14,300 IQ ZERO KILL, ZERO SUS angel impostor win...

14,300 IQ ZERO KILL, ZERO SUS angel impostor win...

Disguised Toast

3 года назад

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@fancen - 24.12.2023 04:34

angelic el

@matthewpool6508 - 04.10.2023 22:09

No tasks as crew, no kills as imposter.

@just.in19 - 24.07.2023 16:29

hafu talks even when dead. so annoying.

@amarian1713 - 30.05.2023 20:46

Crew whispering 😂

@princessleai - 27.05.2023 07:25

Toast literally got megacleared that last game

@himmerukey - 23.05.2023 13:23

dumbdog is such a good impostor omg

@HollowSanity - 26.04.2023 06:01

Toast is too good he didnt need to touch the kill button

@nitroux6969 - 25.04.2023 21:13

i like how aipha wanted to be the MC and fked the whole game Lol

@danpotato8334 - 04.12.2022 23:40

What scares me is the fact that Toast can control the vote of an entire lobby by being a literal horse and seal.

@emmamiller8351 - 30.11.2022 18:19

Toast’s soft “oh Hafu you know too much” was definitely his inner villain

@notMagnate - 28.11.2022 06:33


@tylerspear3115 - 25.11.2022 21:32

I agree with dk kimmy and tina r lost completely and be the biggest peanut brains half the time so funny lol

@nerdkour - 22.11.2022 01:51

Hafu metagaming as always

@riddikulus1432 - 13.11.2022 01:18

Thats the point, Jesus(pbuh) was a Human, he was one of great Prophet from Almighty One Creator, jesus himself worshipped that One Almighty Creator, Jesus, Taught same thing to his people, worship one Almighty creator, dont worship idol or human, and dont partner someone with Almighty one Creator, Jesus spread the same Simple message like All other prophets that came before him,

And Jesus, peace be upon isnt dead, he will come back before the end of time, end of earth,
He will say to today's christians " i dont know you, you are not my people "

Because today's christians fabricated jesus message, and spread false in the name of jesus,

And fact* jesus himself was Muslim.

And Muslims call, The Almighty One Creator = Allah, The arabic word.

God, The Almighty Creator is One and Only, He is not a Human, not an animal, not a statue, , Dont do Shrik ( Partnering something or someone with the Almighty One Creator, this is called Shirk) , if you do Shrik you be in Hellfire for Eternity,

Dont be a Kafi/ Disbeliever,

The Almighty One Creator / The One God, sent us guidance through Prophets and messengers, These Prophets told you only to Worship One Creator, and this is the Purpose in life,

Prophets like Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Last and Final Prophet Muhammad , Peace be upon all of them,

I Hope and Pray May the Almighty One Creator guide you to the truth and you come to the Original faith and after death secure your place in Haven as a Mumin / Believer.


@riddikulus1432 - 13.11.2022 01:17

Because these guys prioritised this short and temporary Earth life, instead of Life after Death,

The actual test, actual result, actual prize is on the day of judgement.

These guys whole life pleassed others, humans and before their death they expressed their Despression, their Mistake to please Others instead of Pleasing their Almighty Creator Allah.

We Humans here in this Earth is to worship Allah the Almighty Creator and by earning his mercy we secure our please in the Heaven for Eternity.

But what we do?

We party, music, illegal s*x, and what not,

And when we see our death before our eyes its too late, THERE is no coming back now, the Books have been closed, the Deeds are sealed,

Now wait for the day of Judgement.

This life is a Test, Short test, how you lead this life is what gives you Eternal Pradise or Eternal Hellfire.

You dont worship anyone Except the One and Only ALMIGHTY CREATOR, ALLAH
Who created us and gave us a blessed and free life.

And ever after all of that, what we do?

We say A Human / Prophet named Jesus(PBUH) is God, a Statue is God, A Cow A Monkey is God, a Half Naked Human is God, a Tree is God, Dead Ancestors is God

(Astagfirullah) ( God Forbid)

How dare we do this blasphemy?

Dont we have 1 iq to even realise what we doing with Almighty Creator's right?

He created us, gave us everything and yet we giving his own rights, his worshipping to some creations? To some animals?
To some humans or dead humans?

When will it stop blasphemy?

We dont have 10 mins of our time for seeking knowledge?

Or to know about Truth?
Or to how to lead this life? What is the divine commandments that our Creator sent us?

Or to Read The Quraan in our Whole life?

Or to Know about the Islam?

May Allah the Almighty Creator give us guidance, Amin.,,,

@riddikulus1432 - 13.11.2022 01:17

"All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a White has no superiority over a Black nor a Black has any superiority over a White except by piety and good action.  "

-Prophet Muhammad (PBUH),,

@najrenchelf2751 - 10.08.2022 13:56

Tina clutched an imposter win? LET’S GOOO! 🎉

@sanguine_sujeethpv9132 - 02.08.2022 16:48

DK would make the best Jester

@KRYFORME - 04.07.2022 00:56

Can anyone answer how dumb dog was killing before cooldown was finished ?

@MsNoPixel - 16.06.2022 14:02

DumbDog actually gave himself away at one point in the third meeting (the one where 5ups body was reported) & no one noticed… Ellum said ”I saw dumbdog walk out of lights, lights got called, hafu & I then walked in to fix lights, we walked out then the body got called” mind you the body was right outside lights door, then dumbdog said ”Steve if you got off cameras when you saw me coming it would make sense you didn’t see the kill, that makes sense” it comes off as he implied he did the kill out of the possible 3 suspects (hafu, ellum, dumbdog were at lights, steve was in cams). Just the way that dumbdog worded it makes it come off as he’s to blame for 5ups death, especially because at the time the body dropped hafu/ellum were on lights & steve was just getting back on cams so unless someone magically appeared in 2Sec, killed & dumbdog who was standing right there didn’t see them it’s impossible for it to have been anyone else besides dumbdog especially since the group collectively saw each other & could place each other in the correct spots with dumbdog being the only one in the group with 2secs of unmonitored free time to kill, however I think the fact that ellum was already sus’d for dumbdog’s first kill because no one could remember that he was also in specimen at the time of the murder really worked to his advantage in not instantly being throw out of the ship because it put some doubt it peoples minds on wether it was 100% dumbdog or not since now ellum has been next to a kill as it dropped twice but doesn’t have any solid information.

@MsNoPixel - 16.06.2022 14:00

DK: ”Tina, I think you’re an imposter now… & Kimmy? I think you’re just lost.”

Idky that made me laugh so hard 🤣💀
He was right though, she was indeed “lost”.

@prasannarana9602 - 21.05.2022 06:18


@bavariantrawler - 14.05.2022 23:58

"get fricked ya nerds" lol

@giulia6344 - 02.04.2022 15:17

If Toast ever decides to run for president ya all are screwed

@ein1157 - 28.02.2022 19:45

Angels vs. Sprouts 🤭

@eric1741 - 19.02.2022 05:25

toast i was not the one who lost us the game he literally was the one who lost them the game :D

@ytann - 07.02.2022 12:36

I'm enjoying re-watching these

@hawkrc5716 - 27.01.2022 19:57

He should play with needs gaming lol

@MyselfVlogsPaul - 23.01.2022 09:59

"I need to kill hafu. She asked me a question"
- as she immediately hits button to ask more questions

@cloudy_brat7119 - 15.01.2022 07:17

I need to kill hafu she asked me a question. -Disguised Toast

@kuroexmachina - 12.01.2022 02:47

i miss those days

@hiranixa7494 - 04.01.2022 14:53

who's this Steve toast is playing with?

@tylerfindeis9062 - 15.12.2021 00:55

I'm surprised he didn't see Tina waiting at the button

@Rorschachqp - 09.12.2021 03:53

Toast: “uh oh”

@mayumigarcia9445 - 01.12.2021 16:39

i really thought it was plushys there, lmfao 💀💀

@gurge4420 - 13.11.2021 23:33

Game: Impostors were Toast and Dumbdog
Toast: I got 0 kills

"Who killed in specimen?"

@Daitexe - 10.11.2021 13:19

Peter eating popcorn during the animation was the icing on the cake

@littlered8060 - 26.10.2021 23:26

Toast: I didn't do any kills
Hafu: who killed in specimen
I think it was Tina

@parthraut2218 - 19.10.2021 09:14

Why was there dhol sound lol...

@zedricknacion9588 - 22.09.2021 20:56

7months late for some reason..aight

@HeyLeebie - 28.07.2021 20:39

I like how dumb dog and toast made plushys and Tina feel so good just to take it all away 😂😂😂😂

@elliesart_ - 23.07.2021 05:37

The animation at the start is absolutely amazing, kudos to the animator

@BUNGAIN237 - 11.07.2021 18:37

Wait how no one remember dumbdog was in the speciment with them

@srinivassidharthasarmareva8371 - 22.06.2021 16:48

The animation is just pure gold. 😂

@uketojakha270 - 16.06.2021 03:25

Who won’t trust Tina when she is so innocent and cute person as well as her voice 🔥♥️

@brandonrodriguez4761 - 31.05.2021 04:06

Plushy's: admits to being imposter
Aipha and peter: vote out toast for voting plushys.

How stupid can you get?

@soniateneyck884 - 26.05.2021 21:56

The ordinary blue frequently frame because increase biochemically owe up a two second. plucky, colorful bonsai
