What are Best PHP Frameworks 2021?

What are Best PHP Frameworks 2021?

Stefan Mischook

3 года назад

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Home Office
Home Office - 12.04.2023 10:43

Reason to use frameworks is because you are lazy, or don’t have idea how to make even simple page without bootstrap. Maybe better use chatbot to get out some code or pay someone to code and you can act like programmer. In reality frameworks is for low level copy paste mass production only. Even for simple blog what can be approx 6 files and couple of mb you end up with 700mb junk files from some framework what you even don’t need.

bravehotsauce - 04.04.2023 23:12


CAkunjan dott com - a Practising CA
CAkunjan dott com - a Practising CA - 22.11.2022 00:16

Scriptcase is very good php framework

The Black Christian Geek
The Black Christian Geek - 20.10.2022 00:54

Thanks for the brief overview. However, after watching, I felt momentarily like, "I'm never going to understand all this stuff!" then I remember one of my best traits, I'm to stubborn to fail 🙂 God bless

thatonesnowboarde - 12.08.2022 00:37

Trongate is making waves

John Paul
John Paul - 27.06.2022 20:29

Hi, I am watching this in 2022. After spending years working with WordPress and dipping my toes into Node and Laravel, I came across the PHP framework Trongate. I have developed a number of web apps using Trongate and am impressed with it's simplicity, toolset and module structure. Have you any thoughts on this framework yourself? I know it is quite new, but thought I would ask. I know I am not going to get any full-time jobs in a corporation with it, but as a freelancer I have found it easy to learn and spin up apps very quickly.

Filip Petrovic
Filip Petrovic - 06.06.2022 03:14

Active records is anti-pattern. Laravel is easy, but Symfony is the quality

Jasper Caelan
Jasper Caelan - 07.01.2022 19:32

I don't see the point of Symfony, just use Java/Spring. Heavy enterprise style coding doesn't suit PHP.

Ian Rhys
Ian Rhys - 14.11.2021 01:44

Isn't vanilla PHP better for an app's performance? .... (With all the overheads a framework brings) .... But I get why we need to use it when it comes to scalability, maintenance, security and collaboration QOL is at stake.

Roger Nevez
Roger Nevez - 29.10.2021 07:58

PHP frameworks are still popular in 2021 ????

Vcode V
Vcode V - 06.10.2021 08:06

what do you think about code igniter 4?

Vcode V
Vcode V - 06.10.2021 08:05

YII is an open source? as it comes with BSD license but sure how different it is from MIT, please guide me.

Meda Medic
Meda Medic - 24.09.2021 09:52

Yii best framowork
Widget bootstrap jqeury rules!
work faast work good
perfect design logo
drem team samdark, lionel best stefan putin

Symetrix - 24.08.2021 08:25

Another great video. Thank you for that! I’ve just gotten in to Laravel, after a painful core php project, which while taught me a lot, drove me towards Laravel. The painful part was that I realized months of my work could have been cut in half by using a framework from the get go. Of course, the upside is that now I’m much better at understanding php itself and also understand how Laravel works thus able to do more with it. Anyhow, I’d still suggest to learn php first as you suggested. Totally worth it in the long run.

everton - 20.08.2021 03:02

When someone use Laravel for so much time and then take a look outside the window and see Laminas\Symfony\Slim + Doctrine, you start to realise how derailed Laravel actually is. Laravel kinda tries to emprisionate developers into their shine magic world of pseudo PHP and when you are there it's very easy forget how to actually write good PHP code.

Ryan Ceasar Borromeo
Ryan Ceasar Borromeo - 15.08.2021 16:24

Still using Yii2 here

TeddyRuxpin - 11.08.2021 13:29

This video should be titled "What is a PHP Framework?"

Wojciech Kobus
Wojciech Kobus - 21.06.2021 00:08

Can you deploy a PHP Laravel website/app to a server where they don't mention it in support secs, but specify PHP8, mysql etc.?

Г - 19.06.2021 19:47

1. Laravel - rapid development, excelent doc, many good tutorials, easy to learn, a lot of built in stuff, many packages, easy to find a job.
cons - get messy as project grows, many amateurs choose to use it so there is a big chance to work with bad developers
2. Symfony - good doc, enough tutorials, a bit more complex than Laravel, many built in stuff, scales well, used a lot, probably will work with seniors
- Zend/Laminas is great for enterprise projects but lacks of tutorials, documentation is not good enough. Slow development.
- Phalcon for app performance, doc can be better but supports is good
4. Everything else does not deserve to spent time on it.
YII and Codeigniter - last time I used them was ~5-10 years ago so cant comment but..
Cakephp is outdated - sucks all the way - bad doc, orm, routing and templete engine, not enough good tutorials, mostly legacy projects use it.

Umar Ibrahim
Umar Ibrahim - 23.05.2021 13:32

The presenter is a core Laravel fan. I can see it from his shirt ;)

David Connelly
David Connelly - 10.05.2021 08:41

I'm launching a PHP framework shortly. It has been three years in the making. I do hope you'll revisit this topic before the year is up.

salvador fajardo
salvador fajardo - 27.04.2021 23:45

a video to read a document ?

Theophilus Alamu
Theophilus Alamu - 24.04.2021 16:18

Phalcon not included.. phalcon is a good framework

Dejan Eric
Dejan Eric - 23.04.2021 02:07

For me codeigniter is still the best.

Marco Hernandez
Marco Hernandez - 20.04.2021 17:32

WAT??? No trashing Ruby? WHO ARE YOU!?!?!?

Antiheroine - 13.04.2021 11:03

Currently there aren't good frameworks for PHP. Django and (even) Rails are classes above Laravel. The latter brought tons of extra unnecessary syntax and conventions, while providing subpar versions of Django/Rails core features. Memorizing replaced thinking.

... And (Laravel) gets overwritten every 6 months.

Robert Gill
Robert Gill - 10.04.2021 01:29

What about rock solid stability with fast page load speed times.
With no PSR-4: Autoloading which destroys page load speed times.
That's what we need. Not Laravel.

Stan Tech
Stan Tech - 09.04.2021 13:19

Hi Stefan, do you use vue with laravel?

Norest Mukumba
Norest Mukumba - 09.04.2021 09:48

Where I work we are using Slim Framework 4, but I have used Laravel before.

Dondonpa - 09.04.2021 08:50

As the best language, the best framework depends of your local job area!

William - 09.04.2021 07:08

Laravel is built on top of Symfony :)

Algériennes Affaires
Algériennes Affaires - 09.04.2021 06:31

Im surprised you didn't include Codeigniter its number 2 now after Laravel, you are old school since you recommend Symphony

Algériennes Affaires
Algériennes Affaires - 09.04.2021 06:23

One good example of using frameworks for example if you use raw PHP you have to sanitize any value you get from Forms before entering them into database, but frameworks do that for you by default

Shawn McDermott
Shawn McDermott - 09.04.2021 06:17

Thanks, Stefan. In StudioWeb do you use Laravel's Blade templating or just use vanilla PHP to render HTML pages?

TrefwoordPunk - 09.04.2021 02:30

The best PHP Framework of 2021 is going to be launched later this month.....

m03Th - 09.04.2021 01:41


airaction - 09.04.2021 00:09

Codeigniter is the kalashnikov of php frameworks. Ready to use in seconds, fast and deadly

Tanzim Ibthesam
Tanzim Ibthesam - 09.04.2021 00:06

Laravel Symfony Slim

pahtashow - 09.04.2021 00:04

It is possible to learn hight level first ? Without vanilla PHP ? My learning style is from top to bottom. I have to see good practices and big picture first. Before core PHP. ???

Phil86 - 08.04.2021 23:53

Laravel is great (as Spring Boot for Java or NestJS for TypeScript)

Jed - 08.04.2021 23:51

Hi stefan, you should try Silverstripe 4.7, its a PHP framework with a CMS in it, you can detach the CMS if you dont want to use it, clients love the admin interface as its easy to use.

jonatan arayava
jonatan arayava - 08.04.2021 22:52

the best php framework is not using PHP, jk great video

Leon F.
Leon F. - 08.04.2021 22:46

Lol, I had auto captions on and it thought Stef was speaking Dutch.

Stefan Mischook
Stefan Mischook - 08.04.2021 22:41

Update: Java has java spring boot ... not bootstrap! Let me know how you like the new mic sound. Thanks!

Ramsey Chukwu
Ramsey Chukwu - 08.04.2021 22:38


QQ - 08.04.2021 22:37

