the depth and quality. Of course i say that as in without being too drawn out/involving convoluted skill trees.

Its amazing other games havent cut and pasted the formula from this or JA2.

But then again both of them came shortly before the downfall of both devs who made them(be it Sir-Tech going bust or Bio-Ware becoming a shell of themselves)

Jim Beaux
Jim Beaux - 07.07.2022 07:09

Really wish they would’ve pursued a Kotor 3, instead of that SWTOR junk.. KOTOR 1&2 are my favorite games of all time. Absolute masterpieces. So much so, that the writing for those two games is MILES ahead of the “script” for the Star Wars sequels.

Matt S
Matt S - 04.07.2022 08:42

I used to be really into WOW and the idea of a KOTOR 2 games just sounds amazing to me.

Pingu - 25.06.2022 11:09

Fuck I don't even like star wars but I love kotor

I hate Adam Friedland
I hate Adam Friedland - 08.06.2022 03:48

Bro sounds like he’d be a narrator in a 2004 PBS documentary or a true crime show 🤣😭

Prog589 - 26.05.2022 11:07

You definitely had creative burnout since you keep using the behind the scenes video of the Episode 3 video game and pretending it’s relevant to KOTOR. Irrelevant filler footage is lazy documentary making.

Nathan K
Nathan K - 14.05.2022 19:11

Damn shame EA gutted bioware and the mmo was trash

No One
No One - 13.05.2022 19:43

With the remake coming I wonder if we will see a full complete kotor 2 and maybe see a kotor 3

Damian Rodriguez
Damian Rodriguez - 01.05.2022 00:59

Wait the events are non - Canon? Learned something new today

Graywolf - 11.04.2022 21:49

As long as they don't play around with the story of the original in Remake, it should be revival and maybe even a gift to Obsidian to make Remake 2 with everything it needed to be in the first place.

Blue199 - 26.03.2022 21:17

I played this game briefly when I was 18. combat system was a massive turn-off. never tried playing it again

Rahul.R Dev
Rahul.R Dev - 14.03.2022 13:30

pls do a history of gothic trilogy from Piranha Bytes.

chris porter
chris porter - 03.03.2022 00:17

EA is just as bad as Kathleen Kennedy, dare I say worse. Still looking forward to the day they all go under

Bjørn The Booty Snatcher
Bjørn The Booty Snatcher - 23.02.2022 02:20

they did revan dirty on SWTOR

Tage Nasty
Tage Nasty - 20.02.2022 19:30

Games like these are why Gen 6 is the greatest for consoles. Xbox, PS2, and GameCube... Such an awesome time to be a gamer.

Whodatsaddle - 19.02.2022 12:09

Two of the greatest games of all time. Nobody will be able to tell me otherwise.

The Mammal Man
The Mammal Man - 16.02.2022 20:12

Kotor and Kotor 2, both amazing games and one of my favorites to date.

And the end of Kotor 2 always screamed for a sequel.

Band In America
Band In America - 06.02.2022 22:42

Just finished playing Kotor 2 as Jedi consular and Jedi weapon master. Great game still holds up in 2022

Band In America
Band In America - 06.02.2022 22:34

This is Cannon not Disney

Dominique Norman
Dominique Norman - 05.02.2022 02:47

I still remember till this day when I was playing the knights of the old republic on Xbox and find out you the player was revan the whole damn times the biggest mind blow twist and KOTOR it the best game of all times and the fact we get a remaster I would be exciting about it till we found out on the write SJW activist that hates male Star Wars fans & constantly mocks the fanbase telling them to "die mad about." She was asked about her favorite SW game in 2019 and said "Not KOTOR and everyone inlcude me are worry about the story and she already said revan it gay and we just got wait and see and hope she not on the team

Noah Stevens
Noah Stevens - 02.02.2022 06:15

KotOR remake on the horizon! Maybe by then I'll be able to find a PS5.

Ra.N - 23.01.2022 15:43

That moment when you realise Kotor 2 delivered cosmic horror with The True Sith and Nihilus while most "lovecraftian" adaptations and video games fail.

ultra fire
ultra fire - 23.01.2022 11:19

Aspyr Games, your our only hope

Finn Ryan
Finn Ryan - 12.01.2022 20:28

Honestly if you have not played KOTOR 2 I'd still recommend it. Still a good game w/ a fascinating story.... you dont really have the timeline of development issues in your face until the last 5 minutes of the game

Thundageon - 01.01.2022 16:11

Who's watching this after the remake got announced?

Just a guy
Just a guy - 23.12.2021 06:02

While i am not a fan of kotor combat i still love it

VAFixer - 21.12.2021 17:45

if they made Kotor single player id be 100% buying deluxe edition pre-order and risking the burn. I was VERY let down by Kotor MMO I played it for about a month and it just felt so shallow when I compared it to the best starwars mmo Star wars galaxies where as a teenager I spend maybe 5-6 years on that game and played it daily.

Varaprad Pitkar
Varaprad Pitkar - 07.12.2021 07:51

Neither corporates nor creators get to decide what's canon. Once it out, it belongs to the fan.

Novus Talks
Novus Talks - 10.11.2021 16:17

Kotor is an rpg? I don't think turn based combat would work with star wars

Steven Darren Holt
Steven Darren Holt - 07.11.2021 04:11

I look forward to playing this again now on the Nintendo switch

Elam - 02.11.2021 23:22

Sith Lords had some really cool ideas in it. I liked the 'nothing happens in a vacuum' philosophy. Ultimately though, I found myself on the last planet, and thought: "Why am I here?"... "Hey, Bastilla. This planet has zero civilians, no naval defense, and two mediocre sith. Let's nuke it from orbit."

LPMMXVII - 17.10.2021 13:19

If this is what the remake will be im not interested.
All i want is a darth maul game.

Jonathan Soko
Jonathan Soko - 02.10.2021 23:58

The second game is better than the first, FIGHT ME

Baked as Bread
Baked as Bread - 02.10.2021 09:27

kotor2 is top 10 games of all time.

Jonathan Zuniga
Jonathan Zuniga - 01.10.2021 20:50

I’m here after the announcement of the remake!

Ludomir Steinbrück
Ludomir Steinbrück - 27.09.2021 20:47

I hope they dont fuck up the remake
