3D Particle Optmization Tips - Godot GPU Particles Tutorial : Blend_add & Draw Passes

3D Particle Optmization Tips - Godot GPU Particles Tutorial : Blend_add & Draw Passes

Nanotech Gamedev

4 месяца назад

985 Просмотров

On this brief video I am going to share some tips on how to optmize the particles we have created previously, it all revolve around changing the blend_mode and how to edit the shader to still have the same visual appearance, specially regarding alpha difference, we are also taking a look at using alpha_scissor_threshold parameter to improve the perfomance, and lastly talking about importing a custom mesh in the draw pass of the particles, so we can remove a extra particle node and keep draw passes from 4 to 1 using a custom mesh,

Godot Shader from previous Tutorial on GodotShaders:
Smoke Shader: https://godotshaders.com/shader/mech-gunfire-effect-smoke-shader/
Muzzleflash Shader: https://godotshaders.com/shader/mech-gunfire-effect-muzzleflash-shader/

Tutorial Project File for this particle effect from previous tutorial on my itchio page:


#Godot #RTS_in_godot #How_to_make_an_rts #godot_4 #game_dev #gamedev #rts_asset #Godot_GPU_Particles_3D_Tutorial #godot_particle_crashcourse #godot_crashcourse #godot_vfx_course #godot_tutorial_particles #Godot_vfx_gunfire #smoke_shader #muzzleflash #muzzlesmoke #gunfire_effect #billboard_particles_in_Godot #particle_offset_in_Godot #Particle_vfx #GPUParticle3D #game_fx #3D_Particle #optmization #blend_mode #blend_add #alpha_scissor_threshold #more_fps #godot_particle_optmization_tips
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