How To Get A Music Manager

How To Get A Music Manager

Damian Keyes

1 год назад

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@DamianKeyes - 04.04.2023 19:02

Hey! If you're reading this, I just want you to know that I appreciate you and I want you to succeed.

Let's go ❤

@Skycofficial - 09.10.2023 04:29

I need a manager..

@triggerman_ukrapper - 23.09.2023 05:02

Hello damian hope you're well.
So im a uk musician rapper / singer. I write ✍️ all my own tracks. I have out 7 singles which was released by a small charity-based label. Im in need of a independent record lable to take me on in london. Who can help me going forward. Im struggling to find the one. Can you help or we sometime speak over the phone. Thanks from Jay.

@theoriginal-djdemmerneck - 13.07.2023 22:39

What. Why is the music industry have the dumbest rules. Like change them to make it easier. I'm 27 which means what your saying would take years and I will probably retire when I'm 40. 13 years is not going to do anything for me. I have 68 monthly listeners on Spotify. I would get 5k when I turn 40. That's not what I want. I want to be able to have 7M when I turn 40

@jwillock5697 - 03.07.2023 05:18

Hi so how does a person get a song they write to get a artist to sing it.

@VoxJ - 30.05.2023 00:03

Totally lost any motivation..... PS watch the Rick Beato Nuno Bettencourt Interview to grasp how bloody silly this ⏫ all is.

@RAPSTAR7LLC - 28.05.2023 03:10

Thanks Damian, You reinforced the awareness to whom is call for that duty.

@Boyd999 - 27.04.2023 20:53

loud and clear thanks for this video

@NoCensorTV - 24.04.2023 05:09

can I register my song or album to distros and publishing ,copyright etc if they are free beats ? please help

@UrgentC-cf1cw - 21.04.2023 17:50

Hi Damian I’ve got a question, I’m going to uni in September and am wondering if I should start releasing in the meantime or whether I should wait until I finish the course before I start my journey

@StephenPaulTaylor - 18.04.2023 10:33

Thanks for another video full of wisdom Damian! Great to see you killin it on TikTok, IG etc.

I wrote you on IG but your response was short and didn't quite address what I was asking so I thought I'd reach out here.

First of all, I admire your focus and dedication. It's awesome to see. You're helping a LOT of people and that's great. I"ve used your strategies for a few releases.

However, when watching all of these artists you're helping to blow up, I can't help but notice they're all like 23 max. That raises the question: what about older musicians? My story is that I blew up at forty (which doesn't fit into that mould). I had a viral hit, toured Russia four times, all over Europe and started getting hundreds of thousands of views and listens. However, in the last few years, partly due to Covid, i fell on hard times and the numbers dropped. I'm 50 in July but I'm still creative as hell, I post weekly cover songs to my channel that are starting to pick up, my fan base (when I look at my analytics) is way younger than me... 18 to 34. I know that with a bit of a push and focus, I could definitely be on radio and touring all over the world (and perhaps with management) and have videos with millions again

But when I see you (someone I've respected for years) constantly promoting artists who are very young and impressionable, it begs the question: why not take the (albeit slightly more difficult) challenge of taking on someone with a bit more life experience, who's still full of talent and promise and include that in your roster of 'up-and-coming' stars... using the power of tiktok to see how big you can get them?

I just feel like the music industry has done this since the dawn of time: picked young and mould-able artists/ pretty faces and helped them grow and get a huge fan base. But there are outliers. There are artists who don't quite fit that mould who could, perhaps with your strategies, succeed just like these young pretty faces.

And I'm not saying it has to be me. That's not really the point of this comment. I just think that with your influence and obvious skills and wisdom, it would behoove you to not just pick super young people and 'work your magic' on them. There are undiscovered talents of all ages out there. Hell, I have a friend who's forty and has written some of the best music I've ever heard. People here love him. He just never had a 'big break'

Anyway, much respect for what you do. I just wanted to share my thoughts

@jayssandri - 13.04.2023 08:25

Hey, I had a question for you. I'm releasing singles every 6-8 weeks and then will be packing those singles in an EP which will be released in September. What's your advice on how to continue to build momentum after the release of the EP? What projects should I work on next?

@bellasoda - 06.04.2023 14:02

Wow! This is one of your best videos so far, it really hits home!

@stevemorano9317 - 05.04.2023 12:32

Thanks Damian for your total awesomeness 👍…& the videos ain’t bad either!

I do already have a great music manager who’s a great friend too.

I have many great songs but 1 massive potential hit song. I would like assistance getting this one out. Interested?

@thesuncollective1475 - 05.04.2023 02:37

Wow , it makes sense now you said it, pure gold!.

@ANALOGICALSTICK - 05.04.2023 01:08

Hey Damian,
I was wondering, is your Sonar Playlisting Tool working with French playlists as I want to target a French audience?

@deanawad8618 - 05.04.2023 00:24

Saw the title of this video and thought "Damian would make a great manager" and then he started the video by saying he's not a manager lol. Thank you Damian for all the work you put into these videos they really inspire my self and thousands of other independent musicians.

@racheldahliamusic - 05.04.2023 00:16

Can I ask, if I use a fiver artist to write the instrumental comonponents of my music as a communal contract, can I use that as a way to get my music put in the world? And is it legal? I don't have a band and really can't find one. So I thought that might be the only option I have left?

@BruceBalensiefer - 04.04.2023 23:48

How did you know I was looking for management?

@RaffiMaxwell - 04.04.2023 21:34

Hellooo I’m about to release a new music video have you got any tips for releasing videos with a song ?

@polmorgan3533 - 04.04.2023 21:10

Hi Damien I'm 57 and living in Scotland i went to Hollywood in my thirties and did pretty well nearly made it then lost everything, now i feel i have recorded the best songs of my life but ive been a studio recluse for years now and litteraly know no people at all. i live in my mix position and only watch tutorials and stuff like this and i record and mix, but i have got to the point where i just don't know why i'm doing this, what i want, what making it means to me anymore or the reason why i make music, is it to make money, because i like music, or i see myself as something else. I used to know a lot of famous musitions and felt i belonged as part of the Hollywood scene. Now i just don't know what i think any more. What do you think? i feel there is more opertunity uin music now than ever. i love my studio but i have no idea what i'm trying to do. I'm sure there is a whole generatiopn of lost studio zombies like me out there .All the best.

@Alex.Collins - 04.04.2023 21:03

As a Music Manager myself, I couldn’t agree more! You could be the most talented artist in the world but if you’re not manageable it’s like squeezing water from a stone!

@TheFeelButton - 04.04.2023 20:15

I wonder if I’ve ever been sniffed? Cheers Damo! 🐒

@edenlysterciummins7801 - 04.04.2023 20:03

Great video Damian , Do music managers usually approach artists or is it the other way around

@dedasalmeida9047 - 04.04.2023 20:00

I agree 💯 percent!

Some of these bands and artists don't understand what comes with having a manager or what it takes...

I'm still very very very very very very very small lol... Like obscure, but been working on it and soon after some work I know I'll get there !

@GusJay - 04.04.2023 19:46

That’s cool. Also, is there a video on how to release music under an independent label? ‘Cuz i’d love to learn something about it

@TheoAndHisPedals-Red - 04.04.2023 19:32

Thank you for putting some figures in for how many followers you should be looking at to consider management. My band has had discussions about management but honestly we have a couple of hundred followers on Instagram/Facebook, gig once or twice a month and have very little traction on streaming. I honestly don’t think we would be an attractive proposition to managers at this stage, we’re a small, local band and need to build a real audience first. there are other members of the band who think you can just throw money at a manger and instantly get a record deal, fans and tours. I feel a lot less like I’m standing in their way now.

@joshuamorganmusic3319 - 04.04.2023 19:32

In my last band the various players would always ask about us getting a manager or booking agent or a whoever. I always said ‘we need to be worth it before anyone will work with us’ they never understood what I was trying to say. Now that I’m solo, it’s 10x harder and could use a person on my team but I know that I need to get to the level that someone will WANT to. With some hard work (not luck) I’ll get there, thanks to all this great advice! Thanks Damo🤘

@theofficialdbx - 04.04.2023 19:21

So basically, if your plate isn’t full there’s nothing the manager can feast on

@taotetyrone - 04.04.2023 19:14

I appreciate ALL of this content in helping to shape me to not be a prick with my creativity and I will pay this forward. I wish you and the “Mon-Keyes” continuously blissful success!

Namaste Brethren! 🙏🏾 ❤🫶🏾

@emg5570 - 04.04.2023 19:03

Inside of your eyes is blue if I'm not mistaken 😲
