Week in the Life of a DOCTOR (ft. infective endocarditis and chronic mesenteric ischemia)

Week in the Life of a DOCTOR (ft. infective endocarditis and chronic mesenteric ischemia)

Violin MD

1 год назад

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@mscattrapper - 25.02.2024 10:53

I love your channel - all of it. And am super curious about all the awesome healthy food you eat and whether or not those frozen veggies had the pasta and sauce as well. Or did you really just eat plain frozen veggies for a snack? I'm pretty sure Mark was eating an Amy's bowl. Maybe the broccoli cheddar one in one scene. Maybe an idea for a video, fav foods and recipes? I've watched the hospital food tasting one so I know about the gluten-free and dairy-free etc.

@andrewinglis2780 - 27.02.2024 12:42

Goals ✨

@kekaiokalaniaramkealoha2299 - 29.02.2024 01:32

Hello Dr Siobhan, what is the best study app on your phone for the Mcat? One more question, what was the most meaningful partof your medical journey!..😊

@GlimpseIntoTheirNatures - 04.03.2024 04:02

OMG, I love this channel, and thanks for all you do! Clean Canadian Content ... well, except when a colon comes along. :)

@carolsherman1768 - 15.03.2024 21:59

Wow! Didn't realize that doctor is a manager of patients in ER who sits at a desk....

@TheOutlier-c6o - 29.03.2024 22:35

You have so few patients and appear so under-worked almost on holiday or are you just presenting selective patients?

@alibenkahn5092 - 07.04.2024 08:05

Wow, the hospital you both went to to help out really got lucky getting you two ❤

@epiphanyinsight - 20.04.2024 11:15

LMAO 🤣 😂 The hold phone music tunes must be universal because I work in a hospital and I've grown to hate 🙃 😅 that sound when I'm put on hold 😂😂

@monikagonzales2658 - 01.05.2024 10:06

Bless you both! I’m 68 working full time and what you are doing is way more exuasting! Bless you!

@sct4040 - 20.05.2024 02:09

Such a nice couple, maybe you 2 would want to work there for a while? Doctors are really needed in these areas.

@michaeldefiore5 - 27.05.2024 07:38

I would love to meet one of you guys i have osteogenesis imperfecta and vascular ehlers danlos syndrome all not diagnosed untilLast year, on January 13, 2023, I had a genetic test done. Since then, for the past 9 months, I have been experiencing a burning, itching sensation with pins and needles that is extremely painful. It affects both my arms, legs, hands, feet, neck, and mostly my lower back. Thank God for the increase in my Cymbalta dosage and my doctor prescribing me 15mg of Mobic, as it has been a big lifesaver. I have noticed that heat tends to reactivate my pain and make it worse. So janurary 22 this year 2024 my neurologist ordered an MRI of my brain because I had told him that back in 2011 I had mild volume loss and was concerned it gotten worse and may be causing the symptoms so the MRI showed the following IMPRESSION:
1. Abnormal study.
2. Central and cortical involution/atrophy out of proportion of this patient's age. This appears to slightly progressed when compared with the prior study from 2011.
3. No acute findings.
Then i had a emg nerve test but only on my left side he only did one side cause he was worried it would aggravate my pain with my nerves I will say that the tesy did hurt, but it didn’t affect my nerve pain if that makes sense so in March after having seen the cardiologist and undergone several testing, including test for congestive heart failure, which came back negative, and I also had a trans thoracic echocardiogram and a CT coronary angiogramwhich by the way showed no blockages, but it did show a filling defect is noted at the tip of the left atrial appendage Which worried them it could be thrombosis or May represent slow flow So they reccomended i get a TEE also no one has a trans esophageal echocardiogram that showed No thrombosis it was a slow flow which is good but i have a mildly dialated aorta root Sinus of Valsalva measured 3.7 CM Ascending Aorta measured 3.2 cm. And the Sinus of Valsalva diam 2D
index BSA Measured 2.12cm/M2
AscAo/Bsa measured 1.84cm/m2
Lvid measured 4.6 cm
Lvpwd measured 0.45
LV RWT measured 0.2

so apparently the Interpretation Summary
Left ventricle is normal in size and systolic function with estimated EF of 55%. No regional wall motion abnormalities.
Right ventricle is normal in size and systolic function.
Atrial septal aneurysm and PFO with bidirectional shunt is present.
No evidence of intracardiac thrombus.
There is no hemodynamically significant valvular disease present. There is a borderline mild enlargement of the aortic root. Due to the presence of vascular Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and osteogenesis imperfecta, there is an increased risk for aortic rupture. Although the aneurysm is not currently larger than 5cm, yearly screening with a transthoracic echocardiogram (TTE) is recommended. The patient sought medical attention due to experiencing chest fluttering and shortness of breath. A pulmonary doctor Noted changes in breathing since the patient's last pulmonary function test, which was conducted in 2015 due to a lung nodule that was less than 3cm in size. There was a cancer scare, and the patient was hoping for a rescan of the lung with the nodule, but it was not done. The patient smokes cigarettes but is trying to quit, having started one month before their 16th birthday. They are now turning 32 on June 19. Their osteogenesis did not affect them in childhood like it did their mother. However, It started on March 30th, 2017, when they had their first compression fracture. In August of 2020, the patient finally went to an endocrinologist and had a DEXA scan. At that time, their Z Score was -3.8. They were placed on Forteo, which was supposed to be used for 2 years, but due to side effects and doubt, the drug would improve my bones, I did a bad thing and lied and said I was still using the Forteo until I broke into tears and told the doctor the truth. I told her I'm so sorry, it was making my pain worse and making me sick. So in November of 2022, I was placed on Prolia and have been ever since. One month before starting the drug, I had to have a DEXA scan. I went from a Z Score of -3.8 to a T Score of -2.6. Just this month, I had my third DEXA scan and it showed an improvement of 3 points in my spine, but my hips are worsening. My T-Score is now -2.5, which is between the hips and spine. However, the spine showed a T-Score of -2.3. I'm surprised at how concerned my neurologist is about my brain. He said not only does the whole brain not match up with my age, but my frontal temporal lobes are also affected. I'm so scared to be honest and suffer in pain from all the previous compression fractures. I live in the United States in Rochester, NY.

@steffenohlsen3089 - 03.06.2024 02:14

that waiting melody on the phone we have in denmark to our doctor's call and hospital between 4 pm to 8 am

@ilovekittens78 - 08.06.2024 12:30

YESSS please more week in a life videos!! Love you guys :)

@heatherarmstrong1366 - 12.06.2024 10:41

I really enjoy watching your videos. I feel good watching your behind the scenes and being educated on the problem solving aspect. It's super neat to see how much you process the symptoms and how much you care.

@themeat5053 - 14.06.2024 14:26

You know if you would eat red meat, you'd get protein, plus essential amino acids.

@DaniPrays - 16.06.2024 02:08

Great content! I am a 4th year med student, so I am loving this. Definitely motivational! You two are a lovely couple! I must say, the hold music is groovy and one I have heard many times. Thank you for the videos 🙏🏻🩺

@CharHa-j6y - 21.06.2024 01:05

When I visit the Zoo, I stay at the Delta , they have a Gov" / First Responder Rate (I'm sure they'll have a Doc rate too). Also, try Naked (protein powder. They have one ingredient, low carb, high protein, gluten free and they have a vegan (Rice or Pea) option.

@mishagirl01 - 26.06.2024 04:56

Yay!!!! Sault Ste Marie!!! Soo Locks, here I come!!! Oh...wait. I'm from Michigan....❤❤

@sunriselotus - 12.07.2024 21:10

the freezer veggies idea is so great!!!!

@sunriselotus - 12.07.2024 21:16

I also find it odd that a couple is on the same team in the same hospital taking care of the same patients together.

@jennadeleon4017 - 13.08.2024 06:12

More videos like this pls. I luv seeing what doctors would order for certain presentations. It helps us rookie nurses😊

@cheetahgoldenfire - 18.08.2024 07:15

I love the team video. Questions: you're both licensed physicians. How do you only have one vehicle when your combined income should be close to half a million, if not more?

@homomorphic - 27.08.2024 22:42

Lol! sault saint marie isn't "up north" it is right on the border with the US; in fact, it is so on the border that the city itself spans the border.

@ShaynasPlants - 06.10.2024 06:57

Special people work in healthcare, and I am not special! lol Grateful so many are though.

@Velmakinz - 18.10.2024 05:16

LOVE the week in the life, getting to follow the diagnosis/treatment of a patient over time is really interesting!

@mjt3241 - 28.10.2024 18:05

Lol I have heard that music before… annoying but 🤷‍♀️

@miadeckler8896 - 04.11.2024 16:15

I personally love a Day in the Life, myself. :)

@conniesuper9892 - 12.11.2024 20:57

You two are amazing!

@titusrider7948 - 25.11.2024 08:54

You two make a really cute couple ❤ Do what it takes to stay married 😊

@queenofdramatech - 03.12.2024 15:41

Heard this music in the USA so it must be SUPER generic!

@mousenmick - 14.12.2024 21:30

Love your channel!! And I love that hold music, I worked in healthcare for 30 years and have listened to that hold music for much of that time!!

@BH-obh - 19.12.2024 03:45

Hey, come up to New Liskeard and give our Docs a break. Thanks for your work. Cheers.

@Dexy83 - 20.12.2024 15:56

Holy crap! 😂 Do all hospitals have that hold music? 🤔 My 2 local hospitals in Fredericksburg, Virginia both play it.

@michellepennington3993 - 03.01.2025 07:21

Hold music at Duke in North Carolina USA. Made me shudder. Lol. I have rPSC 5 years post liver transplant and UC and a ton of other issues. I love watching you and I love these behind the scenes. I love my docs, nurses, techs,admin, cleaners, food prep people. I wouldn’t be here without every single one of them! ❤

@richfabian6534 - 04.01.2025 07:07

I would love to hear you play Christmas Cannon

@gunalansithia3125 - 10.01.2025 23:21

I am a fan!!!!

@Unknownnnnnn270 - 11.01.2025 02:06

Just wondering I’m a nurse in Ontario are you guys ever scared about the sharing of patient information ?

@pamelastates5600 - 21.01.2025 00:49

Thanks for sharing you both seem like really great Dr’s . THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!!! You are both are appreciated. ❤️🙏🏽🇨🇦Toronto , Canada

@loripasqualino9613 - 28.01.2025 02:08

You guys are so interesting

@drteaches - 28.01.2025 23:48

how do you mange to work in the same place?

@drbenner1 - 01.02.2025 16:40

Why can't you put the pic line in?

@rachelsgro1788 - 01.02.2025 23:52

I love you guys! So cute and love that you travel together. My husband and I travel together too and it's so fun! Would love to see more of day or week in a life!

@joanthomsen - 04.02.2025 07:34

Awesome video

@1118cristina - 07.02.2025 04:29

Can you two please be docs here in Ottawa :) so enthusiastic and full of positive energy . Excellent team work guys

@judymclaughlin8019 - 10.02.2025 23:49

You’re both adorable. I love watching your enthusiasm! And learning! I’m in NE WA state USA.

@Fire_m-e - 20.02.2025 03:11

I had streptococcus mainly in my throat and I have had it many times I can tell you it was not fun 😭 😢

@darsongsify - 27.02.2025 15:57

I totally love you two.....here from US! I just discovered you 2 days ago!!!!!

@joeyk5 - 07.03.2025 03:51

What is Marks speciality? Same as yours Siobhan?
