Overcoming Social Anxiety: What I've Learned

Overcoming Social Anxiety: What I've Learned

Cole Hastings

3 года назад

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Follower of Jesus Christ
Follower of Jesus Christ - 20.09.2023 15:43

Hi! I struggle with social anxiety and is very hard when it comes to interact with others especially as a Latina who her first language is Spanish!

blackjems - 22.08.2023 19:48

The have an open mind comments are always triggering for me because its like, i have an open mind, i want to be able to make friends like everyone else, but unfortunately my mind works differently, so im open minded, but I'm so scared and nervous that i just don't end up doing it at all. Im not giving up though 😔

Loveinmyheart - 31.07.2023 16:06

I am learning how to talk more about myself. I know a lot of advice is to listen, but I'm too good at that, and end up never showing someone who I am. People end up walking away after a while because they only used me as a sounding board. Finding the balance. Ultimately if I can get myself interacting more in general that's a good goal for me. I get overwhelmed and it's important to address that issue. Thank you for all the great tips!

P Solver
P Solver - 27.07.2023 06:50

The story of my life. I think it’s different for guys though. We have this social pressure to be strong. I can admit at the moment that’s not me.

sgadsden - 09.06.2023 20:03

I think that is a very egocentric way of explaining it, however if that helps someone it's great. I believe that the best way to overcome social anxiety is to recognize that reality exists, but your reality is what it signifies to you. You can develop trust in you by simply separating yourself and realizing that you are fully disconnected from what reality is, that is, your conscience is something and reality is something else. Life is the relationship between that and reality, and when we recognize that everyone has a unique relationship with reality, we are able to break down those barriers. This has greatly helped me in my life, and I hope it helps someone else.

KaiZen - 24.02.2023 05:39

Man this dude seems like hes always been and is miles ahead of most of us

Hafsa Salman
Hafsa Salman - 18.02.2023 07:50

As someone who has had social anxiety in the 8 the grade ever since after the pandemic and then we had to see people at school.. it was hard going to school or even simply walking past someone with out stressing or feeling awkward. I still have some social anxiety but I am now so much better at confronting the fear and now I can talk to people better while communicating people with better. I remember feeling everyone hates me so I was like you know what lets take advantage of this. I started sitting with people at lunch and even if I felt scared, I sometimes talked about off topic things and what I said might of been weird but now idc and I'm glad I did this. All I did was say whatever I had to say with confidence even if I felt it sounded stupid

Montage - 06.01.2023 17:09

I use to be very talkative, then people beat that out of me. I was even told that I couldn't sit with the people my friend did in high school during lunch , I didn't even say anything to them, so I stopped going altogether. People are awful, selfish, rude, and terrible and I'd rather be alone then interact with people anymore.

I Am You
I Am You - 21.10.2022 08:20

As a introvert that suffers from social anxiety as well shit is tuff.. but this video was very helpful.. I love your channel by the way. You’re playing a big role in me beginning the process of my self development.

Antiquarian - 21.10.2022 02:57

I feel like i am shy because the sound of my own voice, when I am talking to family I have a normal sounding voice but speaking to others I guess I tense up and it causes my voice to sound weird I don't know why but it sucks, For example when I speak to someone I have the obvious "nervous" voice.

Jonathan - 20.10.2022 16:16

Sadly where I live, you're seen as a creep or weirdo if you try to talk to strangers even at a party. The mindset of people my age is that we need to be friends on Instagram. You can only make friends on social media then hangout. Not actually try to talk to someone at a bar or in a mall because that's seen as weird.

gamerprince1999 - 11.10.2022 08:38

This video kinda making me emotional because I feel like i'm finally learning about ways I can actually NOT be too pussy to talk to someone

Aikynbreusov - 10.10.2022 07:23

America is SICK..... we are sick..... no wonder the mental health is out of order

Brian M
Brian M - 21.08.2022 11:14

Are you a giant or is everyone you talk to a midget?

James Gentry
James Gentry - 15.08.2022 16:58

The mind if I sit with you thing or cold approaching hardly ever works. Especially with women or its considered harassment

Bobby Bartot
Bobby Bartot - 12.08.2022 09:11

It is Kind of weird watching Videos like this one about learning how to speak with other people, about something we should be able to do easily...however i am grateful for this one, it helped me a lot

LONDONGEARS - 18.07.2022 22:04

U just got to pick up ur balls and become a real man also stop hidden behind a gun like all this sissys do in today's world

Daniel Pham
Daniel Pham - 17.07.2022 11:29

Love your channel it has helped me so much I inspire to help improve the world of mental just like you

mastercnn1222 - 02.06.2022 19:59

ive gotta use this to sell tickets
